Well damn! Just when you thought this year couldn't get weirder. What is this going to mean for the election I wonder?
Nothing. It has 97% recovery rate. He's going to be fine. However those wishing him death won't be. Karma never forgets an address and she's taking names.
This is why l love my President. I don't want to live in a Leftie world of full of beta males. Thank you President Trump, for defending our men, for allowing them to remain men. <3
So what's his karma if he took out ads condemning 5 innocent kids running a fake university stealing millions from people keeping kids in cages at the border and calling the very virus hurting him a hoax you know the virus that killed hundreds of thousands of Americans?
+1000. At this point she's fully deranged. Over 200K Americans dead and a POTUS who tried to cover up the effects of COVID19, and she still keeps trying to spin this crap.