My Brother's Fiancee

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Mrmike757, Oct 15, 2020.

  1. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    I'm usually not one for posting too much personal info online cuz of privacy and who cares right? Lol. Anyway here it goes..

    So my younger brother is currently engaged to a woman 3 years older than him. He is now 34 years old. They first met back home in VA but now they live in Houston. When I first met this young lady I thought he found his match as she was sweet and they seem like a great couple.

    That was until they both came out to visit me in San Diego. Boy was I surprised! It was like a total 180 in character. She was loud, very disrespectful I had to keep myself from checking her tho I ended up doing that by the end of the week. She even disrespected my cousin who also lives here because she was a light skinned black woman. She is very negative and does not like white people because of negative experiences she had growing up with them.

    She has been very rude to me and my family im general. I really do not like being around this person problem is this will be my brother's wife soon. She has also managed to completely take over his brain as he just sits there while she yells and often berates him. I cannot believe this is who my lil bro wants to marry.

    Ive tried to ask around when we talk about her but he becomes very defensive and assures this is the right choice. My mother and I often talk as she has also seen this and recognizes it as problematic. I know that he is his own man, I'm just not sure how this will affect our relationship as brothers. We are kind of close and I think she has totally manipulated his brain lol.

    I know this is just my side but I do think she has some psychological issues. I do like the idea that my brother matured once she got into his life. Before her, he was a big weed head with no ambition. Since being with her, he has moved to another state and managed to keep a job.

    However, he thinks by doing everything she wants it will keep her happy and it's for the best. I don't wanna prowl too much into his life but when I get around them it annoys me. As men I feel that we need our own space and constantly want to grow. This will be my sister in law soon and from what my mother tells me her side of the family is crazy lol.

    They plan to leave Texas and move to Georgia where her family lives. My brother tho he just got situated with this job, plans to quit and start over in Atlanta. I worry for him tho he's his own man. Sorry bout the long read just need to vent as this was something thats been on my mind for a lil lol.
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I feel your pain. It sounds a lot like the situation with my little brother and his crazy wife.

    What sucks most about it is there's nothing anyone can do about it, even if/when it affects the relationship with him. All you can really do is love and support him as much as you can, even if it has to be from a distance. If you're a praying man, that can help, too.

    It's hard watching someone we love choose something that only seems to hurt them. There's nothing positive or healthy about a codependent relationship, but the only one who can rescue someone in that situation is the person in it. And, maybe on some level, there is something he gets from her that makes him feel like all of the other crap is worth it, or makes him choose to ignore it. The denial can be strong, especially when love is involved, which can make it hard for someone to let go of something that isn't good for them. Even when it's messed up, what it is may work for them somehow.

    Your future SIL sounds like an angry, unhappy, insecure, controlling, abusive mess, and it seems your brother is willing to tolerate it. Trying to bring up to your brother again how you feel about the situation or trying to discuss his situation probably won't help. He'll defend her no matter what, and there's no convincing him otherwise. At least he has an idea of where your thoughts are on the situation since you tried to ask about it, so at least you were able to put it out there for him. Hopefully a time will come when he wants to talk about it or needs your support or help, and he'll know you're there for him.

    My SIL has full control of my brother now, and it's downright sad (and kinda scary). In the beginning she seemed to be good for him, but it wasn't long before her true self showed up. She's extremely jealous of my brother's ex-wife and his three daughters (and everyone else), and over time has done everything she could to undermine his relationship with his kids. She'd do her damndest to make their visits miserable (if she even allowed them to happen), and she gave him hell over anything he tried to do with or for his girls. She got so upset with him once over a Skype video chat he was having with them, she hit him in the head with a hammer—right in front of them! Of course, the kids and the rest of us were upset about it, yet my brother got pissed at us for being mad at her for hitting him—craziness! She eventually convinced him to sign away his rights to his kids, so their step-dad (at the time) could be their legal guardian, and he tells himself that he thought it would be best for the kids. I don't think he's willing to admit he did it to get his wife off his ass about them. He didn't completely cut off contact with them, but it's still fucked up in my opinion.

    There also came a time when she decided my brother having his own facebook account was out of the question. Now they share one. She posts all the time about "their" kids, yet the only kids posted on there are hers. It's like his kids don't even exist. It's bizarre to me. They also do everything together—he can't go anywhere without her, and what she says goes. She also screens and listens in to all of his calls. I sent him a birthday text a couple of years ago, and she called back to make sure it was really me like the phone said it was. That hag is crazy.

