Covid-19 Central

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Madeleine, Feb 25, 2020.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We don't know how many people have died from COVID-19 in the USA because we don't have proper testing. If you go to ER with a perceived really bad case of the flu and you're diagnosed as not having influenza, most doctors still can't confirm you have the coronavirus.

    This was Trump's calculation all along, don't test nationwide for COVID-19 so you never know how many people have the disease or how many fatalities have resulted from it.

    Thankfully, most educational, city and state leaders aren't being driven by their own self-interest and poll numbers and have taken measures to quarantine large segments of our population.

    You're being naive if you think this virus isn't killing people in the USA, or that potentially millions of people haven't already been exposed to COVID-19.

    The real tragedy begins when more Americans find out they have the coronavirus and need medical attention and we don't have the hospital beds to accommodate them.

    At least president dumbfuck just declared a national emergency so billions in emergency aid could be released to the states.

    Consider that even with a vaccine, the common flu kills about 12,000 people a year.
    COVID-19 is 10x more lethal than the influenza virus.

    You do the math.
  2. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I heard of a Dr. doing something like this, but I couldn't find out who he was.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member


    LOL.I've gone back to calling it The Wuhan Virus myself..


    Woke Media Calls Term ‘Wuhan Virus’ Racist After Using Term ‘Wuhan Virus’

    MARCH 13, 2020 By Tristan Justice

    President Donald Trump was criticized by liberals and left-wing media pundits for accurately identifying the novel Wuhan coronavirus as a “foreign virus” after countlessly using the term themselves..:p

    Here is the funny video montage:
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Smart Business acumen..

    The coronavirus is paying off for rapper Soulja Boy, as the star revealed that profits for his soap company have tripled.

    Soulja copped a franchise location in Mississippi last year with his manager, CEO Miami Mike -- and business for The Soap Shop is booming, sources told TMZ.

    Our sources added that the store went from selling 100 bottles of cleaning products per month.....
    to well over 3,000-plus cleaning products in the last two months -

    .. . and his recent interview on The Breakfast Club probably helped to give the location an extra boost...
    He told TBC earlier this week,
    “Everybody needs soap."

  6. DJG87

    DJG87 Well-Known Member

    Now Soulja Boy winning off this shit...

  7. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Gotta respect that. I don't know why people look at others as the sum of their profession or jobs. As a rapper he sucks but gets my respect anyway because he became bigger than rap. As people we should be greater than these small boxes.

    All I see now is a black businessman who has more than one dimension to his being. I think this society is set up to try to limit us to being one dimensional and he transcended that bullshit.

    Respect to you soulja boy. You suck on a one dimensional plane but that's obviously not the sum of who you are.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He's a hustler. I think it's great. He's not ripping anyone off, he's let the free market determine. Capitalism at its finest, lol. :)

    It’s just different businesses … once you get into the music industry, you know, branch out, do different stuff like try different things. Try different business ventures..”
    - Soulja Boy
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Use your logic.

    If thousands and thousands of people we're going to the ER with near-death, flu-like symptoms and were testing negative, and then began dropping dead (as you say) for unknown medical reasons, do you really think that would be kept quiet?

    Do you not think lawyers would be slamming hospitals with thousands of malpractice lawsuits?

    Do you really think if tens of thousands of healthy individuals suddenly died under mysterious medical circumstances, it would not be the leading story of every damn mainstream media outlet, especially on Coronavirus News Network, 24/7?
    Please come better with your TDS arguments.

    Especially because you never had this argument when the H1N1 flu pandemic hit America and "President dumbfuck" as you like to call them, waited 6 months to declare a State of Emergency, despite millions of Americans infected, 20,000 had been hospitalized and more than 1,000 deaths.
  10. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    I'm trying to see which botanical genius amongst us will be able to develop a strain that will act as a cure.

  11. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    We better hope COVID-19 doesn't mutate.
  12. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Me too but my ocd is only focused on preventing final destination type of tragedies. I view some people as ticking time bombs with their neglectful habits. Others just have the anti-midas touch. One dude that worked with me briefly, broke everything he touched even the test equipment. How on earth do you break test equipment? Made my nerves bad.

