Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Obama demanded justice for Trayvon when he was in office, how'd that work out?

    What about justice for all of the black non-violent offenders who got locked in cages because of the Sentencing Reform Act that Biden wrote in 1986 that created all of the ridiculous mandatory minimums for drugs?

    Meanwhile, his fuck up son is a lifelong basehead who's never been punished for getting caught with drugs.

    ...and this lying motherfucker Biden still refuses to acknowledge that he had anything to do with mass incarceration.
  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    So you not voting for him?

    And didnt your sweet white jesus Bernie support the 1994 crime bill?
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    How about covid 19? A locked economy. D-E-A-D people and wearing a goddamn mask just to grocery shop.

    Were the fuck have you been? Under a rock?
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Answer this.

    What happens when stupid people like you finally get your white jesus dream in the white house and he can't get anything done because conservatives have been in power long enough to fuck the court system? How is he going to implement your policies, magic?

    Don't vote if you don't want to. All you doing is proving that you're dumber than the average trumptard. Most of us already knew that.
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Her lawyer NEVER argued that Maddow was 'fake news'.
    Bro, Maddow is the equivalent of an op-ed writer in a newspaper and not 'technically' a journalist. Rachel is allowed to have OPINIONS< real journalists rarely do in public.

    OAN News is a Far Right news outlet that's even further Right than Fox News. They have a lot more in common IMO with Breitbart.
    OANN posts way too many conspiracy theories with little research and in many cases stories that can't be sourced anywhere else.

    OANN did hire a reporter, Kristian Rouz, who used to work for Putin's Spunik news outlet, which is a source of Russian propaganda and Maddow made the leap that OANN was also a direct source of Russian propaganda.

    From her show last year,
    “In this case, the most obsequiously pro-Trump right-wing news outlet in America really literally is paid Russian propaganda,” Maddow said on “The Rachel Maddow Show.”

    Rachel overreached, but she's probably correct. OANN is more pro-Russia than any American news outlet and Trump has called them his new favorite news network. Go figure.
    Maddow may have argued that she's not a journalist, but she prepares like one and you can fact check everything that comes out of her mouth.

    I'll put it like this, if you hire someone who openly used to be a member of the Klan, you can't be surprised when people assume you're a KKK sympathizer.
  6. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member


    On the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation permitting all abortions until 24 weeks of pregnancy. After that point, the bill asks only that the provider make a “reasonable and good-faith professional judgment” that “there is an absence of fetal viability” or that abortion is “necessary to protect the patient’s life or health.” That last term, health, is left studiously undefined, a significant omission. It also removes abortion from the state’s criminal code. Cuomo described the bill as ensuring “a woman’s right to make her own decisions about her own personal health, including the ability to access an abortion,” and said that, as a result, “women in New York will always have the fundamental right to control their own body.”

    In Virginia, Democratic Delegate Kathy Tran introduced a bill—with the backing of her party and of Democratic Governor Ralph Northam—that would significantly loosen existing restrictions on abortion in the final three months of pregnancy. Currently, third-trimester abortions are permitted only if three doctors certify that a woman’s health otherwise would be “substantially or irremediably” impaired. Under Tran’s bill, only the physician who would perform the abortion must provide that certification, and the “substantially or irremediably” language is dropped, in favor of a provision that allows for an exception if the continuation of the pregnancy is determined to “impair the mental or physical health of the woman”—a provision that may appear commonsensical, but is in fact intentionally vague.

    Health exceptions like these have been used to allow abortions of viable fetuses for reasons other than medical emergencies, relying on the broad definition of maternal health laid out by the Supreme Court in the 1973 Roe companion case Doe v. Bolton: “All factors—physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age—relevant to the wellbeing of the patient.” Virginia’s law offers an exception for “mental or physical health,” and New York’s simply for “health.” These laws leave the decision up to the person performing the abortion.
  7. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Biden was no one's first, second or 3rd choice for the Dem nomination, no one that I know. Somehow he kept winning during the primaries and here we are.

    Biden is probably going to end up being the Democratic version of Dubya, minus the wars. A weekly gaffe machine and a head slapper, but at this point there's really no other choice.

    For progressives to get anything done on Capitol Hill, we need a Dem POTUS and a majority in Congress and the Senate. I don'tknow why some voters didn't learn the lesson of the Obama administration.

    Obama passed the most sweeping healthcare reform since Social Security, but when he lost the Congress, he was permanently kneecapped.

    The POTUS and Congress set legislative priorities for Congress. If you want the possibility of criminal justice reform, you need a Dem POTUS in the WH.
    If you're concerned about how Congress allocates financial resources on the federal level, you need a Dem POTUS.

    The huge social programs you're advocating won't have a chance in hell without at minimum a Joe Biden in office.

    Trump is giving kickbacks, tax cuts and no bid contracts to his high roller donors making sure the government only works for the smallest percentage of Americans.

    Being governed by a POTUS who literally has NO congressional oversight is dangerous for the government and the country.

    If you're cool with the guy who doesn't believe in science, said COVID19 was a hoax and subsequently crashed the economy, which I'm sure affected MILLIONS of Black folk, stay home and don't vote.

    It can only get worse.
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    No one advocates for abortions in the 9th month of pregnancy.

    You should do more research to find out when most abortions occur Kathy Tran's bill never passed anyway, which everyone knew it wouldn't.

