Maybe there is some sort of self-hatred taking place by short men and short women. Not all of course but enough to make things more toxic than it has to be. I would agree that this guy in the video is over the top and very entitled even if he speaks truths regarding his experiences. He should try being a black man for a month and experience how society in general can treat him as badly as taller ladies. Give him some perspective.
I have dated short men too. Some of them dropped me. I am sure his struggle is real. Anyway, I love black men, I love tall men. The dream is a tall black man. 6'2 and up.
Let me guess: but you love animals right? LOL. Seriously, you don't have to feel sorry for anyone. Just say it out loud: Type it then say it, come on: FUCK short men. Take the mask off and liberate yourself for a moment.
Come on, we all know he has himself turned down women he didn't like the look on. We all know short blokes that live good life with wife and children. There is something with this man that makes him unsympathetic to women and I bet it is not his height.
Lol maybe this is a female thing where we just dont have sympathy for short unattractive white guys haha. But I bet you anything this bagel guy is in fact a racist. You can tell by the way he talks about the "indian lady" and the pakistani guy. Sorry, no sympathy for males like that who can't get women. You are not owed a woman!
It's funny because in high school years (I'm 5'9") thought was that I'd go for the shortys knowing that many women liked tall guys. I found that the shortest girls wanted the really tall guys, and to my suprise I had been able to attract the 5'7"ish women. Go figure.
Who you telling. Ain't nothing worst than when some Puerto Rican girl who is 5'2 tells you you're too short for her lol.
Agreed, he is almost a lost case and should work with his attitude, because him being short is not his biggest problem. But you are attractive, so your lack of some inches is no problem.
Right! This guy probably hit on 9's and 10's, then gave up when they obviously didnt want anything to do with him. So now he's gonna judge woman that want men that are 9's and 10 s?