1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Okay, so Stranger Things 3

    An issue I often have with watching movies and TV series when a black male character has a relatively large or leading role, is that often I have to separate how I feel about the production overall versus how fair a shake I think the black male character is getting. Sometimes if I can’t separate the two I may end up judging the work largely by what the black guy gets to do and how well he comes off. That may not be fair and I think for the most part I fight that off, but fuck it. At this stage of my life I won’t abide tokenism and if I see such a thing in a Star Wars movie or a Netflix TV show I’ll call it out.

    So let me get the season out of the way first. Not as strong as season one which remains the gold standard for this series. There were times though in which I couldn’t decide if this season was better than season 2 though. I think during one stretch I may have watched three or four episodes back-to-back. Part of that may have been a result of me thinking something like “c’mon, this show can’t really be giving Lucas shit to do; the next episode there has to be more for him, right?” But to be honest the storyline is executed well enough that I binge because its so easy to go along with the ride. However by the time the season concluded, I decided that season #2 ultimately was better than #3? Why? Well, season two just had a better ending, real momentum down the stretch and more interesting stakes. I thought season 2 really got stronger as it wore on because the character stuff and the growing danger kept getting better. #3 suffered in its back half IMO and much of that was a result of unnecessary silliness. For example people have been praising the Steve Harrington as babysitter sequel in this current season. I too thought that was a very strong storyline in the beginning, reuniting him with Dustin and adding on the female newcomer, etc. But that plotline went down him figuratively and literally as soon as that gang got on the elevator that fell to the center of the earth nonsense. Even in a show that includes demons and teenagers with super powered abilities, that whole thing felt so fake. And pointless. Worse of all it made the adversaries(the Russians) look completely incompetent. That would perhaps be okay if we didn’t see the Russians be complete badasses when going up against the real adults, but put them up against a sassy 10-year old and they fall to shit. Ultimately this made the Steve-Dustin plot the one I liked second to least, just only ahead of Hopper and Joyce’s Nag Show.

    And that led me to thinking about another thing….the show simply has/had too many characters. There were legitimately EIGHT storylines going on in need to serve all of these characters. By the end the writers had cut down those storylines to three or four by combining more cast members but by that time the damage was done.

    And no character was more damaged than Lucas. Lucas was always the weak link of the four boys or better yet the Main Five kids (from season one). And that hasn’t changed in terms of what he brings to the table. Eleven is the showstopper with the incredible abilities that makes her indisposable. Dustin is the scientific genius of the bunch, the brains of the group. Will is the quiet and younger kid who nonetheless has an unwanted connection with the Demogorgon that allows him to be like an alarm system for the gang. Mike has no special abilities other than I suppose rapid growth spurts, but he is nevertheless the alpha male of the group, the leader whom others will follow. That leaves Lucas who is left with nothing. Other than a slingshot. Would be cool if he at least was the warrior of the pack or the stud athlete despite how stereotypical that may seem. At least it would be something. Even a newcomers like Max is given the trait of forceful determination and Lucas’ kid sister, Erica, can add being sensationally good with numbers to her already established capabilities of being super sassy. Lucas on the other hand is more of a blank slate, woefully underwritten and at time lacking a distinct personality.

    None of this is helped by TPTB creating new characters or bringing back second season creations (like Bauman and Billy) whom they find more interesting than Lucas. The same can be said for Erica whom the writers have invested more time in personality and dialogue than they ever have in her big brother. I was worried when I read all the comments from the showrunners about how she was the breakout star of season two even in her limited time. My gut concern was that they would elevate her to a point that she would eclipse Lucas and surely enough that’s what happened.

    Despite the problematic handling of Lucas in the previous seasons I felt he had at least demonstrated some agency from time to time. Whether it be him being the lone voice of the group to express doubts about El in season one or his being drawn to Max in season two. In season 3 he had no agency, especially regarding his own life and relationships. He was there to serve as a voice for Mike to listen to regarding Mike’s relationship problems. But his own relationship between him and Max was relatively ignored. Now granted the Mike-Eleven coupling has been the big one that the show has been setting up. And with Mike and El getting more serious and hot and heavy perhaps it would have been a terrible story idea to have Lucas and Max portrayed in the same manner considering their more limited history. But, hell, these writers are paid well to surprise us with their handling of these relationships, not to ignore the relationships. And that’s pretty much what they did with Lucas and Max.

