BM/WW IR sightings on TV

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are people dumb enough to fall for this? Dude looks German. And you think if they got some ex ball player people wouldn't tune in even if he were black. I think the bigger challenge would be finding a guy who's doing well and play this game
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Right. Certainly not the traditional smouldering Latino image.

    To your point, well, they have a plethora of black ex players to choose from and they still haven't gone that route. That's telling.
    (Now, they don't have a problem putting them on DWTS and a couple of players have even won it, however put in potential husband roles...they fail.)

    Obviously, we here would watch it 100%, but would middle America? Would East and West Coast women watch? There's just too many cream of the crop White Bachelors available for ABC to fuck with their successful formula. Appeasing and representating a small percentage doesn't appear to pay off for ABC. Maybe and hopefully down the line they might buck their trend.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Package that shit and do Bachelor Canada edition. Just back from there for business and living in the US you would believe every industrialized country is like us and simply aren't. Brown and black men are celebrated top notch choices along with white men. Interracial dating is common as breathing and not just black men black women as well. Honestly outside of older couples it was rare to find an area where the majority of couples were monoracial. Lately I just enjoy their entertainment better as well, they aren't as constricted by race so they can take liberties that we don't. If not Canada then maybe the UK I'm just saying if we are too race conscious here take that shit somewhere else, people will watch.
  4. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Those are the reasons I think it to be, you believe it has to do with the women's comfort in choosing black men. I think that is a garbage excuse and thinking lowly of black men for you have to be comfortable with choosing them. Which is why I also said one of the reasons could be they manage to find women that aren't into black men. You can tell that btw by a female's dating history and interest. So they could very well choose those women to not get a bm/ww IR couple on their main show. You really think they go into the bachelorette NOT knowing if the female is into black men? I mean look at how many black men they choose to have as the suitors. Not many. I'm not giving the producers of this show a pass, I think they still have issues with black men. They could very much allow it on BiP because it is a spin-off and a different format as you said to where that wouldn't be looked at as problematic because it's basically a throwback to those hook up shows that used to come on in the early 2000s. Remember even the first black female bachelorette said she thinks they would NEVER choose a Black Male Bachelor.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2018
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    The common feeling is no one would choose to spend their life with a black man if they had other options. Its rampant.
  6. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    That's a terrible, depressing, brainwashed and inaccurate way of thinking about black men. You can't believe in the narrative that racism paints. There are women out there that are the opposite it's just that racism attempts to silence that which leads to people thinking like you. It's one of the ways of how we get black women having their "reasons" why black men shouldn't date white women. You think Lindsey Vonn, Doutzen Kroes, Kim Kardashian, Shanina Shaik, Nicole Trunfio, Lauren Jauregui, Bella Hadid are all with black men because they don't have other options? So they're with black men by default? Because white men don't want them? Is that what you think of the white women on this board? Do those girls with black men on BiP ALSO don't have options?

    Common sense; If the producers of the show would NOT choose a black bachelor then odds are they are making SURE they're bachelorette don't have much interest in black men or none at all. You guys are completely ignoring that fact that connects with the bachelorette and giving the producers a pass and blaming it on the women they never choose to be the bachelorette instead of the producers and the women THEY DO CHOOSE!
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Call it what you want but it's a fact fam. Our culture is completely race obsessed
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    If the Bachelor had a BM, its not just WW at issue, its BW, too. Even though the Bachelor is primarily white-centric, there are black female viewers that do enjoy watching a white man romantically interact with women, because they're not normally exposed to that in real life. So the bachelor franchise would possibly be risking alienating them by choosing a black man who would then have women of all backgrounds vying for his attention. You know that's not going to go down well with a vocal segment of the population.

