BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    I'm watching the series premiere New Amsterdam on NBC. There's an impressive black doctor who apparently hooked up with a white co-worker. She wants to "see where it goes," but he wants to end it because she's not black.

    But as of 35 minutes into the show, she ain't taking no for an answer. So far, the reasons he's given her are the kinds of things a lot of you on this site HATE lol (i.e., black women feel betrayed, etc.).

    Edit: The white doctor is played by Janet Montgomery, a British actress who's done ir before (Dancing on the Edge) and been a fave of mine since she was on Human Target years ago.

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    Last edited: Sep 26, 2018
  2. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah I just seen it as well and him saying that like clockwork just attracted all the black women that hate it when black men date outside their race on twitter praising him saying that.

    They just started a controversy I don't think they are prepared for with these kind of black women. If they want to prove there is nothing wrong with IR love the last thing you want to do is attract the pro black love crowd with that speech because unfortunately the pro black love crowd has bigots that love black love out of spite of IR love.

    But the actress Janet Montgomery is british doing a very convincing U.S. accent on this show. Her scene with Chiwetel Ejiofor is still one of the most beautifully shot IR love scenes on screen.
  3. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the guy from that ER tv show lmao
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well they just made sure I'll never watch it. They've declared this show is for black women and white men sensibilities. On to the next.
  5. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Not really. At least it doesn't look like that with the next episode and at the end of this episode they leave together. I think they are trying to go the route of love is love. The only problem with that is what he said is something that a lot of black women against interracial dating regards as truth and those links to black women celebrating what he said proved that.

    You cannot pull the love is love thing with a relationship on a show or movie by invoking the black love crowd because they believe race and skin color determines love. So this has the potential to either create controversy or they will lose a lot of black female viewers going forward with this couple. Knowing bigoted black women they will probably let it burn in their soul to the point they will pitifully tune in every week just to bash this couple online.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Anyway, Sorry For Your Loss aired episodes 5 & 6 tonight and me and the GF watched that after New Amsterdam.

    Who was it who recommend this show in this thread again? I like it so far they did what I thought they should've done moving forward. Episode 5 was raw, real, tough and human as fuck. Hopefully they keep it up.

    BTW: I think this is a one time series like that Amy Adams HBO show. Because I don't know how you could do a season after season of this subject and make it work long term.
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Looks like it's gonna be ongoing storyline based on the promo for next week's episode:

    I was assuming it was a plot for only 1 episode based on qaz1 & darkcurry's posts.
  8. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Yeah, that's not going to go over well.
  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    The season 3 premiere of "Star" airs tonight & the lead character Star is pregnant. I assume Luke James' character is the baby daddy based on these 2 promos:

    The actress that plays Star, Jude Demorest, is pregnant in real life based on her recent pics I've seen on IG. So looks like they're shoehorning her pregnancy into the show. I HATE when TV shows shoehorn a pregnancy into a show because the actress is pregnant in real life.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Good. She made a good point why are you holding out for this mythical good black woman when a dope good looking good hearted woman who is in your profession is right in front of you.
    And let me also point out in the numerous on screen romances with black women and white men not a single time not one instance have I ever even seen these women show interest in black men yet make a pointless stance for black men. Reality is black women who complain about this shit not only want to be with non black men they are so bitter and angry they don't want to see black men with anyone
  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I'm 6 minutes into the pilot episode of "New Amsterdam" & I thought she looked familiar. What was her character's role on "Human Target". I don't remember.

    Sooooooo...... You're not even going mention what movie this scene is actually from?
  12. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member


    I saw the initial post, before the whole discussion broke out, and I said to myself I would stay away from this show for that reason alone. In America white guys date outside their race more than any other demographic (#1 IR unions are between white men and Asian women and the #2 is between white men and Hispanic women) and yet they are NEVER called on the carpet about betraying white women; they never have to apologize. Meanwhile in black America black dudes are going nearly 30 years of having to pledge loyalty to black women as well as champion black women beauty publicly less they get called out as traitors. And the worse offenders could be black men doing the work of black women by criticizing other black men who pursued non-black ladies.

