BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Snowpiercer's first two episodes started off strong. The 2nd episode was intense asf!

    (Daveed Diggs)Andre & Zarah(Sheila Vand)
    Snapshot 12 (5-26-2020 9-46 PM).png
    Even though they have been separated for five years on the train by choice (He at the tail by choice, her in the nightcar by choice) they are still in love with each other despite it being revealed that Zarah chose to leave the tail. He was called up by "Mr. Wolford" to investigate a murder because she told them he used to be a detective. And it turned out the guy she was seeing in the nightcar was murdered.

    In the 2nd episode they reconcile in a room in the back of a nightbar where they go to meditate. They did more than just meditate. Snapshot 4 (5-26-2020 9-17 PM).png

    During meditation they relived memories of when he proposed and what not.

    Snapshot 1 (5-26-2020 9-15 PM).png

    Andre & Josie(Katie McGuiness)
    Snapshot 9 (5-26-2020 9-37 PM).png Snapshot 10 (5-26-2020 9-37 PM).png
    Even though Andre revealed to Zarah that he and Josie didn't "bunk" together. Right after that revelation the scene cut to a intimate moment of her admiring his badge and taking out a necklace that probably holds some sentimental value.
    Snapshot 13 (5-26-2020 9-48 PM).png Snapshot 14 (5-26-2020 9-49 PM).png

    He and Josie are also adoptive parents to a Miles at the tail.
    Snapshot 11 (5-26-2020 9-38 PM).png

    So don't know how those relationships will continue to play out from there. The show is pretty good and got picked up for a 2nd season.
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  2. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I saw the pilot and was only half paying attention because I was cooking or rather in bar-b-que preparation but I thought it was decent enough to watch the next episode or two. Will get to it before work tomorrow probably. Has everyone here seen the Chris Evans movie??

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    War of Worlds Tv Series 2020:

    Daisy Edgar Jones...Bayo Gbadamosi romance...

    out of the blue she just asks him for sex...
    funny what they write in scripts...

    daisyedgarjones.jpg bayo gbadamosi.jpg
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  4. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    I tried watching that series months ago with the EPIX free trial but after two episodes I just felt the show was severely lacking in star power and the script was rather week . . . too week to overcome the lack of marketable leads. Might give it another look now though :)
  5. Target 02

    Target 02 Active Member

    Any IR in The Good Fight? Saw an ad for it pop up and Delroy is in it. Lot of white women, but I'm not super familiar with it. Also stars Christine Baranski.
  6. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Not really, there have been a few BW/WM trists, the only BM/WW I can think of was a brief introduction to the parents of the biracial lead actress.

    Edit: There was a mild hint of something between Christine Baranski and Delroy Lindo's characters early on, but the show decided to go down a different path. Currently, both characters are with partners of their own race.
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  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member


    This was a good episode. Intense. I liked it.

    They did EXCELLENT casting of Reese Witherspoon's daughter because Jade PettyJohn looks like a young Reese Witherspoon.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Pretty much. It's ABC no romantic scenes with bm unless it's with a more powerful bw duh
  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    @The Dark King ABC?
  10. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Didn't know where to put this but Kelvin Harrison will be reuniting with Alexa Deime in a way as he has been cast in Euphoria season 2. According to him he’s “never seen a character like this, period,” and added, “I can almost argue that it has not been done. It’s interesting, it is definitely a character of the time, and that’s all I got. He’s interesting."

    Hopefully they treat his character better than they did McKay last season. And hopefully they redeem the McKay character after the disaster that was the first season.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  12. chamber

    chamber Active Member

    New UK Detectives hunt Serial killer show called 'We Hunt Together'
  13. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Yes she does . . . plus she has some curves on her too. Brian should have hit it from the back to get better positioning lol . . . making Lexi's white, creamy fat cheeks ripple would have enabled Brian to take preventive measures and avoid unwanted adolescent events like teen pregnancy lol. Lexi loves missionary she tells her girlfriends in the subsequent episode . . . my girl left me because I just can't use that position and my step back game :( . . . how I miss her :(
  14. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That show got on my nerves at times. But being able to let everything process it had it's ups & downs but it is okay and made us a Sydney Sweeney fan. lol.

    To be honest it was more so the fans that trashed his character. The only thing I didn't like is how they wrote this black athlete and hot white girl IR. They don't usually go the way this show took them if you ever seen any IG, tweet or tik tok video with white girls and the black athlete boyfriends.

    I don't know if I'll check out the 2nd season or not though. We'll see.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Wow!! That looks really good! And apparently it already aired it's first episode this past Wednesday night. I was watching Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. I need to find where I can catch this so I can check it out.

    Anybody got any recommendations. Do you have to order Alibi?
  16. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm 7 episodes into season 1 of "American Horror Story". Connie Britton's character has been flirting with Morris Chestnut's character the entire season despite the fact she a pregnant married mother. In this episode she's fantasizing about him:





  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I remember that episode. That was a pretty hot scene.
  18. Wallace West

    Wallace West Member

    She is who I think she is? The hot blonde girl from I Carly, Jeanette McCurdy?
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Finally found We Hunt Together and it is a shame this isn't on a bigger platform because this show is captivating.

    The last time I seen a romantic art piece about a psychotic couple was Natural Born Killers with Mickey & Mallory.

    That's who Freddy & Baba kind of remind me of.
    Snapshot 7 (6-1-2020 10-04 AM).png
    This show starts off with a love at first sight kind of scenario where Baba is working at a club where he works near the restrooms and he goes to pick up a coin that a customer who tipped him carelessly drops on the floor. As he was picking up the coin Freddy walks in and their eyes lock.

    But they were interrupted by her male companion Simon. A little later in the episode her and Simon were outside in the back of the club talking and he started to get a little frisky. It became too much for Freddy and she told him to stop but he didn't and then she started pleading and tried fighting him off. Baba comes outside of the nightclub to take the trash out and sees what's going on and intervenes... violently!!

    He was about to kill him until Freddy stopped him. Baba ask her "are you sure" and she said yes so Baba stopped and unwillingly proceeds to go back into the club leaving the guy unconcious on the ground with his face beaten in. Freddy puts the guy in I guess a uber or taxi where he comes to and ask what happened. Freddy told him he was attacked but she didn't tell him it was Baba in fact she said she didn't see his face. After he leaves she goes back to the club to see Baba and asks him to dance with her.

    The next couple of days tells the beginning of the love story of Freddy and Baba including their first date as she prepares to set Simon up so that her and Baba can kill him.

    The detectives on the case are Lola Franks and Jackson Mendy. He was a DI part of the anti-corruption unit that was assigned to the case with Lola. No romantic connection as he is married, but who knows from here and out.
    Snapshot 8 (6-1-2020 10-05 AM).png

    An eerie rendition of 'Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow' serves as the backdrop music to this psychotic Killer pair
    as they proceed to murder Simon.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    into the badlands

    Orla Brady and Sherman Augustus


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