    Sure, you can justify that they've had a black Bachelorette, however there's a cognitive disconnect of fair-play for BM (with some of them) when it comes to matters of whom he should love. It's sad.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I disagree sure there will be initial upset but if its normalized people will get over it. "Rap will never be mainstream its too aggressive" "black films don't do well internationally" "a movie with a female lead won't do as well as one with men" funny how all this shit is unthinkable until it happens and does well. Oh yeah remember that black president we weren't ready for?
  11. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    You mean the DeMario & Corrinne scandal from last year? Yeah, that was on BIP. There’s also a controversy involving another black male contestant on this year's BIP.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Then why the heck haven't they picked one? It makes no sense, right? ABC aren't stupid. This lack of one had been ongoing since 2002. (16 years and 22 seasons).

    Ironically, the new Bachelor has just been picked snd we will know Tuesday. Let's see.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Was it involving the same girl that is with the black guy on there currently? Because I thought l caught a glimpse of a black guy? getting in a car to leave and she and others were speaking negative about that man after. Of course, I've only ever watched 40 minutes of the show, so if you have a clip of him and what happened, that'd be great.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well that's like saying why wasn't there a literal 20 year gap between black lead superhero movies, why did it take so long to make a Wonder Woman movie even though she was the most notable superhero character behind Superman and Batman. Then you flops coming out year after year even though there isn't any evidence to support people wanting to see them. Execs are not always as bright as they think they are and even more importantly they are woefully out of touch, they have no clue what regular people want.
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Yes l agree, Execs are often clueless.
    In this case, the Bachelor has not flopped.
    It's frustrating for us obviously but the Black Male Bachelor has thus far been denied and no one can positively put their finger on why.
    And TBH, some of their picks are baffling - just yuck guys.
  16. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    I don't watch the show. I've only seen the headlines for this year's controversy.


    Actually it was on The Bachelorette:

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  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    What? No it isn't a fact. Why do you guys even comment then on IR couples posted if you think they're relationship is not genuine because you think these women are only with them because they don't have other options. Why even be here if you think that is the consensus among white women who date black men. How many IR couples you know who are race obsessed. Those are the pro-black people, bigoted black people of the black community and racist people of the white community. They're big and driven by black women yes, but when have you seen much of that with the IR community?

    We JUST got done talking about these successful shows with IR couples on them. That is what we mainly talk about on here. You're letting the bachelor try to tell the story of the world where they are telling one side of the story that they are helping driving the narrative of.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2018
  18. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    The execs have made their feelings known when they got sued by black men a few years ago if you remember that. If that is the audience they have attracted then that's just it. It is the audience they attracted, they didn't change the minds of women in America and the world on black men like some want to think. lol. Even the female fans last year and this year were all over social media asking for a black bachelor. This year It's a mix bag of viewers wanting some brotha named Wills and other wanting some other white guy if folks truly been paying attention. Even these lily white women who they main audience are are starting to look at black men. lol.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I'm saying generally that's the feeling in the US
  20. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    And I'm saying that feeling is wrong and poorly misguided because what proof that makes you think when you see women with black men that they are only with them because they don't have other options? Is that how you go into the dating world thinking that women are only talking to you because no white man or other non-black man would want them? One of the ways racism wins is when brothas begin to think less of themselves, have insecurities and what not. Where do you see that? If that is the general feeling then please explain to me how recent IR on shows could be so popular in the US, Fans WANTING the producers of Cloak and Dagger to hurry up and make them a couple and shoots down any naysayers online, please explain how the women I listed and the women in the Celebrity IR couples forum don't have any other option but to be with a black man. There is a lot of racism against black men and our IR dating life, but there is also a lot of pushback or you wouldn't get most of the positive things we have posted on this site. I think you guys want that to be the general feeling more than it actually is. I think you guys see successful shows with IR in them, an audience for IR, happy IR couples and women like a Lindsey Vonn actually interested in black men and don't think it's real and must be something wrong with it and becomes suspicious and paranoid and look for something negative because you don't think a pushback of Mainstream AmeriKKKa's values has actually done what we seen so far. That's the FEELING I'm getting.

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