Ex-President Donald Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by blackbull1970, Apr 30, 2017.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We were talking about whether or not Trump was 'smart' enough to be a dictator and somehow you brought the mafia into it.

    My point is still the same, it doesn't take great intelligence to be a dictator because they're allowed to utilize a tool all democracies cannot, the ability to murder their rivals and citizens in general.

    You forget that most dictators govern through fear, not intellect. I guarantee you more mobsters fear Gambino than respected him, and at the core of that fear was potential retaliation against them.

    Trump knows how to use the weight of the federal government to make himself richer. He knows how to threaten other countries to get political dirt on his rivals.
    He especially knows how to solicit help from a rival nation to help him win an election.

    As of right now, Trump has made himself the most powerful POTUS we've ever had.

    I think he could handle being a dictator.
  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You couldn't answer the question. What dictator doesn't kill?

    As a dictator 45 would have to kill people right here on American soil. That takes balls and smarts to pull off and survive, avoiding death and jail.

    You down played the mafia while having no idea of how much money they made. Their economy was bigger than that of a small country. It's a government within a government.

    This is about being a dictator. They all kill. It takes savvy to retain power as a dictator and 45 doesn't have it. He understands leverage but that's about all.
    It takes much more than that.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Why not both.

    You're crazy.

    Fear also comes from knowing that he wasn't a dumbass. Otherwise you could just have killed him. He wasn't immortal.

    Bro you need to read more.
  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  5. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Not to mention that the mortality rate for H1N1 is much, much lower than the mortality rate for COVID-19. Whenever people pull the whataboutism card out of their asses, they always seem to leave that part out. Same goes for the flu, which also has a lower mortality rate than COVID-19.
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  7. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

  8. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    The liberal media once again being biased by *checks notes* letting Donald Trump speak in front a microphone to reporters by answering questions.

    If only Trump put half as much effort into actually doing his job as he does blaming other people for his failures...

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2020
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  9. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Why the hell is Obama's name being brought up? He has been out of office for 3 years. Even if he dropped the ball during the H1N1 outbreak the fact that this administration didn't learn from the previous administration's "mistakes" is 100% Trump's fault.
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Thank you Mr. President, the liberal and Democrat run mainstream media will never report this.
  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Trump is on his way to becoming a pure autocrat, not a classic dictator, unless he found a way to dissolve Congress and void the U.S> Constitution.
    I just don't think he could consolidate enough power behind him to become a
    Keep spinning the bullshit.

    Trump: Keep ’Em On the Ship. I Don’t Want Our Coronavirus Numbers To Go Up.

  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Back on March 6th, the virus was infecting China and Italy in record numbers.

    This is why he had flights from China restricted.
    He got enormous flack from Dems for restricting Chinese Nationals from coming into the country in late January. (One million had already come in for Chinese New Year).

    Obviously, back then, the Port was not equipped to handle the influx of coronavirus patients.

    So of course he didn't want a doubling of increased patient numbers - why would he? Why would any country at the time? They were being quarantined on the ship.

    Yet despite that, if you listen to him, he said it was up to the city to take them in or not. He respected that. The city/ies declined. I believe it was California.

    We are now much better equipped to receive and as he stated, by following STRICT medical protocols.
    The two ships are now allowed to dock that NO OTHER country has allowed. NONE.
    Next is letting them come on shore.

    Be appreciative. Unless you think we should let them stay out to sea for more months?
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    President Trump just announced at his press conference that Apple informed him they have begun producing plastic face masks for nurses and doctors at a million per week.
    And that 3M has informed the President that they will now be making 55.5 million masks a month for Americans.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I'm well aware of his affect on the court system so I'll be voting for Biden. You can thank Bernie Bots for not voting when 45 wins again tho.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Foolish if you think Obama isn't running the show in the shadows. He even did a shadow tour of President Trump's international tour with world leaders.

    Consider also, that all leaks and obstruction by personnel against President Trump were from members of Obama's Administration.

    He never left DC. A few months after his presidency ended he bought a house for a mind-boggling $8.1 million dollars in Washington DC. He used some crap excuse about his daughter's school yet she graduated last year and he's STILL living in DC running the show.

    How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
    By Paul Sperry

    February 11, 2017 |


    When former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops. Troops? Yes, Obama has an army of agitators — numbering more than 30,000 — who will fight his Republican successor at every turn of his historic presidency. And Obama will command them from a bunker less than two miles from the White House...



    As for not learning from Obama's mistakes, stop repeating liberal lies. It's time you were given the facts that the MSM hides from you.

    We had ONE case of covid in the U.S...and it spurred President Trump into action.

    - January 20: The first US case was reported: a 35-year-old man in Snohomish County, Washington.

    - January 21: Dr. Fauci states in an interview that the Wuhan Flu is NOT a threat to Americans. President Trump listens to him.

    - January 23, China forces up to 60 million residents in Wuhan into lockdown.

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    - January 31: President Trump declared a Public Health Emergency, and banned foreign nationals from entering the US if they had been in China within two weeks prior.

    The following month....
    - (February 14: A Chinese tourist who tested positive for the virus died in France, becoming Europe's first death tied to the outbreak.)

    - February 29: The US confirmed its FIRST death from COVID-19 on American soil.

    6 weeks after his Public Health Emergency, on...

    - March 13th President Trump declared A National Emergency.
    (Comparitively, Obama declared his 6 months later.)

    So President Trump certainly didn't "drop the ball", despite you and @andreboba attempting to portray otherwise.

    And now you know.

    Last edited: Apr 7, 2020
  16. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    First of all, if you or any other Trump supporters had a shred of evidence that Obama is or has committed treason by undermining Trump to foreign leaders, it would be literally all over the Fox News and every other right-wing outlet and would be an even bigger headline than the pandemic, so spare me that 2-year-old conspiracy malarkey.

    Also, your own anti-Obama propaganda demonstrates it took A YEAR for the death total of H1N1 to reach 12,000+ cases after 60.8 million people in America were infected. Currently, in the United States, the death total from COVID-19 is 10,910 in just 2 MONTHS. Oh and here is just a little quick math: 12 thousand deaths out of 60.8 million cases mean the mortality rate of H1N1 was about 0.02% compared to COVID-19's current 5% mortality rate, which makes COVID-19 200 times more deadly!

    So yeah, it is good that Trump responded faster to this than Obama did to H1N1. But maybe if Trump hadn't downplayed the seriousness of the threat.....

    ......and if he hadn't dismantled the U.S. pandemic response team in 2018 this thing might not be on course to kill 100,000 to 250,000 Americans.

  17. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Math: a liberal conspiracy.
  18. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

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    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


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