    Dis Lucas and Max ever have a single moment together just between themselves? Don’t remember any such moments. And the limited times they talked it was more about Eleven, Mike or Eleven and Mike. The writers did a better job of establishing Max’s new bond with Eleven than they did with her supposed boyfriend. And that’s another thing. Lucas was already suffering from being the character whose relationships with other characters came second at best to those characters’ other relationships. Mike has a stronger bond with Eleven. Dustin has a stronger connection to Steve. Will has a stronger attachment to his mom and his big bro. At least it looked after season two that Lucas could claim Max as the person whose bond with him was more of a priority for her than any other. But in this season TPTB flipped that and pretty much made Eleven her soulmate. Hell, Lucas’ sis may have stronger a bond with Dustin now for all we know.

    Even more troubling we get info from Lucas that he and Max have already broken up a number of times only to get back together. This show has the audacity to make their pairing an afterthought and then add insult to injury that they aren’t serious like Mike and El. We never gotten a satisfying portrayal of them as an actual young couple, so writing in that element about their constant breakups takes investment of the audience for it out of the equation. The two of them holding on to another near the end as they watch Will and his family depart was totally unearned IMO, considering the little we got of them. And when we did get them they were so antagonistic towards one another, especially Max. Does anyone know why the fuck she broke up with Lucas near the beginning after Mike was caught in a lie? The writers weren’t invested enough to take time to show their breakup, let alone explain it and they were less inclined to demonstrate that they had agreed to date again when they reunited. Instead they had Lucas spend time trying to tell Mike about how to recognize the olive branch. Shouldn’t Lucas had been shown being given an olive branch by Max?

    I’ve written this shit before but when it comes to onscreen relationships one can judge its strength by the simplest of things writers provide them. Perhaps the key demonstration is the display of concern for the other’s well-being. Barely did we get to see Lucas worry over Max this season. And we never saw Max worry about Lucas; she spent the entire season worrying about Eleven and to a lesser extent her brother, Billy. Another cheap trick of Hollywood to portray the validity of a coupling in genres such as this is that the girl gets to see her man do heroic things and save the day or save her life. Lucas saved the Max, El and Mike Group when the monster was about to find them and he used his slingshot to distract the creature, allowing them to get away. But Max and her group don’t know he was the one who did it. Also earlier Max had expressed disdain and doubt over Lucas’ grabbing of fireworks to fight off the monster. Well, his idea worked giving the group needed time to save Eleven. But Max was unconscious and in another part of the mall when that occurred. She never got to see her boyfriend prover her wrong and have his hero moment. That’s something that is naturally afforded to ALL white male characters. Worse of all when Max is breaking down into tears after the death of Billy, do TPTB have Lucas run down the stairs to comfort her? Of course not. Eleven, her soulmate, does that job.

    Yeah, its nice that during a cast promotion of this season the actress who plays Max was trying to prop the relationship with comments about how adorable or great it is, blah, blah, blah. But really there was nothing there. Especially no tenderness or kissing. Makes me think that TPTB are really uncomfortable with the pairing or worry about backlash or some kind.
  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I see...
  3. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's it! Right there! The boyfriend moments were right there to be had and didn't materialize. And @JamalSpunky you and I were not alone in seeing those things because I pointed out so were the fans. The development of their relationship was disappointing and I believe it was a response to the backlash it got from those that took Sadie's comments out of context because they heard it through their hypersensitive, snowflake, fragile ass feelings.

    As I stated before I think some folks in hollywood are just going with whatever these SJWs aka Mobs want because they're getting bullied by them. From the black activist groups, to the feminist activist groups and gay activist groups they're just out here being a bully to those to get what they want. They weaponized their hypersensitivity with angry tweets and the media helps them out by blowing it up and keeping the attention on it. If you remember that is what happened with #2. The headlines over that kiss and Sadie's comments almost took over that season. If you google Lucas and Max those headlines are STILL on the front page.

    So I believe the Duffer Brothers acted out of fear in writing how their relationship will play out this season. Because if you remember in 2 we got to actually SEE development and screen time for Lucas and Max. Lucas broke party rules and told her everything that was going on. I don't think that they will build it up like that just to out of nowhere drop it and make it this afterthought without a reason. And that backlash and how we have seen folks respond to that backlash makes sense.

