1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

  2. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    The White Woman Jamie (Michael Ward) gets with is played by Lisa Dwan.
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  3. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Regarding the Cloak & Dagger and Runaways situation.

    The second season of Cloak & Dagger did some things very well.

    A better villain with D’Spayre. He was a true worthy foe who posed a danger (“Defenders and Luke Cage should take note). He had a very fascinating backstory as well. The actor was also very, very good.

    More interactions between Tandy and Tyrone.

    Plenty of great twists throughout the season. One example was when the domestic abuse counselor, Lia, turned out to be a bad guy and took down Tandy with the electro-shock device.

    More action scenes and an expansion of the powers of Tandy and most especially Tyrone.

    The guys, imo, of having black bad guys, not just in D’Spayre but with the black gang members. Now, I don’t think black gang members are necessarily involved in sex trafficking like that but that’s besides the points. Nothing annoys me than seeing white street gangs in urban cities in modern settings on my TV screen. That’s a greater disbelief to me than super powers.

    Getting on a bus at the end to get the hell out of New Orleans.

    But unfortunately it took some wrong turns too. Keeping alive this idea of Tyrone and Evita as a couple which I noticed led to some online YouTube reviewers from ceasing to watch the series. As shallow as it sounds I don’t think the main showrunner understood how so many people became invested in that show for the T&T relationship. Any indication that such a relationship wasn’t going to happen or be delayed caused some to get impatient and give up.

    Doubling down on that voodoo shit. Its insulting that every time there is a show that takes place in New Orleans voodoo almost always have to play a part. For this show that became a negative because it was all a bit confusing and murky. The writers did a half-ass job in their research in how they presented that dark magic and made it worse by having the characters who performed it be the must humorless and overly serious bores of the series. Auntie especially had to go. There was nothing fascinating about the portrayal of voodoo at all and it made zero sense that Tyrone learned how to master some of it in order to take him to wherever he needed to be when transporting. THAT was a cheat.

    Having Connors brought back was a good idea. Having an episode or two of wasted time in which Ty’s mom acted as judge and jury just seemed…off. It only squandered the talents of those two actors.

    Making Mayhem a separate person from Brigid didn’t work out so well. It was another cheat; a way of making Brigid a murderous antagonist without making her a murderous antagonist.

    Why had Ty’s parents broken up? The show seemed to rush past any explanation.

    Making Tandy’s dad an increasingly horrible human being the more we learned about him. Overkill.

    Tandy’s dream episode with all of those multiple realities between involving her and Ty. Its episodes like that which make me wish the show had better writers.

    And of course the reminder message at the end of each episode about sex trafficking. Despite its good intentions it was way too much. Made it seem like I was watching a public service announcement.

    Surprised to find out weeks back that the show’s status was in jeopardy. It appeared t have gotten off to a strong start in the ratings, widely reported as the #2 rated show on that network. It got a lot of twitter activity throughout its season, especially early on. I hope its renewed. But for those who look forward to Ty and Tandy being an item in “Runaways” I must say that I feel TPTB of Cloak and Dagger would want that progression in their relationship to be handled on their own show. So the writers of Runaways may have stayed away from that for the most part.

    And speaking of Runaways….those who dislike that Alex Wilder doesn’t have any powers should know the show is just following the actual comic book. Hell, truth is that with a few exceptions, black male characters tend to be underpowered in comic books. Anyway so far at least the show is handling Alex better than the comic did. Go to Wiki to learn how the writers of the comic did Alex wrong. My one issue about Alex on the show is that his relationship with Nico was quickly pushed aside. And that was encouraged by the Woke Social Media Crowd. As soon as they sniffed a hint of an lgbtq hookup between Nico and the blonde chick, the Woke folks went all in for that. Because such relationships to those group of people always come first over any relationship a straight black male character finds himself in.
  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure the series premiere of "Evil" implied the female co-lead character was separated or divorced from her Husband. The dialogue was written as if they weren't together. Anyway, I'm gonna back off "Evil" after only watching premiere and allow @JamalSpunky (& whoever else is watching it) to keep us updated to see if it's worth catching up later on.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
  5. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The showrunner simply describes him as a absentee husband who works as a guide for mountain climbers. We don't know what they're going to do there regardless she is still married with four children in the picture and David is employed by the church and looking to become a priest so that make things difficult for an organic romantic plot. It is more than likely going to be a real slow burn with hurdles if that flirting they had actually meant something. Unless they decide to go with the married mother of four sleeps with the priest she was investigating demons with. lol.

