1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    lol. We couldn't be no celebrities because I have a feeling we wouldn't be taking this shit. They would try to get us the fuck out there. lol.
  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    It depends on what you are famous for. If you are self made, they lack the ability to take from you.
  3. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    The CW dropped their 1st promo for "Bulletproof" last week:

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  4. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Any of y'all watching the "Suits" spinoff "Pearson"?

    I just watched this week's episode (Season 1, Episode 3). Looks like they got something longterm going on with Eli Goree's character Derrick Mayes (The Mayor's press secretary) & Isabel Arraiza's character Yoli Castillo (Gina Torres/Jessica Pearson's executive assistant):

    @darkcurry @qaz1
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  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I saw clips in the trailer that looked like something maybe going on, but wasn't sure.
  6. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    No thanks
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah well there's nothing that says Ariel can't be black with red hair. God I truly hope that shit flops
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    To be fair the big issue with appropriation isn't that everyone shouldn't be able to share in each other's culture. Shit I grew up LOVING kung fu and ninja movies. You couldn't tell me I wasn't going to be a ninja some day. Same with Italian mob movies and even black southern movies. The issue comes about when we either get penalized for something we started and everyone is doing like listening to hip hop while at the same time being boxed out of making money off of it. The argument is a valid one unfortunately the execution isn't often times.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    God I use to have such a crush on Gina Torres those lips are amazing
  10. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Watched the season finale of Euphoria and
    it looks like Cassie and mckay broke up. Even though Mckay wasn't in the finale. Which makes NO SENSE since he is a part of the main cast. Every main cast member was in the finale except the only black male cast member. Smh. They did a bit of a time leap to a school dance and showed flashbacks of all that has been happening before that night including Cassie going along with the abortion.

    Anyway Cassie, Lexi And Maddy were headed to the dance and Cassie told her this is the first time since the beginning of high school that she hasn't been in love with somebody. We won't find out why they broke up but I hope they won't pull a fast one on us and try to make it because Mckay wanted her to get an abortion. No! Cassie cheated. And they need to show these birdbrain thots that watch the show that cheating ain't okay just because it happened to a black man.

    The thing I also noticed was Lexi was thinking about hooking up with someone. I know it's probably wishful thinking but I hope it's Mckay. lol.

    Overall it was an okay finale. Wasn't it's strongest episode. But I did enjoy Zendaya singing the title track of the show in a little weird music video to close out the show.
  11. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Best I can figure is that is has been about a month between episode 7 and 8. Remember episode 7 Mouse tells Fez when he fronts him the drugs he will collect the money at the end of the month and Fez paid him this episode.

    So basically the whole Cassie McKay arch seems to have ended off camera, with no explanation what so ever. Episode 7 they are hugged up and he is comforting her, episode 8 its the first time in 3 years she has not been in love with someone. What I read from that is that she got the abortion decided that she needed to be alone and figure out how to love herself and dropped him. I think it pretty clear with her statement about not falling in love for the next few years and doing everything in her power to make sure it does not happen tells us she was the one that broke up with McKay.

    Somehow Cassie despite cheating multiple times is the sympathetic character in this from what I was seeing in places. Basically how could McKay not be there for her when she got the abortion. The writers failed if they were trying to make neither party look bad in this by having them break up off camera. My question is if this was the ultimate conclusion WHY THE FUCK did they go through the whole song and dance of the whole council meeting with Cassie and the girls and her struggling with telling McKay about the cheating. Hell we don't even know if she ended up telling him even when they broke up. Why the Fuck write in Lexi saving Cassie from being found out while cheating? Unless they set that scene up solely to set up a possible McKay/Lexi thing, but with the way they wrote McKay and how they did not even mention his name let alone show him during the finale does not give me positive thoughts on it.

    If they bring the character back and that seems to be a big if with the way fans of the show seem to hate him, I see them totally fucking the character over. You know how fucked up in the head dude has to be at this point, his football dreams are dying, it would seem his girl that he loved more than anything just dumped him(imagine if she told him about the cheating during the dumping), oh yeah he has still yet to deal with the trauma of being assaulted.

    They will probably turn him into the Angry Black Guy, the college douchbag jock frat boy that fucks girls and tosses them away, or they will make him totally depressed and have him turn to drugs or alcohol to deal with all the pain.