    As annoying as it can be, it's important to be as civil as possible (there can be exceptions of course, lol), and I've found the best way to do that is limit contact. Whether it's holidays or whatever kind of visit or interaction, I try to keep it short and rare. lol Things have gotten worse the last couple of years, because they decided they're religious now and have gone off the deep end. Shoving it down everyone's throats and telling everyone they're going to hell—makes it a lot easier to avoid them. lol

    I think on some level my brother is still in there somewhere, but I don't know if he'll ever be himself again. I miss him.

    I don't know if my rambling helps anything, but I at least hope it helps to know that you're not alone in what you're feeling. I worry about my brother (and his kids) all the time, but all I can do is love and pray for him and hope for the best. I hope the same for your brother and you/your family.
  3. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Wow! I don't have to say anything as Tam covered it all. I'm glad you checked her. I guess we all know that there's nothing anyone can do until your brother (and Tam's brother) decide that enough is enough and buck back.

    I think people like your future SIL definitely test the waters with anyone they meet until they find a good mark. I remember one girl I dated when I got back out there after separating from my ex-wife. One day I came by her house on a Sunday evening (I usually spent Sunday afternoons with my buddies watching the football games), and she had the gall to say that my football Sundays would have to change because that's not working for her. I didn't even argue, but I did let out a laugh and calmly explained that her version would not happen, and that no one tells me what to do. For the record had she asked me to spend a Sunday with her on occasion... I would've been willing to do so.
  4. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I have no idea what your relationship is with your brother, but if it was someone close to me I would talk with him. I'd let him know that I'm going to back him no matter what he chooses to do. I'm also going to voice my concerns. I say all that, however, I have that type of agreement with people who are close to me. I would want them to do the same with me, and they have. People usually have to play things out in their own ways and there is nothing wrong with that. Sometimes there are consequences to their choices.

    The chick sounds like a typical narcissist.
  5. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Wow. Thanks for sharing. Yea me and my brother are close so it will be difficult adjusting to this.
  6. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    There is nothing to do except for be supportive. He's an adult so there's no need for a "talking to". He's choosing his path and partner.

    My brother is married to a cheating hoe and has chosen to stay with her so that he won't be taken away from his kids. She cheated on him with somebody that he works with. As an adult that's his choice and we just support him for whatever direction that he wants to go. He knows that we know and knows that he can talk to us.

    But as for us saying leave her our advice is not needed because it's his life.

    It's hard because you want the best for them because you love them. But in the end it's their choice.
  7. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Good advice. As a divorcee with a child, I can tell you how heavy the access to your child issue can weigh on someone. You can easily get over the relationship, but constant access to your child can drive you like nothing else on this earth. Just being supportive and helping him make the most of his time with his kids is what's important.

    Man, that's a tough situation. Similar to what I said above, I think that being there for them is the most important. If he asks your opinion, tell him in a non-confrontational manner, and if it goes sour, have his back and give him an ear whenever needed. Hopefully he won't make any life-altering mistakes and perhaps he won't even go through with it, but if you push too hard, you can activate the oppositional contrarian little brother aspect of your relationship and give him a justification for doubling down. Best of luck to you.
  8. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Nothing more to add. I've seen a few brothers in my circle growing up go down the same path, getting shackled to some shrew, alienating their friends and family. Their problem, not mine. Stay strong @Mrmike757.
  9. K

    K Well-Known Member

    I just have to say that it blows me away that a female (I won't call them women) would sabotage a father's relationship with their child(ren) and claim to love that man. But even more mind-blowing is the idiots (I won't call them men) who would sacrifice their child(ren) for some chick.

    soooo sooo awful
  10. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Are you close with your brother? How do adjust when visiting them is it awkward?
  11. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely mind blowing. When a new woman comes around it tends to captivate some men's reasoning. You can love and honor both sides of your family. It really takes a real man to do that, also a loving, understanding and nurturing woman. I'm sure you know this already lol. Its becoming a rarity nowadays. Ive noticed it with my own pops and now my lil bro.
  12. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Thanks. Tho it hurts to see him go through this, I'm learning that we all go our own paths in life....even family. Because we're raised in the same household doesn't mean what we value will be similar. We'll have different goals as well as insecurities.
  13. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Currently they're pushing for a baby. She's e years older and closer to 40 so it'll be difficult. She's already said some controversial things to how she wants the child to be raised. If they somehow managed to get pregnant I really hope my brother will have some say in how the child is raised. So far it looks as if she will make all of the decisions.
  14. Mrmike757

    Mrmike757 Well-Known Member

    Yes she definitely tests the waters lol. The 2nd time I met her she insulted me because I wore cologne. It surprised me because me and my cousin were being kind to her. That same night she managed to insult my cousin who is a light skinned black female, and a stranger who approached us in a restaurant making a friendly convo. She makes a point to be rude as she can whenever I see her. Lately I try not to visit home when she and my bro come home. Its weird cuz my brother really wanted me to go home for Thanksgiving and I'll probably go a few weeks after they leave lol. I know me and they'll be an argument if shes around lol.
  15. JordanC