    That this show even raised this silly topic suggests a possibility of competing pathetic scenarios:

    1- The show has a black writer/producer onboard who is a woman arrogant enough to assume black men must not forget their oath to the sistas.
    2- The show has a black writer or producer who is a man that just happens to be 100% simp/dupe.
    3-The show's writer and or producer who came up with the idea is a white person who has been exposed to this bullshit via the media or real life conversations which means this nonsense has spread to the mainstream.

    Of course if the show turns the whole thing on its head by calling out racism and double standards from the African American community and have the couple go happily about their way then I will give it props.
  13. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    I'll admit I had little interest in the show despite its premise until I caught this recent casting news:


    Kelvin Harrison Jr. (It Comes at Night) and Lucy Fry (Bright) have been cast in Godfather of Harlem, Epix’s straight-to-series crime drama starring and executive produced by Forest Whitaker. The series hails from Narcos co-creator Chris Brancato and Paul Eckstein and ABC Signature Studios. Vincent D’Onofrio, Ilfenesh Hadera, Antoinette Crowe-Legacy and Nigél Thatch also star.

    Written and executive produced by Brancato and Eckstein, Godfather of Harlem is inspired by the story of infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson (Whitaker), who in the early 1960s returned from 10 years in prison to find the neighborhood he once ruled in shambles. With the streets controlled by the Italian mob, Bumpy must take on the Genovese crime family to regain control. During the brutal battle, he forms an alliance with radical preacher Malcolm X (Thatch) – catching Malcolm’s political rise in the crosshairs of social upheaval and a mob war that threatens to tear the city apart.

    Harrison will play Teddy Greene, a world-class musician who disdains a “pop” music mentality and experiments with music designed to herald the coming age of civil rights protest. His protest anthem is a harbinger of spoken-word music that truly explores the black experience in America. His dangerous romance with Stella Gigante (Fry) will test the limits of his love and put him in the crosshairs of New York City’s most dangerous mobster.

    Fry’s Stella, the sheltered 22-year-old daughter of Vincent “Chin” Gigante, is effected by winds of change that foretell a turbulent 1960s. Her love of music takes her from East Harlem into the bohemian world of Greenwich Village and into the arms of African-American musician Teddy Greene. Coming from a family and community where interracial relationships are blasphemy, Stella has the courage to rebel against her father. But as Bumpy Johnson reminds her, Romeo and Juliet is really just two dumb kids who end up dead.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That would be something but I doubt it. And btw you can tell a black woman wrote it by the dumb shit he said about football players with white women and the hurt looks on his mom and sisters' faces. That sounds like every bitter asshole I've ever heard speak on the topic. Its insane that so many focus on the dating habits of celebrities as if seeing a football player with a black chick some how gives them a shot at dating football players. And even more to the point forget white men not a single black woman character ever apologizes for that shit. Nearly all the networks have a white man black woman romance front and center on the show. Midnight on NBC, Scandal How to Getaway with Murder on ABC, nearly all if not all the shows on the CW. Not a single second is dedicated to some guilt black women have for dating out and honestly they shouldn't. We have no interest in owning them the way the want to own us. I think they might be pissed about that too, all other groups of men heavily police the dating choice of their women black women have complete and unbridled freedom.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    One of my boys is actually on this show can't wait to see this.
  16. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I just watched the episode an hour ago & I'm legit embarrassed about the scene. I never thought I'd see this type of storyline outside of maybe a Black TV Show/film. I hope to god this storyline doesn't start to become a regular trope in tv shows in the future.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Dancing On The Edge. It's a show. We posted about that sex scene in the men's locker room before I just I thought you guys already knew. lol.
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I tried with this show last night and I just couldn't like her character. Is she supposed to be unlikable or is it just me? Because her attitude at times SUCKS!
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    This sounds real good! And with some very good talented actors. All they need is for the script to be good and they could have something here. I loved Lucy Fry's character in BRIGHT.

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  20. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Don't worry when the ratings are down and the show is on its last legs, they'll put on a black Bachelor
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