Game of Thrones & GOT Spinoffs

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Max Mosley, May 26, 2011.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Considering he wasn't done writing the series in book form when they decided to green light the HBO series, once he realized he wouldn't be able to get the last two books out before the show caught up to the book material he & HBO should have cut a new deal for him to actually have an active hand in overseeing the writing of all the scripts to properly end the story based on whatever plot points he already had worked out for how the story would end in the book series. Basically should have done the last two books exclusively for & by way of the HBO series. Win-Win on everyone's part.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    They should have but didn't, so there's not a lot of "win" going on. At least not for me where the series is concerned. Such a disappointment.
  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Same. As much as I'm a fan of the main ASoI&F series & the Hedge Knight/Dunk & Egg shorts/novellas, I'm not interested in any live action prequels or Dunk & Egg series if Martin can't deliver the end of the main book series they revolve around.
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  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  5. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    I mean I wouldnt care but now that the Sea Snake is Black, well shit I watch a show with a Black dude going Sinbad raiding across the world and banging chicks lol.
  6. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Tamstrong, the last few seasons of the HBO adaptation were sloppy and flawed honestly . . . not just the last one (Starbucks cups & Fiji water bottles lol). Please for the love of Heaven above George just finish "The Winds of Winter" this Spring and send it to the editors of Bantam Books by June 1!!! WHATEVER you have completed by that late date . . . just send it over and let BB take it from there . . . don't let us all suffer anymore . . . Lord Walder!! LET IT END!!!!!!
  7. Skaddix

    Skaddix Well-Known Member

    Yeah i think fans would even forgive GRRM for not finishing a Dream of Spring if he at least got Winds of Winter out. Feels like we are going to get a Wheel of Time where Brandon Sanderson had to pinch hit though the author there wasn't slow rolling and died for Cancer. The problem is I am not sure who is even in control of the GRRM estate since he doesn't have kids and I think is divorced lol. HBO Max, Warner Bros and AT&T need to treat GRRM like he is Lebron give him the works in terms of medicine, training, nutrition, etc if they want him to last.
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  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Anything less than the completely finished series isn't good enough for me. I enjoyed the show for the most part, but at this point it's immaterial to me how good a job they did or didn't do on the show. Fuck the show—I want to be able to READ the final two books of the series. And if he doesn't finish writing the series, fuck him too.
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  9. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I am just re-reading "Fire & Blood Vol. 1" right now having purchased it months ago on Amazon. It truly is a MAGNIFICENT literary work; I cannot recommend it enough to fans of the HBO adaptation and aSoI&F books as well. GRRM really did wonderful work in expanding upon "The Rogue Prince" novella from years ago. It will surely keep you entertained as we all await "The House of the Dragon" which begins shooting this very week in the UK.




    When we look at these pictures of the Darkstar ~ Ser Gerold Dayne . . . particularly the first one . . . does anyone else wonder if his streak of Black hair washes out ala the Blue hair of Young Griff (the false identity of Prince Aegon VI)? Princess Arianne concludes in "A Feast for Crows" that her children with Ser Gerold Dayne "would be a beautiful as the dragonlords".

    With over 17 swaps, replacements, frauds, substitutes, decoys and false identities throughout the aSoI&F series of books . . . from Queen Cersei's bastard Baratheons with Jamie Lannister . . . to Princess (Dreamfyre) Rhaena's twin toddlers of Princess Aerea & Princess Rhaella in "Fire & Blood Vol.1" . . . why wouldn't GRRM hide even more characters yet to be revealed in "The Winds of Winter" as frauds, decoys and false identities?

    Since Princess Myrcella Baratheon [​IMG]

    was a false Baratheon princess and yet afforded a royal decoy in her cousin Rosamund Pyke for her security detail in Dorne . . . why wouldn't Queen Rhaella Targaryen secure a royal decoy for her last living son, Prince Viserys III, from among the numerous children on Dragonstone (the dragon seeds) who have Valyrian features before she crowned him King of Westeros, Lord of the Andals and the First Men, and Protector of the Realm?


