I hope he comes out of retirement because she ends up dying in the first 10 minutes of the film and he has to avenge his old agent designation.
I'd rather a Jinx spinoff than that shemale 007 they've got coming I'm old enough to remember when you used to have to be attractive to be in movies
There is no such thing as "Bond Girls." That's demeaning and patronizing. Now, they are called, "Bond Women." And because in 2019 every woman is considered beautiful ( no matter the size, shape or facial appeal) I would not expect her to conform to your misogynistic, outmoded standards of bea ... damn .. I'm sorry. ... I can't even bring myself to finish typing that Princess Feminism bullshit. Does that make me a bad liberal?
It does. How to redeem yourself: Grow a beard and put a flower in it. Any time you hear or see a black man do or say something a black woman wouldn’t like, yell at them for their toxic masculinity. Develop and Oedipus Complex to appease the “sistas” (this will let them know that you don’t “hate your mother”). Scream, “Yaaaasss” any time your gf asks if she looks good in her outfit. And finally, listen to hipster indie girl-rock bands and braid your own hair. Enjoy.
Fair enough. But not totally dismissing it. Think, Wonder Woman. (I just noiced this was already covered in another thread. My bad)