    You do know that women sometimes die during childbirth?? If your only choice to save the mother's life was to abort her pregnancy, whose life are you going to choose??
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Heres the thing I agree with you no politician Democrat or otherwise has ever or will ever do anything for black people. We don't get the privilege of true representation in this country we aren't really citizens. It's a fact we have to come to grips with and be honest about. They show us all the time no matter who's in charge they could give a fuck less if we live die or suffer. But here's the thing we have to vote for damage control a Biden vote won't change discrimination or police brutality its hard wired into the DNA of this country and won't change. What we need is someone responsible enough to react intelligently to domestic threats so we can live long enough to gather ourselves and build our own. We need to learn from Asians and Jewish people and become an entire race of professionals building up our own communities but we have to survive long enough to do so. Trump can not govern he will lead us off a cliff at least Biden will sit back and let others do the heavy lifting. Remember there are no heroes no saviors just opportunities to save ourselves
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    #HerBodyHerChoice I don't have a vagina and I'm not married either so I could really care less what another woman does with her own body because it's none of my business.
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    But, you'll still vote for him, because it's sooooo ingrained in your head that the only politician to get the black vote has a "D" after their name.

    Trump, who used to be a democrat, but unfortunately has an "R" after his name now had blacks and latinos unemployment the lowest in decades, before Coronavirus and yet too many of you shit on Trump like he's the fucking anti-Christ.

    Seriously, democrats aren't the be all end all of politicians. Neither are republicans.

    Vote blue no matter who takes away voters critical thinking skills and makes them into zombies.

    Think for yourselves and vote for the person you think is going to do something for you, not for the person who has a certain letter after his or her name.

    Joe Biden is mentally diminished. You all should have demanded better from your crappy political party. Voting on name recognition sucks. Because you know that's the only reason he "won" the nomination. It's bullshit.
  12. DJG87

    DJG87 Well-Known Member

    The political landscape these days are not ideal at all for either party. Im not a fan of Biden & Trump... well I just don’t like the options we have at this point. Isn’t anything we can do to change it. From what I remember minority unemployment was already on the downswing by the time Obama left office so I wouldn’t completely just give Trump that. Regardless tho, I’m comfortable voting for the option that’s not Trump. Got the same misgivings for Biden as I did for Clinton tho..

    It is bullshit. I wanted someone new to step up & that didn’t happen. There were a couple candidates I thought could of did that but it feels like they never really had a chance. Smh
    Last edited: May 27, 2020
  13. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    The political landscape in this country is shit and has been shit for decades. Neither party seems to give a crap about the "little people". And the politicians are so partisan, no matter who is in office, the opposing party members in Congress do everything they can to prevent any good from happening, because you know, it's not "their" guy.

    If it was possible, I wish we could forego the political party affiliations entirely so us voters could vote for the person he/she feels best represents their needs (because there are too many loyal party followers who don't even look at what their party candidate represents).

    This whole "democrats suck" and "republicans suck" is literally destroying our society and keeping people divided in unbelievable ways. And the media plays a large part in stoking the flames of that division and keeping the fire going. I really wish people could just take a step back from the constant 24/7 media coverage and just clear their heads and think about how the media manipulates the average person. It's really crazy to see normally intelligent people that I've known for years fall into the trap of absolute hatred of one person, who holds very little power, because he happened to beat Hillary. It's happened in my own family. My sister and brother-in-law have become so narrow-minded, you can't even mention Trump's name in their presence because their faces twist into such hatred, it's actually really scary to witness. And as her sister, it's very sad. Their reactions, and those like them, aren't rational. Those actions are not those of rational, critically-thinking adults. Those are the actions of those who have been completely brainwashed by "The View".

    And yes, the economy takes years to turn around, and Trump shouldn't get all the credit for the economy.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Under Trump the Civil Rights division of the DOJ was gutted, so no, I don't think Trump will ever really represent my interests.
    This is the type of thing that would never happen under a Dem POTUS.

    Trump tried to cut food stamp benefits until he found out most the recipients were poor, White and potential Trump supporters.
    For me, it's less about Biden being a mediocre candidate than needing a Dem president AND a Dem Congress to get anything done.

    Trump wants to cut education funding and federal scientific research. He wants to leave the UN and NATO and position himself closer to Putin and the Kremlin.
    Trump wants to eliminate the ACA without having something better to replace it.
    Trump is against green energy and still believes we have a future in fossil fuels.
    Where are the overseas manufacturing jobs Trump promised to bring back??

    Trump wants to defund the WHO in the middle of the COVID19 pandemic not because they're corrupt or ineffective, but because he wants someone to blame for the outbreak.

    There are too many policy differences between Dems and Republicans for me to vote for a GOP candidate, or not vote at all.
    Last edited: May 28, 2020
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The political landscape in this country is shit because of people like Mitch McConnell. Acknowledge he's the main reason nothing that benefits most Americans ever gets passed in the Senate.

    Trump is the most powerful U.S. president we've had in several generations because he's eliminating oversight in the federal government and appointing his cronies without Congressional confirmation instead of actual political professionals at some of the most important positions in the federal government.

    There are real reasons people are opposed to Trump. It's not just because he enjoys calling people names like an 8 year old.
  16. DJG87

    DJG87 Well-Known Member

    Couldn’t agree more. The political affiliations just help create the big divide that makes the rich get richer & the poor remain stagnant. Unfortunately it’s so engrained in our culture that it’s never gonna change.
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I could vote R

    See the difference between Romney and 45?

    That's why it's not going to happen. The people they have in place like McConnell are just plain trash. It's not so much about policy anymore, it's a cult. I'm a pro second amendment moderate that never votes R on the national level because of the candidates. Ron DeSantis will have my support for reelection in FL tho.
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Random question for you. Have you ever wondered why Kennedy got shot? What do you think happened?
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    The mafia, Castro, the Russians, CIA or some random racist Texan. I'm open to all theories on JFK's assassination, but IMO the lone shooter Oswald version seems kind of unlikely.

    When you find out that Oswald had been to Moscow, the JFK assassination doesn't sound random.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

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