    JordanC Well-Known Member

    Yes he and I are close. He is the youngest, me in the middle and then older sister. My sister and I do stick up for him just like when we were kids. Only one time was there any "situation". The hoe got drunk at Christmas dinner and started ranting and hurt my mom's feelings. I spoke up and told the hoe she should just leave and let me bring my brother and the kids home later. So she left.
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, it's definitely not an easy adjustment. *hugs*

    It may sound mean, but hopefully they don't get pregnant. Even though it's a fairly common situation, bringing a child into such a messed up dynamic is scary. No doubt she will be making all the decisions regarding a child since she's doing that already without one.

    My brother & SIL have 8 kids between them, but she desperately wants them to have a baby of their own. They saved up money hoping to reverse a tubal she had after her youngest was born, but that didn't work out either. Unfortunately her youngest daughter became a teen mother, and my SIL has basically taken the baby from her and made her daughter look bad enough to lose custody. According to my SIL it was all "God's will" so they could have their own baby. smh Neither of them are fit for parenthood IMO.

    People like that are always going to push boundaries. They're mad at the world, and they're not shy about showing their asses. People like that somehow see rudeness as a show of strength—it's some kind of warped defensiveness where they're gonna get others before they get them. It's also a territorial way to run folks off since she wants your brother all to herself. She wants his world to revolve around her, so she's going to do her best to make people keep their distance.

    I understand avoiding her most of the time, but don't give in too much since that's what she wants. Since your brother really wants to see you at Thanksgiving, I'd seriously consider it, even if it's just for the last minute bit before they leave. You can be civil enough to give her a hello, but other than that act as though she doesn't even exist. Focus on your brother, even if it's just enough time with him to say hello/goodbye/love you and give him a hug. I'd try to get that time with him when the opportunity presents itself. If not, it could backfire on you, especially under her influence. She'd twist that into you not caring enough about him to come see him. She'll use whatever chance she gets to alienate him from his family and friends.

    I've gotten into it several times over the years with my bitchass SIL. Sometimes it needed to happen, but it did help when I quit taking the bait she was throwing out there. The more she brought out that negative response in us, the more my brother has pulled away from the family. Most of the time she plays the "good person" role and goes the passive-aggressive route, but other times she loses her cool and shows her ass. It wasn't that long ago my son checked her for her bullshit, so she decided to punish us all with the silent treatment. lol I ran into her after that at the grocery store (one of those rare moments she was alone), and even though she was trying to pretend she didn't see me, I went out of my way to speak to her just because I knew it would annoy her. lol

    As time goes on, you'll be able to get a better idea of what to expect and how you can work around it. The hardest part will be if he decides to pull away from the family altogether to make her "happy" (not that anything really will). Hopefully he'll find the strength not to completely lose himself.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Agreed. It's insane to me.

    I've always said what my brother needed (way before this bitch was in the picture) was intense therapy. He has been through some awful stuff that he needed to learn how to deal with, and I think it has a lot to do with being drawn to those types of "women". It's also why he had a history with drugs as a means of dealing with his pain and losses.

    It's like broken people are drawn to that codependent kind of "love" that only makes everything worse. I also think on some level my brother thinks he doesn't deserve any better, and in some twisted way he bought into the idea that his kids would be better off without him. The sad thing is he's been the kind of dad he never wanted to be, but he punked out. He caved in to the pressure his insecurities and my SIL put on him, and abandoned his kids—at least that's the way I view it and have no doubt that's how his kids feel too.

    Her level of insecurity is off the charts. The possessive and controlling behavior, the jealousy, the need to keep him under her almost constant watch; it's crazy to me. I didn't like her from the get-go. I thought she was trashy, looking like a used up stripper from a low end club, and the swastika tattoo on her fake boob on display with the skimpy bikini top she was wearing didn't exactly make the best first impression. In some ways she's even worse now that they've decided to be so "religious". I thought his first wife was bad, but this one is a real piece of work.

    There are men who affect women the same way; gender really doesn't have anything to do with it.

    It's a shame that so many people don't understand the concepts of love and honor or being loving, understanding, and nurturing. So many have a warped view of what love really is, so they rarely get to truly experience it. It can be a never-ending cycle with some people. It's sad.

    Well said. Sad, but oh so true.
  18. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Tell him your concerns because you care about him as a brother. If he still wants to go ahead of course he’s free to do so.
  19. K

    K Well-Known Member

    The good part of it all is that you'll be smart enough to not do the same.
  20. Madeleine

    Madeleine Well-Known Member

    Swastika tattoo? :confused::eek:o_O
    So she’s a Neo-Nazi???

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