    I might check out the second episode if I get a chance.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2019
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Watching the final & current season 5's premiere of HBO's "Ballers". Arielle Kebbel is back on the show and her character & The Rock's character are back together again. They had previously broken up & she hasn't been on the show since the season 2 finale.
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2019
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  8. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Nancy Drew

    ~ The CW must be under new management lol. I'm sure that ten years ago the powers that be at CBS studios would balk at launching a prime time teen suspense drama with a natural, raw interracial sex scene between the teen female lead and some new negro she just met (sarcasm).

    Now just imagine "Heroes" premieres in Fall 2006 with a similar sex scene starring Hayden Penitierre and Michael B Jordan within the first five minutes . . . something unimaginable right?
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Negro? lol. You're being sarcastic, right?
  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Alright I watched both of these CW Shows last night. The Series Premiere Of Nancy Drew and the Season Premiere Of Legacies. I'll start with Nancy Drew.

    I didn't get to watch this show live so just so you guys know it airs on Wednesdays at 9 not on Thursday.

    Even Though The cast is young from the first episode I can tell you this is not a Teen Drama or at least playing out like one. It's not even really a complete drama it is a mystery horror-ish drama. And the first episode was pretty cool.
    THIS Nancy Drew is kind of retired and is reluctant to get back into Investigating ever since her Mom died. We see her and Ned Nickerson who she calls Nick near the beginning of the show and they are introduced by way of a (subpar) sex scene. lol.
    Snapshot 9 (10-11-2019 2-28 PM).png

    We also get a backstory on this Nancy Drew and her senior year in High School shows her with an boyfriend. The scene set up the mystery behind the ghost of Lucy Sable.
    Snapshot 7 (10-11-2019 2-26 PM).png

    Nancy Drew and her soon to be crew I guess all work at The Claw Diner that gives you 1950's vibes(lol) and one night a group of guys come in with one of the guy's wife A Socialite named Tiffany Hudson waiting outside because apparently she doesn't eat in diners. After a power outage Nancy Drew finds Tiffany dead outside near her car.

    The police chief comes and finds them all including Nick who arrived when Nancy found her body to be suspects. And that sets up the second mystery of the show where Nancy Drew comes out of retirement.
    Snapshot 11 (10-11-2019 2-35 PM).png

    Nancy starts off unsure if she wants to take things further with Nick while he is ready to take the next step. As evident by a car ride home he gave her and she told him it's not a good idea to start anything serious. And also unintentionally insulted him.
    Snapshot 13 (10-11-2019 2-43 PM).png Snapshot 12 (10-11-2019 2-43 PM).png

    But later in the show after a fight with her Father while learning about him and her Mother's best friend she goes to Nick's place and opens up to Nick take that next step with him and they make love with this time it being more serious. Setting Up The Nancy and Nick relationship.
    Snapshot 14 (10-11-2019 2-50 PM).png Snapshot 17 (10-11-2019 2-52 PM).png
    Snapshot 18 (10-11-2019 2-53 PM).png

    But her Father throws a wrench into those plans when he tells her to stay away from Ned Nickerson and she goes to snoop into her Father's files to see why and finds his criminal record that Nick was hesitant to tell Nancy about. Her Father represented Nick in a manslaughter case and Tiffany Hudson was the witness that got Nick thrown in jail. So now he is a murder suspect. BUT as she digs further she find out a lot of people including those she work with at The Diner has connections to the murder of Tiffany Hudson.
    Snapshot 19 (10-11-2019 3-01 PM).png

    But the episode ends with her finding out a HUGE secret about her Father's involvement with the Death Of Lucy Sable. Whoa!
    Snapshot 21 (10-11-2019 3-06 PM).png

    This is a good mystery show. Surprised to see it on network television. I personally thinks this could be even better on streaming or cable but it works.
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  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Legacies had it's season two premiere last night and I kind of wish it didn't come on at the same time as The Good Place. lol. But it was pretty good and I think they just set up some fan favorite relationships.

