Random/one-off celebrity WW/BM IR Couple pics

Discussion in 'Celebrity WW/BM Couples' started by Bliss, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Thank you. Iggy didn't do anything wrong other than have songs go to #1 on the Billboards Top 100 thereby pissing certain people off. Granted those songs weren't all that great but so what? Average songs doing well on the charts is nothing new. Black people, led by black women of course, were just mad she was so successful. So it was time to bring her down and they did so by criticizing her for not talking about black issues more on twitter. If a black guy got shot by police and she didn't comment on it she would be taken to task for benefiting from black culture (rap music) without giving back. That was some stupid shit. They wanted some young white chick from Australia wading more publicly into the fucked up racial affairs of the USA. Who wanted to hear that from her, especially if she wasn't up to the task? I sure didn't. Look what happen to J Timberlake when he applauded Jesse Williams on his comments at the BET Awards. Black people on twitter told him to shut the fuck up. Now just think what they would have done to Iggy if she went all in on police violence on black people. It was wanna those can't win scenarios, there were no good options for her. Eventually when her hype started fading mainstream media decided it was time to take Iggy down a peg or two because Woke Twitter instructed them too. And Iggy would realize that her "fans" were fake; just a bunch of teenage white girls who are so weak and meek that they would abandon her instead of sticking up for her. And I say this as a person who didn't care for her music.
  2. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Trust me....soon some black chicks and their male slaves will do some twitter research and find one remark in which Justina disses some black woman's outfit and use that as an example of her racism and bigotry towards black women in general. She will be labeled a problematic appropriator and then considered cancelled. The media will then follow along and put an end to her.
  3. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Let me do a followup rant on this whole thing.

    Last week Zion was similarly dragged when it was revealed he tried to hit on some white co-ed at UNC when he entered her DMs. It was seen as some sort of crisis by many in the black community, in particular black males who started dogging him for liking those "whyte" girls. That same week some black dudes went on the Instagram page of Joel Embiid's Brazilian girlfriend after she posted a lovely clip of the two of them together. Dudes were telling her to stay away from her own damn boyfriend, charging her with just being Embiid for his money (as if black women have NEVER done that when hooking up with professional black athletes).

    These were recent but alarming examples of increasing tribalism by black people on social media. But here's the thing....if more black men are going down that bullshit road of pushing a racist agenda someone better tell them they aren't doing it the right way. Because when white guys, Asian men, Arabic/Muslim dudes do this type of stuff online they target their women who date interracially. They tend to be silent when a male of their flock crosses that line unless it is done in a way that embarrasses their movement and beliefs. Black dudes are the only dupes stupid enough to go after males like themselves who pursue women outside their race. Meanwhile black men are relatively silent so far as going after black ladies who hook up with non-black men.

    Years ago I made a comment on this site suggesting that the reason why someone who looks like Seal could get so many fine white females who were also celebrities, was because he was NOT from the USA. I theorized that African American men have too many hangups, thus creating their own roadblocks. American society has done such a mental job o them throughout the centuries that many black guys are either stereotypical who salivate after white women so much that they would take any piece of white flesh that came along or they are the type who are so well-trained to prove that they don't find white women attractive that they immediately attack any other black guys that would look a white woman's way (I would compare the latter to men who are gay deep down but are the first to denounce homosexuality to provide cover ad prove to themselves that they don't want to have sex with men). Not saying all or even most black American men fall into these two categories. But there are far too many of these kinds of black guys and they ca have the power to fuck up everything. And this leads to black male celebs like Michael B Jordan, who should have tons of options with white female celebrities, becoming chicken shit fools who live in FEAR of being with the type of woman he finds most attractive and settling for some black actress that is probably never going to excite him as much (just my opinion). There is so much grief a guy like Jordan he gets from far too many black folks that he ends up taking an escape route. I now fear that black men all over the globe are beginning to pick up these particular characteristics.

