Dumb emotional fuckery. Thank you 2020 North Korea blows up joint liaison office with South in Kaesong https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia...ZrXQ6DQkr3clQHPFRUzGcIBWfpfTB6zN-gVX0bZffRUtc
Black gun owners plan pro-Second Amendment walk in Oklahoma City on day of Trump rally https://www.usatoday.com/story/news...1fAntUrqZR2Pqhktgj4m-6qXUCRHJMtSlBeUHhbqZ1J5g
Yes...All ya'll in the MAGA Cult please take ya'll's asses to that worship service for ya'll's lord & master .... https://www.axios.com/trump-coronavirus-campaign-tulsa-0cba2748-3e9f-4c91-8d99-a8d7e0afa86e.html
Yup, and don't mind that fact that he's requiring them to sign a waiver. Can't make this shit up, but they sure as hell eat his shit like it's the best dessert ever.
Good go ahead and quit cowards Massive Exodus – Police Officers All Over America Are Quitting Their Jobs citing lack of support http://openyoureyespeoplebreakingne...-rHkKi6ooq7VCDkLzvozrM7Mewio2BOGeqxFT9Tx2NnKk
So everyone is paying attention & understands that all these cops that are now quitting or calling in sick on the job are basically admitting that they never cared about protecting & serving the populace, right? They never believed that they were taking on a sacred duty. This shit was nothing but a job with perks & the added benefit of abusing any citizens at will for them. Good Fuckng Riddance.
Thank you sir for not being a cultist for partisanship. Country over party and individual politicians. Why is that so hard for so many others? Bolton says he hopes Trump is 1-term president, warns country imperiled by his reelection https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/bol...C_I8HJlBw83i7aH_4fehD4Fxczfi8vOUAFWEA8c2IqVak