BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That @StrongBlackLead twitter page has done that before with other so-called black leads.
  2. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Last nights Flash Villians Amunet and Goldface (by the way, the actor playing Goldface was the OG Thanos from Avengers 2012)

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  3. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Didn't watch any of this final season. Power was never a memorable series for me. Boring direction, uninspiring music, sold acting, okay writing. The only thing worthwhile about the show, the only thing that made it stand out, was Ghost and Angela's story. He was a murderous crime boss with a family. She was a rising Assistant DA. They wee on opposite sides of the law but they had a history. They lusted the shit out of each other and they loved one another. Their sex scenes were so hot that articles were written about them. If they were destined to burn and crash and o down in flames together or take one another down it should have happened only at the very end. The conflicting nature of their relationship should have been the narrative to carry the otherwise average story until the finale with fans torn over what would and should happen between them. At least in a perfect world that should have been the case. But the creative team, led by stupid Kemp, sabotage all of that by pretty much ending the sexiness of their relationship a couple of seasons back and having them be far more tepid towards one another when they returned to their affair. And no one can convince me it wasn't done to appease the fucked up black viewers, especially black women, who hated Ghost getting it on with his non-black lover all the while cheating on his stumpy black wife. Likely the same black women who cheer on black female characters getting down with white dudes, had a fit over a "fine" black man getting sexual like that with a woman who wasn't one of their own. You could hear their collective eyes roll every time Ghost said Angela's name. Fuck them.
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  4. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Last nights "Legacies" as well as the prior episode gave us the first indication that "Kaleb" may have heterosexual tendencies :).

    Predictably though a love triangle seems to be in the making among "Jed vs Kaleb" for that Asian girl's affections. Looking forward to next month (March 12, 2020) with reasonable expectations since we know she can turn it up with a sexual assertiveness lol.
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  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Haven't been watching.

    I think they''re about to kill off Rafael.

    In the mean time it looks like they're revisiting the original IR of MG and Lizzie and giving probably the last Raf & Hope tease
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  6. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    A clip from last week's episode of "Station 19" (Season 3, Episode 4):

    Looks like they brought back that 'ship from Season 1.
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  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I checked out the High Fidelity TV show with Zoe Kravitz because it looked pretty good and I'm a Zoe Kravitz fan and also the boyfriend/ex boyfriend in this movie she goes after is a black guy which is rare for Zoe Kravitz. She's kind of like Halle Berry when it comes to on screen love interest. lol. So that peeked my interest as well.

    Without giving too much away this show is filled with IR couples... and it turns out that her ex has a fiancee played by Dana Drori that sparks some jealousy from Robin(Zoe Kravitz)

    Snapshot 1 (2-20-2020 9-37 AM).png Snapshot 3 (2-20-2020 9-50 AM).png


    There's also another IR relationship with her brother on the show and his wife. Cam and Nikki
    Snapshot 4 (2-20-2020 9-51 AM).png Snapshot 5 (2-20-2020 10-05 AM).png
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  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Saw it too there's a lot to be turned off by
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  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    OK, looks like I'll check it out.

    Like what? Compared to all those Netflix shows with nothing but LGBT BM, this seems decent.
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  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Namely Zoe Kravitz.
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  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That Michael Jackson scene was cringe worthy af. She smells like another loyalist feminist and I'm not interested. Like I keep hearing they don't need us so good luck to her
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  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Damn, what Netflix shows are you referring to? I'm gonna have to stay away from them I suppose but are these new shows?

    Anyway fuck Zoe Kravitz., I'm sure she's a nice person but I'm not giving any love to a regular working black actress who is not only paired almost exclusively with white love interests but is also paired offscreen pretty much exclusively with white men too. Now currently married to one. Good for her. But I've adapted the scorched earth approach of the Whiny Black Woman Nation by being disrespectful, if not hateful, towards black actresses like Kravitz, just as black women have been towards black male celebs who raise suspicions just by standing next to a white woman on a red carpet. Fuck her. There is no way I'm supporting a show or movie starring this chick...or even co-starring her.

    Even when I learned Kinglsey Ben-Adir would be playing a former boyfriend I still knew I wasn't watching this shit. Happy for the dude who is mad talented and charismatic and should be getting LEADING opportunities non-stop. I'm halfway through season two of the OA and this guy is killing it, a true star. He's a far better actor than Kravitz whom has yet to really impress me in her previous work, yet she is getting all the big opportunities.
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  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    No ir loving by her ex only optics.
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  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    You might want to look through @The Dark King's post history or/& look at this thread elsewhere:

    TDK is always telling us about how the majority of BM characters on Netflix shows are LGBT.
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  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Right there with you and I put Amandala in that pile too. Conveniently black when there's a check reminds me a lot of Julia Stiles. We were in college in NY at the same time and a lot of my friends would comment how she cozied up to black folk before Save The Last Dance and O were filmed to get a feel for us. The same applies for these two actresses oh and let's not forget Halle Berry either
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  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    (Post contains some SPOILERS)

    I don't think you got what they were trying to do with that scene. They were calling out the hypocrisy of cancel culture. Hints why she alluded to Kanye West and the subliminal shot at David Bowie. Did you catch that? Like what you guys want to like but come on provide folks context, bro.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah but they were comparing hearsay to fact and the obvious hypocrisy why have the damn album in there in the first place if it's so controversial
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's what people do(unfortunately). Art imitates life. The album was in the store to strictly play this scene out. (they could've did a better job at that but remember the stance Rob, the store owner took.) I think they were trying to capture the real life version of what goes on mainly on the internet. Remember when Cherise said about the white female customer "This person who clearly never been on the internet". Think about that line.

    I think it played out like this.
    - Cherise represented those on the internet that ignorantly take beliefs as facts/cancel culture

    - The white customer and MJ fan who kept saying allegedly represents those that is smart enough to know the difference between beliefs and facts

    - Rob represents those that play both the apologist and the middle

    - Simon represents those that are calling out the hypocrisy of cancel culture. Remember his speech.

    And in the end Simon and the white woman won over Cherise who didn't want to sell her that album. She got the MJ album.

    I think it only missed the mark with people because they don't understand what the writer and showrunner was doing in that scene. I think they should've came out and said something and people would've understood it.
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  19. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Is the show good/worth watching?
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I liked it. It was a nice pace of an adult comedy series. Cherise is annoying and stereotypical so heads up. lol.

    It was decent enough to do a two day binge watch of it. Also each episode is around a half hour long so there was no dragging. I think they transitioned this movie into a TV series nicely. Mack, the black male character is pretty decent even though he is caught in between two women I liked him.

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