    This has led me to come to a conclusion that in this current state I consider any black male celebs who date/marry very attractive non-black women (especially if they are white) to be FREE BLACK MEN. That's one reason why I love the Weeknd. He doesn't diss black women in what he writes or says, but plenty of black people view him as being a hater of black women base upon his dating choices and the type of chicks that can often be found in his videos. And he keeps doing his thing anyway. That's freedom.
  4. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I question the sanity of any woman who would allow themselves to be in a position of sharing this man. Definitely seems like a money thing in this case.
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Maaaan they did the same thing to YesJulz. I started following her on twitter a couple weeks ago and I believe it was last week she did an interview and addressed some of the things and misconceptions about her. Black twitter got mad and started dragging her because they said she was talking down to black women. I listened to that whole interview and she mentioned a black female's name who is Karen Civil and Joe Budden as people that had something against her hosting shows at hip hop venues. Not once did she mention black women, but people kept saying she was coming at black women. You're not even allowed to have a problem with a black female or they're going to perceive it as you being racist. smh. The black female who defended herself used to defend YesJulz alot didn't even mention race and talked specifically about what YesJulz was talking about and they still made YesJulz's comments out to being racial.
  6. AtomSmasher86

    AtomSmasher86 Well-Known Member

    Because she was a WW rapper, she knew she had to walk on egg shells, but she ignored all of T.I.'s advice and WW rappers paid the price dearly, as the hyper-sensitive, hyper-victimized, thin-skinned woke community made an example out of her.
  7. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Those women putting him on blast instead of keeping it between them deserves some blame too. Zion does need to be careful, but all that man was doing was shooting his shot. Some of the black people I seen were defending him thankfully.
  8. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    What I'm reading here today is plenty of reasons for people to stay off social media lol
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  9. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I'm behind. What was T.I.'s advice?
  10. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I heard about that latest bullshit. But what makes it worse was reading/seeing websites with white bloggers/writers/video hosts claim that YesJulz has some sort of tainted, racist past when there is no evidence of that. The worse thing she ever did was imply way back that there were black women jealous over how some black guys found her attractive. It was a stupid thing to say (although black women can get away with giving a finger to white women by typing how white guys can't get enough of them). But that wasn't enough of crime to send one to Social Media Penitentiary Island.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The shit people believe. Watch it's going to get to a point where you can be present with somebody at an event RIGHT there in their face, live and in person and they'll see something either on social media or MSM that says you weren't there at that event and that person that was RIGHT THERE with you will believe them and think that you weren't there at that event. lol.

    "No you weren't there! What now Black Twitter is lying?" lol.
  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Hell, this won't just be a problem involving black twitter. All the world is trending into dangerous territory of ignoring facts.
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Absolutely! It just doesn't hit them that facts always trump beliefs. They cling to what they believe to the point that they don't allow their minds to process a fact when it's right there!

  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Some of you have evidently forgotten the site guidelines and hijacked the thread with crap that doesn't belong here, thereby turning the thread to shit.

    It started with someone posting about a bunch of hater comments that have some members triggered (which is ironic when some of those members complain so much about haters who are triggered by bm/ww IR couples). PLEASE stop posting that garbage. Who needs trolls when we have members doing their dirty work for them. You may think you're being pro-IR with that shit, but you are not. The same goes for hating on the haters; that just makes you the other side of the same dysfunctional coin. The only way to win with toxic people is not to get sucked into playing their messed up games.

    Remember, this site is for/about White Women & Black Men who date one another. It's not about a bunch of irrelevant people whose opinions of us don't matter. Stop giving those people so much power over you, and let their issues be their own damn problem.

    Please & thank you.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'll be the first to admit that I had trouble taking my own advice. lol.

    I apologize for my part in derailing the thread and will try to do better. Great post, @Tamstrong
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, not following our own advice is something we all have trouble with sometimes.

    You can make it up to everyone by posting a pic to get the thread back on track. ;)

    Thanks. :)
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Chloe Green and Jeremy Meeks on IG.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
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  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Chris Bosh and his Wife and Mother of 5 Of His Kids Adrienne Bosh

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Niykee Heaton & Jeff Logan
  20. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure Bosh's wife is a very light skin black woman.

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