My Brother's Fiancee

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mrmike757, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Nothing to add but I love seeing everyone be so helpful and more importantly normalizing good mental health conversations. It's so important guys. Kudos
  2. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking - don't let this crap control your relationship with your brother (and definitely not with your entire family - things like ending or not attending holiday get-togethers to avoid her!), go to the holidays, and don't let her run over everyone. It's important to send a clear message that this behavior is not acceptable. I don't think anyone can change her, but they certainly can set and hold boundaries on what's going to be acceptable in their homes. People acquiescing feeds the dysfunction.

    I really hope that you all are reaching out to his kids. It's important that they are still able to have their relationships with all their family even if their dad is being an idiot.
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    It wouldn't surprise me. According to her though, an abusive ex-boyfriend/husband (whatever he was) decided to join a white supremacist group while he was in jail, and after he got out he supposedly forced her to get the tattoo. [​IMG]

    Agreed. If it's not some get together at her house or something she's hosting, don't let her dictate what everyone else does or let her ruin your visits. You can still set boundaries and spend time with your family without letting her get away with overstepping. She might think she's running shit, but she needs to know she's not. If she doesn't like it, let the door hit her where the good Lord split her. It's not worth feeding into that crap.

    We still see the girls on occasion, but due to all the drama we haven't been able to interact with them as much as we'd like. They are older now, so it's easier to reach out to them these days. The oldest girl had her first child not long ago; my brother's first grandchild, yet he hasn't even tried to see him or even called his daughter to congratulate her on the baby. It makes me want to whoop his ass.
  4. K

    K Well-Known Member

    soooo sad!! he's going to have major regrets
  5. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    So another thing that bothers me about her is her blatant disrespect against my family. I live far away but my mom tells me she gets on my sister's children for acting "too white". This annoys me because 1) They're kids 2) How are kids supposed to act? What deems as being too white?

    My brother never intervenes. We had a disagreement at one point because she yelled at me while asking for some gum and naturally I yelled back. She then goes and tells everyone I disrespected her tho I only returned her energy as she was rude to everyone that day. I can see the possibility of a fight between my brother or another member of her family if she continues to spin false narratives like this. People like this can cause situations by telling lies or half truths. Again my bro watches from the sidelines.
  6. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    I agree. Everyone in my immediate family seems to be afraid of her, including my brother. I only see this ending with us getting into a big fight. But I'm fed up with her disrespectful behavior. I do see her making my brother fight or another family member but those are the consequences that come with protecting family.
  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Anytime someone is choosing to spend the rest of their life with an individual, a serious and well thought out vetting process must occur. Almost in the same fashion that a presidential candidate would choose for his V.P.

    Whether it's a credit check or just a simple background check. You have to do your homework on someone to find out if their absolutely worth it and can you possibly trust this person with your life if need be.

    Most of the time people just accept the first person that smiled at them and figure this is the best that it's ever going to get and settle down without truly getting to know one another while ignoring blatant red flags.

    It's unfortunate that your brother is caught up in such an untenable situation. Hopefully he has a moment of clarity and realizes who she really is then cuts her loose.
  8. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    That’s really unfortunate that she views this as a solo venture. Ideally both parents would have equal access and influence on a child.
  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    No doubt about that.

    Bitter, unhappy, and insecure people are like that. When they hate on people, it's a reflection of how they feel about themselves, even if it's only on a subconscious level. She evidently doesn't comprehend that she's disrespceting herself when she's disrespecting someone else. Her pettiness toward the kids is probably due to being jealous she doesn't have any kids herself. She's obviously been through some crap in life that's made her bitter and angry, but being mad at the world and taking it out on everyone is never okay. She's responsible for her behavior no matter how she feels, so there's no excuse for it. It sounds like her critical comments about the kids are what she thinks would be the most hurtful (she's probably also thinking her kids would be different/better if she had her own). It's the typical tearing others down to build herself up routine.

    I wonder if some part of your brother's reasoning for not speaking up and taking so much crap from her is due to some kind of sympathy/empathy he has for her. It seems like it's more common for women to do, but there are folks who stay with people like that thinking they can help them. Thinking if they can love them enough or do whatever they can to make them happy (more of that codependent crap), it will help them heal from the pain and damage life has dealt them. They (and the person in need of healing) don't get that it doesn't work. He can try all he wants to to make her happy by blowing smoke up her ass or not standing up for himself & the family when she's on the attack, but he's not doing her or anyone else any favors. Just like her behavior is her responsibility, so is her happiness. No one owes her anything; it's on her 100%.

    I'm not surprised she twisted the narrative the way she did; it's a common tactic for folks like that. The best response to that mess is not to let her bait you into losing your cool. She's after that reaction, so she can use it to her advantage to play the victim (and to put more distance between you and your brother). You can still be firm and take no shit without resorting to responding to her the way she comes at you. Even when she's pissing you off and annoying the shit out of you, don't give her the satisfaction of seeing her bs getting under your skin. Her narcissistic tendencies are a strong indication that everything she does is calculated, so try not to take the bait. That doesn't mean you should never speak up and put her in her place when need be, but it helps to keep in mind that a lot of what she does/says is just to get some kind of reaction.

    People are always afraid to set a bully off, so they tiptoe around them. She's obviously going to be an asshole regardless, so that tiptoeing crap is a waste of time. The more she gets away with, the worse she's going to be. I hope your family finds the strength to stand up and put a stop to that mess. It needs to be made clear that her disrespect isn't going to be tolerated. Like I told my SIL once upon a time, if she couldn't behave herself, then her ass wasn't welcome at my house. I'm sure everyone is doing it for your brother's sake more than anything, but it's not sending him a healthy or honest message either. If he decides to choose her over his family, nothing anyone else says or does will make any difference. Hopefully he'll wake up and figure it out, but he has to do that for himself.
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome new avatar, Ore. [​IMG]
  11. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Awwww, thanks! upload_2020-10-23_8-18-51.png

    Attached Files:

  12. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    This is solid advice thanks. Yes my initial reaction is to tear into her ass when she gets disrespectful. But you're right, she probably plans this in attempt for me to react. Love my bro but I can't see him unless she comes along. He's naive as he always pushes her on me but I think he wants my approval as if its needed for them to be together.
  13. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    That need for approval from you may be a sign that deep down he is uncertain of his choice as well. Having experienced a very bad, manipulative narcissist for over a decade, I can only say don't give in to the provocation.
  14. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Do you think your brother may be open to you suggesting that you and he (alone) hang out for a bit? I'd bet the fiancee would totally stew over that scenario as she definitely seems to be controlling/manipulative, and totally wouldn't want your brother in any situation where she's not there to steer/control him.
  15. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    So a few years back he flew in when I came home. He brought his lady as well. Me and him drove to my dad 2 hours away along with my nephew and nieces. She calls him to say she's going to a friends house who lives nearby. Whenever we go home she leaves and sees her friends. She doesn't like us or my brothers friends yet he is always expected to be around her friends and family.

    Thats not my business but its something I recognized. Really don't care if she likes me at all but i have to get her to understand she must respect my family. If my brother is happy I want what's best for him but I think she isnt the way there lol.
  16. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Yea thats something I learned over time. His last legit girlfriend he would put me on the phone with her. Didn't think she was good either but I didn't really care to be involved with anyone he dated. To me that was more of a private manner and although I'm his brother, I felt like it was his love life. I don't even bring women that I date around my family lol.
  17. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    I’m the same way.
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2020
  18. 1TBD

    1TBD New Member

    i hope he isn't planning on her being faithful.

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