The Nerdz Lounge.

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Ra, Dec 12, 2010.

  1. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    The show sounds about as wack as they come. Lol
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That is the world we live in now. A lot of people especially these SJWs SAY they want diversity and inclusion, but then they show their bigotry and selfish pride in race and/or gender. Folks mostly care about people they share the same race and/or gender with. Other than it also be political party. The psychological tactic of divide and conquer is working. It's like they can't be celebratory unless it's at the expense of some other group.
  3. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Not that serious to you or me, but clearly serious for your bro here.....

    Like I said feel free to talk about whatever and vent. My deal is there is a whole IR on TV/Movie Thread where literally the exact same talking points and venting is going on. Same thing in the IR celebrity section. Pick any random thread in there it's the same exact talking points and venting.

    Exactly how many threads do ya'll need to do the same exact thing that Twitter niggas & the various IR haters/racists do on other sites?
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Black Lightning got mentioned. Maybe we shouldn't mention that show anymore. lol.
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  5. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Maybe it's because I don't really spend much (if any) time in gossip sites or social media, but I don't think black women are our enemy. Yes, there are hypocritical and obnoxious ones. But every group has those, right?

    I read a lot of stereotyping of black women on these threads that reminds me of the broad overgeneralizations that people hurl at us. I don't love that.

    I also think positive bwwm representations help us. TRUE, they don't help as much as positive wwbm representations would help us. But that stuff seeps into the zeitgeist and has at least *some* normalizing spillover effect.

    We agree on this: for all the "progress" we've made (and we've made HUGE progress!), black men still don't receive the full, across-the-board consideration that would evidence true equality. That kind of consideration would obviously include -- in my view -- healthy, realistic, and attractive romances with women of *all* colors (just like everyone else).

    In a perfect world this wouldn't be an issue, and a site like this would make as much sense as a site for right-handed guys who like dating left-handed girls, and vice versa. Then again, maybe there is one of those somewhere lol
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    We talk about specific black women. Mainly these black feminist, SJWs, bigots, ect.
    I think(hope) we can agree that black women as a gender just like any other humans are not our enemies.

    There are even black women that call those type of black women out.
  7. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    Then maybe we're more aligned than I assumed. But I'm still not so quick to write off black feminists and SJWs. Regardless, I'm glad for our common ground.
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yeah like darkcurry said its not everyone obviously but the loudest ones who steer cultural norms do embody this. Even if they aren't always saying it in words its in action. What's funny is in discussions about us I have never in my life seen a black woman stick up for black men unless its someone outside the race. In curious did you come from a single mother household?
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fam like i said its as topics come up. Yes this is the nerd lounge but sometimes some weird racist anti black man shit comes up. You don't see that?
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a good idea it'll help keep my buddy Ra sane lol.

    Honestly I don't read reviews especially of books before I read them usually they have spoilers and the reason I read is for the delayed payoff. So when I read the premise of these books I said why not especially with black female leads. Contrary to popular belief I think a lot of men in particular black men enjoy female leads in a story it gives a fun perspective. Hunger Games and Divergent didn't become huge based female readers alone.
    I'll give anything a shot if it catches my eye but I'm also quick to stop reading if shit gets wack.
    I also agree with your critique of Wrinkle in Time. I got quilted into watching it and it plain sucked. Of course I had to hear I didn't like it because I don't support women of color. Same nonsense I heard when I said I didn't like Wonder woman to me it sucked but I'm a comic geek so of course I wasn't going to like it.
  11. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    My black ass has just hit the half century mark of living life as a Black Man in AmeriKKKa. A Black Man who grew up in the South hearing as well as seeing all the various ways white folks could be fuck & racists from the handful of 80/90/100 year olds (still alive at that time) black elders from my great-grandparents generation, all folks my grandparents generation, all the folks from my parents, uncles & aunts generation, all the folks from my older brother & cousins generation and all the shit from folks from my generation born in the late 60's/early 70's.

    I've been with the same white woman for close to 27 years (been married going on 24) and seen and dealt with all the highs & lows that come with interracial dating never mind an interracial marriage. I have twins (a son & a daughter) who will be graduating and going to college sometime next year (Let Me Repeat: 2 Kids. Going to College. At the Same Time) that both myself and their mother over the last 17 years have been giving them the various tools and knowledge they will need to navigate in a fucked up world that views and treats them as "black" despite their mother mother being a very fair skinned, blonde haired, hazel eyed, slightly countrified and white bread white woman.