    With Hope and Dorian still in Malivore everyone being forgotten about her has moved on. We get a taste of that with them enjoying their Summer kind of. Landon is lonely and having trouble changing Raphael back. Yes Raphael is still a werewolf. And on top of that he keeps killing himself because he sees flashes of Hope even though he doesn't know who that person is.
    Snapshot 23 (10-11-2019 3-24 PM).png Snapshot 5 (10-11-2019 2-11 PM).png

    MG and Caleb spend their summer together in Caleb's town. MG still wants to be with Lizzy, but while staying with Caleb he makes a new "friend"... who turns out to be Caleb's sister and Caleb immediately shuts that down when he tells MG who that girl was.
    Snapshot 4 (10-11-2019 2-10 PM).png Snapshot 3 (10-11-2019 2-07 PM).png

    After they win a cook off Caleb gets MG mind back on Lizzy by doing something he thought he would never do and that is help him get with Lizzie Saltzman.
    Snapshot 24 (10-11-2019 3-33 PM).png

    (This pic they released of season 2 back in August makes sense now)

    After Learning that Malivore wants to spit her out and Dorian was the one keeping her in there with him Hope is released from Malivore. She returns to the school and discovered that people still don't know who she is after an encounter with Dorian Williams and he didn't recognize her. She manages to get onto Salvatore where she was met with a surprise. Landon and Josie have connected after spending the summer together on a intimate level. Heartbroken by what she saw Hope then tries to leave town but is met with the first sighting of this year's first Monster they will be fighting.
    Snapshot 1 (10-11-2019 2-05 PM).png Snapshot 2 (10-11-2019 2-05 PM).png

    So now with Landon and Josie being a thing and Hope now faced with a monster she has to take care of it is possible that when Hope sees Raphael and changes him back he'll be the only one that remembers her. And that had fans happy as a J Bird on twitter. lol. Remember I showed you guys this is the relationship fans wanted to see. Still don't know if they'll go that route but some are saying it sets it up. So that meeting between Hope and a werewolf Raphael should be one to look out for.
    Snapshot 6 (10-11-2019 2-12 PM).png Snapshot 25 (10-11-2019 3-50 PM).png

    For some reason I feel a love square(lol) happening with Lizzie/MG/Caleb's sister/Sebastian(new guy) but we will see. But it looks like Hope and Raf to the fans delight might become a thing-thing.
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  12. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Update on this?
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    It was nothing...
    He's dead...for now. lol.
  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Looks like "Stumptown" & Emergence" are doing well 3 weeks into this new TV season:

    Early ratings hits and misses: 'Stumptown,' 'Prodigal Son' lead TV's new season

    Winners: 'Stumptown' and 'Emergence'

    "Stumptown" has shown early signs of success, nabbing the top spot among new shows during premiere week with 9.1 million viewers, and doubling its same-day audience within a week. The ABC drama stars Cobie Smulders ("How I Met Your Mother") as a private investigator who helps the Portland, Oregon, police department, using questionable tactics to get the job done.

    Close behind with 8.4 million is ABC's "Lost"-like thriller drama "Emergence," which follows Jo Evans (Allison Tolman, "Fargo"), a police officer who finds a young girl at the scene of a mysterious accident.
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  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    They're both pretty good too. I being a sci-fi fan would have to give the edge to Emergence. That reveal in episode 3..WOW!!! lol. I did not see that coming.

    I disagree with the Lost comparison. It really is too unique to compare it to anything.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2019
  16. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Watching the 2nd episode of "Godfather of Harlem"......

    [​IMG] They killing niggas just for being friendly with Lucy Fry's character.
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  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's a show I forgot to watch! I'm going to have to check out the first episode later tonight.
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Episode 4 of Sorry For Your Loss delivered a sweet then gut-punching moment The name Pickle will make you smile and break you.
    Sorry For Your Loss episode 4 - 1.png Sorry For Your Loss episode 4 - 2.png

    Episode 5
    Danny just revealed to Leigh he loved her. So the bombshell came early. Danny took Leigh on a suicide prevention walk after she wasn't answering his emoji-texts when she had that breakdown in episode 4. And at the end of the all night walk he said it although Leigh didn't tell him she already knew with that text message he sent to Matt's phone. He then left and Leigh seemed happy or relieved he told her. Still don't know where they are taking this, but it is interesting.
    Sorry For Your Loss episode 5.png
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Emergence might be putting a ship together between Chris(Robert Bailey) and Emily(Maria Dizzia)
    Emily, a scientist at Augur Industries is now terrified after helping Jo save Piper that her life might be endangered from Richard, Piper's creator. So she was left with no choice but to accept help from Jo when visiting the police station about the stolen drive. So Jo had
    Chris assigned to keep her hidden and off the map by taking her to his get away.

    Judging by this reply by the actress playing Mia it might be something there.
    Snapshot 2 (10-16-2019 12-45 AM).png Snapshot 1 (10-16-2019 12-44 AM).png
  20. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

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