  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Stay home, eat plenty of soup, drink lots of green tea and fruit juice with vit C. Sleep 14 hours a day, self medicate, and try to read when I'm awake.

    Last time I had the flu years ago it took me down for 4 -5 days. That's about all you can do or else it will just get worse.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well then, we are all going to die.
    We all are anyway, but just sooner. Thanks , China.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Just after midnight on Saturday, the House passed an emergency coronavirus relief bill that has the backing of the White House, as President Trump has said he will sign it if it's passed by the Senate, which isn't reconvening until Monday. But the bill appears to have huge exemptions that could prevent all workers from receiving paid sick leave during the pandemic despite Vice President Pence saying Saturday, “If you are sick, stay home. You’re not going to miss a pay check.”

    Wait, what?
    "Under the bill, companies with 500 or more employees are mysteriously not required to provide paid emergency leave and paid FMLA. Why this special carveout for big businesses?" asked Rep. Justin Amash, the Michigan Republican turned independent, on Twitter early Saturday afternoon.

    That's some BS ^^^
  16. DJG87

    DJG87 Well-Known Member

    I’m not mad at the hustle at all... but as a person/rapper he’s shit.
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  17. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    What if you are on your way home and someone calls you a racial slur?
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I would just ignore it. My health is too important to be worried about a mental construct created in the lesser mind of another organism.

    If I wasn't sick I would probably dare them to attack me or show them my middle finger. Soon as they become the aggressor and get within range they would feel what it's like to fight a real man. Left hand shots to distract and irritate, right hand coming with enough Newtons to kill. I'm not pro-violence but if we gonna go there lets get it on like men. No mercy, someone's mama is gonna cry and it won't be mine.
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    And that's why you're not an elected government official.
    Why not disband the military too??

    BTW racializing COVID-19 is not helping anyone. You can't blame a virus on 1 billion people. That's not how epidemiological science works.

    You sound just like Giuliani who said he's not going to Chinese restaurants anymore until COVID-19 is under control, as if it's a race based disease.
    I guess he won't be going to Italian restaurants either.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What the hell does the military have to do with this conversation?, lol.

    FTR, you couldn't pay me to be an elected official with the amount of deranged hate that comes from the alt-Left. :oops:

    Who's racialilzing something that is 100% true. I wasn't referring to the common people and you know it.
    Why are you stanning for that Communist Regime of a Government. (it's rhetorical, you would definitely defend China over America in your sleep).

    Those bastards kept the outbreak from the rest of the world until they could no longer. They need to be sued into oblivion for the economic destruction they've caused worldwide, their Leaders need to be charged for crimes against humanity.

    It's bad enough that they're saturating the United States with their fake and lethal fentanyl, and plundered half of Africa of its precious resources, along with pretty much having bought up half of Italy via Chinese oligarchs, but their WUHAN CORONAVIRUS takes the diabolical cake.

    A long time ago, I read that there is a Govt-indoctrinated Chinese belief that they are THE superior race on the planet and their long-game is to eventually take over the world by any means necessary.
    There are a billion sheep stuck under their Regime, and if it means sacrificing 3,000 even 10,000 of their citizens in order to get this virus out to the West (which now has become the epicenter), they'd do it.

    Think about it, AB, they, along with their apologist comrades -- the MSM -- have reduced Americans to fighting and scratching over toilet paper. This is how basal we've become.

    They've successfully terrorized Americans into fearing some invisible monster that apparently is chasing them and going to kill them if they're within 100 feett of it, to the point that they likely will never really trust interacting with fellow humans again - except - when it's to scratch and fight for toilet paper. Then it's fine to gather in the aisles pushing and shoving each other, lol. Smh.

    BTW, the reason a lot of people have stopped going to Chinese restaurants is because they employ a lot of Chinese Nationals who arrive and are hired by restaurants and worked to the bone, sick or not, because many owe debts to the owners.
    Many places also do not follow sterile practices. And you don't have to go far to see that at your local Chinese store.

    *Argh l hate debating you, you always make me write essays! :p

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