    My brother in law (who is a closeted Trump Supporter) gets all indignant and plays confused over the fact that over the last two me and my kids have stopped going over to his house for holidays or various other family gathers due to his habit of going on ignorant right wing bullshit rants, especially once he's had a few beers in his system. Also have a couple of white in laws who are straight up meth heads and do all the various fucked up illegal trailer park level bullshit possible put still have the balls to look down on me & my family because we live a life that they think they should have.

    Been working the same job for the last 18 years in an office full of some the most overly ambitious, cut throat, backstabbing ass bureaucrats and wanna be politicians alive. Had my fair share of run ins with various underhanded white men, white women and a few "throw their own under the bus" ass negroes looking to fuck me over or get me fired. My black ass is still standing nevermind having made myself indispensable in the office by not only knowing my job upside down, inside out, backwards and any other way possible but that of all my subordinates as well as the incompetent ass kisser that servers as my immediate supervisor.

    But yet somehow we have negroes on this site coming at me talking about " But, but, but, but Ra, you don't understand how hard it is being a Black Man in AmeriKKKa. But, but, but, Ra, you don't understand how racist some of these white folks are out here. But, but, but, but Ra, you don't understand how hard it is out here in these streets trying to date interracially or be in a long term interracial relationship. But, but, but but, Ra, you don't understand that some of our own skin folk will hate on us and try to to fuck us over for their own self serving reasons. But, but, but, Ra, you don't understand we gotta call out all these various fucked elements that are out to do us harm in some way because that's magically somehow going to stop all these fucked fuckers from being racists and/or ain't shit.

    But I digresss....ya'll do ya'll. Fight The Powers That Be however.
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Brother I wish I could hug you you need one. Damn.

    Calling out fucked up shit helps to create change. You may be beyond that but not everyone is where you are. Allow people to get there at their own pace.
  13. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    You make a good point. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, right lol? Maybe we reasonable people just need to make more noise.

    No, I'm not from a single mom home. My parents are still married. I'm one of the really really lucky ones. Most of my perspective comes from my Christian upbringing.
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


    And of course you miss my whole damn point because you're so focus on the activity of calling out shit that you don't see anything else. SMDH

    Explain to me why you think I need a hug??
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I'll say this. I just like to stay aware and not be rocked to sleep like most people are when it comes to racism. I want to make sure the right things are supported when it comes to IR. I don't think voting does much in this country because both parties through MY experience dealing with racism and dating white women all my life have fucked over the people, but I do believe supporting things that offers knowledge, diversity and unity has more of an affect than whether we vote democrat or republican. I believe the change in the diversity we see now in TV and Movies has to do with that support and knowledge.

    What I takeaway from talking points here and other places like BGS IBMOR is knowledge and information that you can't get from the racist machine MSM. And I hope others do as well so that we can support the right things. These are where the voices emerge from those that are aware so that we can have people unafraid that will step up KNOWING they have the support and are not alone and won't get destroyed by the sheep and the machine because they will have a team behind them supporting them.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2018
  16. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    The MCU has always dipped into the Ultimate Marvel universe for story ideas, black Nick Fury being the best example. Since they have already established that Miles exists in the MCU he will get his due, just remember the MCU has years of movies to make.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I didn't know they moved Supergirl to Sunday Nights. I checked to see how the ratings were last year and the ratings seemed okay. I wonder what this move is all about.
  18. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Just out of curiosity, how many other IR BM/WW couples to you know or associate with in RL?

    Just asking because that's a good way to stay aware of things and get support when it comes to IR.
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Right now me and my GF pretty much stay to ourselves, but as of right now we know of 2 others we hang out with here and there that lives in her neighborhood. Now former neighborhood she just moved in with me yesterday in my neighborhood where there are only 1 other IR BM/WW couple. But I've been around them all my life, because some of the neighborhoods I used to live in around Johnstown were full of them. One neighborhood I lived in IR dating between bm/ww were so common you barely see any other kind of relationship. And I have had conversations and shared empathy and information especially about how it is not only white men that have a problem with us dating. WW felt comfortable to talk about and speak out about the bigotry they face from black people for dating black men.

    One of the things that led me here besides my nephew @kenny_g was I missed those people/couples. This community is like familiar ground for me. The online version. lol.
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    (Per the bolded part of your post) I think that's the reason why a lot of members joined, especially back when we actually had a more wider and diverse number of posters in these part. There was a good mix of both black men & white women from various walks of lives, ages and even other countries sharing experiences and just bonding more than not. Even had a few hook ups as well as friendships develop. Good times even for some people who were just lurkers (non troll kind).

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