    I am starting to think Astro did not just dropout because of the hazing scene but because after he read the full script and thought what the hell I am suppose to be a main but I am hardly even in the show. By my count over the course of the season McKay has gotten less than 1 hour of screentime by far and away the least amount of the main characters and most of that happened in his backstory episode or the pilot. Take to two out and it is 20-25 minutes max.

    They left a whole lot hanging out there so we will have to wait until next Summer.
    Kat and Ethan getting a happy ending? Nice but then again yeah right Mr. BlackScreen will definitely come back into play.
    Maddie is now in possession of the Jules and Cal sex tape, we already know Maddie is crazy and likely to do something with it.
    Lexi well they seem to be setting her up as a major player next season.
    Nate very powerful stuff with him and his dad lots going on there that needs to be resolved.
    Jules will she stay in the city or come back? She seems smitten with the black girl she met but at the same time she wanted Rue to come with her to the city.
    Rue well relapse was not too surprising

    The episode overall we ok just unfufilling
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  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah now that we let the entire season play out and is able to examine it we got duped with the IR bm/ww relationship on the show and the only black male character of the main cast. They did the IR relationship dirty and they did the black guy dirty. And the fans response to that is very telling of what certain women of all races out here think about black men.

    They didn't even put him in the finale, the direction of this relationship took a turn that made no sense and didn't even give the break up screen time. They used the IR involving a black male and a white female that love each other as a way to do the black guy dirty and doom them while the other IR relationships involving white males like Kat and Ethan and the truly toxic Maddy and Nate get a happy ending because they love each other. That doesn't make ANY sense... unless you did that on purpose to express your feelings on black males and women dating them.

    Should've been cautious when Zendaya and Storm Reid who in real life BOTH have black Fathers had a black mother and a white father on the show.
    [​IMG] (Storm's Dad)-->https://www.instagram.com/p/BkIv4QtnPol/

    So now that we assess this show's entire season. I give it to them for raw good writing of the teen life. Can't pretend like they didn't do a good job there. But we also can't lie that this show fucked over the only black male character of the main cast doing BOTH the character and the actor dirty not even putting him in the finale, not even addressing the cheating from Cassie. They totally protected her promiscuity and let the fans bash and drag the black guy. Totally fucked over the IR couple involving a black male and a white female while actually giving the real piece of shit of male Nate the girl even though he treated her like shit. That is white male privilege right there. lol.

    This show is not for black men and and IR couples involving black men and white women. So it is officially off my list. Going forward we have to be careful about shows that have only one black guy. Shows like Legacies that have several black men you'll see a better chance for IR because if they fuck over all of them it will be too obvious.
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  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Judging by the more screen time we are seeing with Cobie and Michael it is starting to look like it might be more than a hook up like we first thought.

    New StumpTown Trailer
  14. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Epix finally put out a full trailer for "Godfather of Harlem" today:

  15. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

  16. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Entertainment Tonight just put out this interview a couple hours ago:

  17. Young Herschel

    Young Herschel Well-Known Member

    Just found a new streaming series by HBO and Awesomeness TV starring Tequan Richmond from "Everybody Hates Chris".

    " The Unsettling "

    I'm not sure where else you can find it but Kodi or Fyrestick and HBO Espana HBO Portugal. I'm hooked by the premise and IR potential after the pilot episode though and by end of the second episode you're gonna be hooked too. I'm middle season now and I can confirm unlike Netflix's "Black Summer" this series does more than merely tease IR activity between the White female lead and her strong Black companion :). Great young cast too with familiar teenesque talent from "The Hunger Games" movie franchise and FX' s "The Americans". Brief synopsis~ troubled teens some of them DFYS probably get placed by a social worker with a rural TX family who practice a fringe religious belief called "New Purity". Daughter from "The Americans" actress Holly Taylor is the female protagonist. Something strange is going on in that padlocked basement and Holly is given a gorgeous attic to live in all to herself much to the jealousy of her new sisters who share a room below her. "The Unsettling" ~ This is the kind of suspense horror drama that Sundays were made for!!
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  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    What is the title?
  19. Tsharp99

    Tsharp99 Active Member

    I just found it, it's called "The Unsettling"
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  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is HBO guys serious when have they ever been straight black male friendly. In all their popular shows we're there to depict racism or stereotypes. And you want to see a black male as a romantic character? The closest we saw was the uniq from Games of Throne (notice he could only exist as dickless) I'll say it again American produced written and acted media will never show us in a good light. Its far beyond their capability.

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