Nope no good women and no good men. Everyone is trash, just gotta find the woman who’s trash smells like yours.
Culturally we have had many civilizations endorse every mating style except for one. We've had..... a) Marriage for politics/wealth b) Marriage to claim women as property. c.) Marriage to become "one" or to be someone's everything. d) Marriage because it was the "right" thing to do or expected. e.) Marriage to fit in society or to not be alone. Every relationship that fails or proves miserable, falls under one of those categories. People find it hard to break cultural programming. Which is likely the issue.
I'm 5'4", and I've dated men ranging from 5'2" to 6'8". It was a bit awkward with one of the shorter ones just because he was so insecure about it and acted like he had something to prove. It was also kind of awkward with the 6'8" guy, because I felt like a midget out on a date with a tree. lol
Pretty much. lol We did have a good laugh about it though. It was a blind date situation, and I was told "he's a little on the tall side". Yeah, just a little bit.