    Chris Rock says "I know a Targaryen royal when I see one! You can't sneak a Targaryen prince past me!! That's not a Westerosi knight from a cadet branch of House Dayne with not an ounce of verifiable lineage, ancestry nor definitive birthdate . . . that is King Viserys Targaryen III"

    EDIT: Furthermore, in the aSoI&F book "Fire & Blood", the source material for "House of the Dragon", Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (the Queen who Never was) only has one son with Corlys Velaryon (the Sea Snake) ~ Prince Laenor Velaryon. Prince Laenor shares three very descriptive facial features: 1. Aqualine nose 2. Deep purple eyes 3. Silvery white hair (page 374 of ("Fire & Blood").

    These are the VERY same exact facial features that Princess Arianne Martell describes the Darkstar as having which make him in her experienced evaluation the most handsome man in the land.

    So if that Black streak of hair the Darkstar has does indeed wash out like hair dye . . . he would look like a Targaryen prince!! Plus, I submit that it is no coincidence that the Darkstar has no known or verifiable parents, siblings, or bloodline even to give him standing. As a descendant of House Dayne he could rightfully claim "Dawn" as a knight of High Hermitage.

    High Hermitage is a cadet branch of House Dayne where Ser Gerold resides. If he had verified lineage to the family of the legendary Ser Arthur Dayne & the glorious Lady Ashara Dayne . . . then he would have standing to claim the most famous sword in the Realm.

    The Darkstar does NOT have standing required to rightfully claim "Dawn" . . . King Viserys III however does have such standing via Dyanna Dayne his great-great grandmother who gave birth to Master Aemon Targaryen of the Night's Watch and his siblings like King Aegon Targaryen V & Aerion Brightflame a possible great grandfather of Lord Varys. With a legitimate claim to "Dawn" the newly revealed King Viserys III could rally more knights to his cause and validate Prince Doran's assessment as "the most dangerous man in Dorne". He could overthrow Prince Doran at Sunspear then set his sights on the Iron Throne eventually!!
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2021
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  11. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  12. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    House of the Dragons started filming this week and we are getting some BTS shots.
    First look at Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
    and The Rogue Prince himself Daemon Targaryen
    From the looks of it given the location they were filming scenes set at The Driftmark

    Not sure who this is but speculation is that it is Alicent's sons Aegon(older one) and Aemond or Daeron(younger one) them being in green is kinda a give away as to which side they are on

    We also got a glimpse of some of the member of House Velaryon
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  13. SilverSmith

    SilverSmith Well-Known Member

    HBO Releases First Official Images from "House of the Dragon"



    HBO has released the first official images from the upcoming drama series, HOUSE OF THE DRAGON. Based on George R.R. Martin's "Fire & Blood," the series, which is set 300 years before the events of "Game of Thrones," tells the story of House Targaryen. HOUSE OF THE DRAGON recently began production and will debut on HBO and be available to stream on HBO Max in 2022.

    The featured cast includes the following:

    Emma D'Arcy as "Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen": The king's first-born child, she is of pure Valyrian blood, and she is a dragon rider. Many would say that Rhaenyra was born with everything... but she was not born a man.

    Matt Smith as "Prince Daemon Targaryen": The younger brother to King Viserys and heir to the throne. A peerless warrior and a dragon rider, Daemon possesses the true blood of the dragon. But it is said that whenever a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air...

    Steve Toussaint as "Lord Corlys Velaryon" ("The Sea Snake"): Lord of House Velaryon, a Valyrian bloodline as old as House Targaryen. As "The Sea Snake," the most famed nautical adventurer in the history of Westeros, Lord Corlys built his house into a powerful seat that is even richer than the Lannisters and that claims the largest navy in the world.

    Olivia Cooke as "Alicent Hightower": The daughter of Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, and the most comely woman in the Seven Kingdoms. She was raised in the Red Keep, close to the king and his innermost circle; she possesses both a courtly grace and a keen political acumen.

    Rhys Ifans as "Otto Hightower": The Hand of the King, Ser Otto loyally and faithfully serves both his king and his realm. As the Hand sees it, the greatest threat to the realm is the king's brother, Daemon, and his position as heir to the throne.

    [via press release from HBO]
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  14. Tony Soprano

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