    Unfortunately these groups are controlling everything through their whining and bickering and online outrage and using it in numbers to bully folks. Some fold others don't.

    I don't have a problem with Gay Characters, but I do have a problem with the LGBT Mobs. I most CERTAINLY don't have a problem with strong female characters but I do have a problem with Feminist Mobs.

    Let Max have been a boy and you wouldn't have heard a peep AND they would've gotten that screen time and relationship development that lacked with Max being a female. Because hollywood panders and bends the knee to the bullies of the LGBT. Like I said fans noticed and pointed out Lucas And Max's lack-there-of relationship this season but it was able to be ignored and stay out of the headlines. Wouldn't have happened if Max was a boy. The Media would've gave them attention and a platform and the twitter part of their Mob would've created some hashtag in response. That serves as MORE proof to how bm&ww couplings are still America's most taboo relationship...because let the people(like us) that have voiced how IR couples between BM & WW are done in art especially with these two and it gains traction and gets a hashtag and makes headlines on eonline.com or dailymail. You already know what's going to happen.

    Black people: "Coon ass niggas crying over white girls"
    "Leave them cave bitches alone" "Get Out"

    White People: "It isn't about race"
    "I don't see color" "Why are you guys making it about race"

    Even though there is progress with IR on screen we are basically not allowed to point out the anti-IR shit we see OR even celebrate seeing IR on screen.
    If you are a black man and proud to be gay you will be celebrated, but if you are a black man and proud to be in a mixed race relationship that's frowned upon among black SJWs and makes white SJWs uncomfortable that you're making everything about race.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2019
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  4. chamber

    chamber Active Member

    BBC's Dark Money
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  5. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Yeesh, i'm good. The plot from that trailer makes me not interested in watching this.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah tough subject matters have to be well written for me to completely write it off. Like with Sorry For Your Loss I couldn't watch that show if it wasn't for it being so well written and performed.
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  8. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    So looks like they're going with a majority black cast on this new season 3 of "Scream" that will be airing on VH1 instead of MTV like the previous seasons:

    Looks like Giorgia Whigham, the chick who played the teen girl Amy on season 2 of "The Punisher", will be involved with C.J. Wallace's character on this show.


    C.J. Wallace is the son of the late Notorious B.I.G. & singer Faith Evans.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
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  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Watching this week's episode of "Euphoria" (Season 1, Episode 4). LOL, McKay don't wanna publicly claim Cassie as his GF because he don't want the shame from being in a relationship with a supposed thot. Ain't he in college in though? Why does he still care about peer pressure from High Schoolers?
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
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  10. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    Yes I was thinking the exact same thing on this week episode he is older than that dude Nate yet still don’t wanna look bad in front of him? He had no problem claiming her when he was at the frat party though. Makes no sense what’s even more weird is that the dude Nate’s girl fucked some random in the pool at McKay’s party in front of everybody and had the shit recorded and his parents don’t like her yet he got no problem claiming her.

    I can see where this is heading and it is not a good way. Got no inside info or anything but I can see the relationship getting further strained after this because dude never called her back that night just left. That dude she was riding the carousel with was foreshadowed in the previous episode so he is gonna have bigger part to play soon. She is probably gonna end up fucking him and regret it because he just wants to get a hot piece of ass and she regrets doing it and goes back to McKay after he realizes how stupid he was for not claiming her but she ends up pregnant or something with the other dudes kid. When her mom said please don’t get pregnant when she went away with McKay they kinda set that up.
  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    How was the dude that Cassie rode the carousel with foreshadowed in last week's episode? Last week's episode pretty much established that Cassie is a ride or die chick for McKay. So it was a completely out of left field for McKay, to not wanna claim her.
  12. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah this is where yet again writers get the realistic aspects of a relationship wrong. They don't know whether to make Mckay a guy that wants to be with her regardless of her past or a guy that sees himself too good and a shamed by her past. But most athletes usually do claim a girl like Cas'. That is one of the reasons with the exception of the obvious girls like her in real life gravitate towards athletes. Look at Saquon and Mohamed Sanu's girls.

