BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. beeehave

    beeehave Active Member

    Should not be surprised. Godfather Of Harlem continues to follow a pattern of black men in Hollywood IR relationships. If a black man is in an IR relationship one of two things generally will happen: A white man gets thrown in the mix and sleeps with the black man's girl (also another kind of third party gets thrown in and causing conflict --- see Emergence or the movie Ben Is Back) or (apologies Darkcurry) the black man gets killed off. This causes the black man to be marginalized.

  2. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Uhhh...I'm pretty sure dude that went to warn Stella & Teddy was being genuine.

    What happened in "Emergence"?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  3. beeehave

    beeehave Active Member

    Disregard my statement about Emergence. Apparently I did not know that the characters Alex and Jo Evans are divorced. I thought they were married. but TPTB casted them as ex-spouses. I thought there was an IR romantic aspect to their characters. Anyway Jo bringing Piper into her home has them at a crossroads as to what they will do next.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Stella and Ernie?

    You mean Stella and Teddy. And if you followed what Chin's right hand man was telling Ernie and seen how nonchalant Ernie acted when he seen him shoot Teddy you would know that was a setup. He is in love with Stella and just like Chin told him SHE doesn't love him. Ernie is a racist, clueless, psycho who sat there and asked Chin for her hand in marriage. He had no problem killing the black dude who he thought was Teddy. He don't give a fuck about her feelings for Teddy. He was just another black guy to him.

    That was a setup and Stella knowing how they operate is not falling for it. She already tried to commit suicide when she thought she would never have a chance to be with Teddy again.
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    My sadness exist just within the story of the show. I loved how they wrote it. That was just how hard it was to be in a IR relationship in the 60s around a racist Italian mob. Teddy and Stella were cute. But the showrunners warned us that it was a Romeo & Juliet type of romance so we kind of got the heads up.

    As much as I love happy endings it's also good to show how it is being in a IR relationship especially between black men and white women and during those times. The hate was real... and some times tragic.

    I'am shocked at how hateful of black people the mobsters were even though growing up I knew the mob has had racist views about black people more in particular black men. But they really went hard on Godfather Of Harlem.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2019
  6. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I don't think they're going to kill him off.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Let It Snow had a happy ending
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  8. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    Netflix series

  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I could relate to this series. Hopefully it's as good as the trailer is selling it.
  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I did not know that was Jenna Dewan. I got her and Sarah Hyland mixed up as of late. lol.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Bumpy's enemy, Dutch Shultz was a Jewish gangster and therefore not a member of the five families of NY or Italian mafia, but he definitely had working relations with them. He had a seat at the commission table for politics because any gangster at that time that was as powerful as he was had to sit at the table with Lucky, because Luck ran the whole town.

    So the white gangsters they are showing, the vast majority should be Dutch's guys who are not really part of the "mob" that the vast majority of people are referring to when they use the term.

    I haven't started the show yet, but I know the context.
  12. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    So the show is good? I won’t watch it unless there is quality sex scenes. Are their quality sex scenes? I have seen some sex scenes that weren’t sexy scenes. That’s why quality is the sexiest scene. So, how about those sex scenes?

    Having to see crappy sex scenes is the equivalent of you being forced to watch love triangles.
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  13. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Jenna Dewan? I'm in. Looks like "Soundtrack" will be perfect to binge during the winter break when there's nothing on.


    Finally watched the trailer & looks like Jenna Dean isn't involved in the IR.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2019
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  14. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    The guy is also in a movie called "The World We Make" and has a White love interest as well.

    I saw it, it was a little cheesy with all of the same tired IR troupes with BM/ the nosey ass black chick who thinks she owns ALL Black Men and gets to dictate to him and his White Girlfriend who he dates, you know like the..."White Women are stealing all of our Men" BULLSHIT rhetoric !

    YES...she actually says that in the movie.

    His father, who is over the top with his disapproval of their relationship, and of course everyone is constantly gawking at them and being attacked by butthurt White boys.

    They tried way to hard to put these so-called insurmountable hurdles in front of them to keep them from being together.

    We all know that in 2019 no one is publicly up in your face like that when a Black Man is out with his White Girlfriend/Wife, they run home and become the BUTTHURT keyboard warriors on social media and do it.

    But SPOILER ALERT, it did have a HAPPY ENDING...for a it's worth watching.
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  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah it's Callie Hernandez. They are selling this movie as starring Jenna Dewan and Paul James(the black guy in the series.) but Callie and James are actually the leads.
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  16. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I don't think that's Paul James.

    The guy who plays Lee's boyfriend in the film is Caleb Castille.

    I seen this movie it was pretty good. It got a lot of heat unfortunately because it DARED tackled the troubles IR couples go through. Some of the comments on youtube made it seem like the hate IR couples receive are not real, delusions made up by hollywood. People on twitter both black and white were also calling it IR propaganda. This movie hit a nerve with folks.

    Just goes to show the people out there that still have a disdain for IR(especially between black men and white women) be trying to justify it by calling it hollywood propaganda and delusions made up by IR couples. Smh.
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  17. ryanpaulstewart

    ryanpaulstewart Well-Known Member

    Callie Hernandez did an IR love scene with disgraced actor Jussie in Alien Covenant
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  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I knew she looked familiar.
  19. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    Woah, I just read that poster carefully. This is a Series and not a Movie!
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  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    All the comments I saw on youtube leaned more towards people thinking this was Cloak and Dagger lol
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