    Looking at her character Cassie reminds me of some of these WAGs with her demeanor, the way she dresses, being selfie obsessed, into shopping and all of that. She is literally playing a WAG. lol. And judging by how long some of them have been with these women this should work out, but it seems as though they have it going in another direction that doesn't seem good.
  13. glt1980

    glt1980 Well-Known Member

    The character was in the opening last week, the younger version, he is Daniel the boy who Kat(web camming girl) said was her boyfriend that held her hand and walked her into school everyday until after she came back from vacation and had gained all the weight, and then said he did not want to be around her anymore in the note, but he had another person write the note for him. Basically showing him as a guy that would run away when from a situation and will not face up to it himself.

    I agree that Cassie is a ride or die for McKay which is why she was so crushed when he said they were "just chilling" especially after he told her he loved her as well. The thing is McKay seems like a good dude despite the fact that he isn't claiming Cassie, he obviously does care for Cassie, I mean I think the first time they did anything was the night of his party and he did not know about her sextape before that so he was not with her because he saw her as easy, and they had been hanging out before that, he had dinner with her family before that, her mom likes him, even the time they were watching a movie and she was trying to get physical he did not want her to in part because I think he wants their relationship to be beyond that. I think McKay wants to claim Cassie, but there is something else going on in his life, we really do not know too much about him beyond he is in college, plays football(but cant get on the field), Nate is his best friend, he has two younger bros, and he is dating Cassie. He is coming off as very insecure right now about everything and is too wrapped up in what others think. Like I said before who the fuck cares what his little no ass getting stoner brothers think about Cassie as well as Nate who's girl who has gone full on THOT in front of Nate and the whole school at the party think. I think his identity is tied up in being a star football player and him not being that in college is messing him up, Cassie is the only person that has given him a bit of confidence and reassurance as she showed at the Frat party and he might be running her off, if he was at school and killing it no doubt he is saying Cassie is his girl.

    I think we are going to be getting more background on both Cassie and McKay in the coming episodes and it will help explain some things but unfortunately I do not see things getting better. Especially after reading the episode descriptions for the next two.

    Episode 5: “’03 Bonnie and Clyde”
    Debut date: SUNDAY, JULY 14 (10:00-11:00 p.m.)
    In the aftermath of the carnival, Maddy and Nate are forced to deal with a police investigation. Jules begins to feel pressured by her role in Rue’s sobriety. Kat ignores a confused Ethan and embraces her new lifestyle. Cassie tries to distance herself from Daniel (Keean Johnson) and focus on her relationship with McKay. Cal worries about how his actions have affected his sons.

    but then the next week

    Debut date: SUNDAY, JULY 21 (10:00-11:00 p.m.)
    On Halloween, Rue worries about her reliance on Jules, while Jules starts exhibiting concerning behavior. McKay questions his future in football. After a weird night with McKay, Cassie spends time with Daniel. Business is booming for Kat as she continues to push Ethan away. Nate comes up with a plan to get his life back on track.

    In the coming weeks it seems she will grow closer to the Daniel dude and further away from McKay. So I see them breaking up probably episode 7 and this time she will hookup with Daniel and that encounter will lead her to getting pregnant. But like I said earlier they showed Daniel as a guy that will run away when things get tough.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2019
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  14. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I haven’t watched the show, but based on what you guys have been saying about it, I can only draw one conclusion...
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah like I said they are unrealistic about Mckay and Cassie based on real life couples we have seen and posted on this site like that.

    Based on those descriptions on the next two episodes I smell another fan favorite LOVE TRIANGLE! lol.

    The show is pretty good though. Only if they do the IR couple COMPLETELY dirty is where I would stop watching.
  16. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Interracial Easter egg. When Max shows eleven the two comic books, 1 is of Wonder Woman (representing Max), and the other is of John Stewart Green Lantern (The Black Green Lantern). I thought that was amusing.
  17. How is that an Easter egg or reference though? I’m almost positive WW and John never dated.
  18. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    They didn't. I believe meow is merely pointing out that the covers of the two comic books in Max's hands featured a white woman on one and a black guy on the other. The show could have just as easily used a white Green Lantern (Hal Jordan was the main one) but did not.
  19. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

  20. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Watching the 2nd episode of "Scream" season 3. Oh boy, they got Biggie & Faith Evans' son playing a nigga nerd that is clueless to pick-up social cues when a female is trying to let him smash.

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