1. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Stormy Daniels offers to return 'hush agreement' money to speak freely

    By Maegan Vazquez, CNN
    Updated 5:08 PM EDT, Mon March 12, 2018


    Adult film actress Stormy Daniels is offering to return the $130,000 payment she received from President Donald Trump's attorney in exchange for dissolving a so-called "Hush Agreement."

    Last month, Michael Cohen said he paid $130,000 of his own money to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, ahead of the 2016 election in exchange for her silence regarding an alleged sexual encounter with Trump. Both Cohen and the White House have denied any sexual encounter between the President and Clifford.

    Clifford's attorney, Michael Avenatti, sent Cohen a letter offering to wire $130,000 by Friday to an account designated by the President. In exchange, the settlement agreement between Clifford, Trump and Cohen's company would be "deemed null and void in their entirety."

    The exchange would allow Clifford to speak publicly about her allegations of an affair with Trump, and according to the letter "use and publish any text messages, photos and/or videos relating to the President that she may have in her possession, all without fear of retribution and/or legal liability for damages." By sending the money to Trump, it would involve the President -- who has never acknowledged the agreement or the affair -- in the case.

    White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said last week that "arbitration was won in the President's favor" regarding the case. The statement is an admission that the nondisclosure agreement exists and that it directly involves Trump. It was the first time the White House had admitted the President was involved in any way with Clifford.

    A message left with Cohen was not immediately returned.

    Avenatti told CNN's "New Day" last week that Clifford would "absolutely" pay back the $130,000 if she was allowed to speak about the alleged affair.
  2. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Remember When Donald Trump's Wife and Donald Trump's Mistress Got in a Public Brawl in Aspen?

    Gabrielle Bluestone
    01/25/16 03:48PM


    In 1990, Donald Trump’s marriage to a beautiful blonde model was nearing its end, and his marriage to a different beautiful blonde model was just about to bloom. The two ladies (Ivana Trump and Marla Maples, respectively) allegedly became aware of this on the scenic slopes of Aspen, where they got into a verbal—or, depending on who you ask, physical—confrontation over the rotting jack-o-lantern real estate tycoon himself.

    The basic details of the Trump love triangle are as follows: Donald and Ivana, his then-wife of 13 years, were in Aspen for the winter holidays. Marla Maples, the woman who was purportedly and unenviably having sex with Donald Trump on the side, was also in town. This was not a coincidence.

    Ivana told the story, in her words, in a 1991 20/20 interview with Barbara Walters:

    WALTERS: Donald repeatedly said that your marriage broke up because you just “grew apart,” and he, in a sense, outgrew you.

    Mrs. TRUMP: I really wasn’t aware of growing apart. I wasn’t aware of problems. Every marriage takes a give and take.

    WALTERS: And then came Christmas, Aspen, December 30th- can you tell us what happened, what you felt, what you learned? It’s still hard, isn’t it?

    Mrs. TRUMP: It’s tough.

    WALTERS: [voice-over] At first, Ivana could not discuss what happened at Aspen Mountain that day, but later, she was able to talk about it. [interviewing] We know what Marla said about that day in Aspen - we have read about it in all of the papers - that she came up to you and said or you met her and she said, “I love Donald. Do you?” Is that pretty much the way it happened?

    Mrs. TRUMP: It was pretty much the way it happened. Actually, I did find out first time on the telephone, when I did pick the phone in the living room and Donald did take the phone in bedroom-

    WALTERS: In Aspen?

    Mrs. TRUMP: -in Aspen and he spoke to the mutual friend of ours and he was talking about Marla. And I really didn’t understand. I never heard a name like that in my life. And I came to Donald. I said, “Who is Moola?” And he said, “Well, that’s a girl which is going after me for last two years.” And I said, “Is that serious?” And he said, “Oh, she’s just going after me.”

    WALTERS: [voice-over] The next day, Ivana said, she was skiing on the slopes when she passed Donald with dark-haired girl. She was told that girl was a friend of “Moola” or Marla, whom Donald said had been chasing him. Later, she saw that girl again.

    Mrs. TRUMP: And I saw her in the line, in the food line and-

    WALTERS: You were at a restaurant-

    Mrs. TRUMP: In the restaurant. And I said, “I understand from my husband that you have a friend which is after my husband for last two years.” I says, “Will you give her the message that I love my husband very much.” And that was it and I walk outside. And I didn’t know this Marla was standing behind this girl in line but because I never met her, I had no idea. And Marla just charged right behind me and she said- well, you said and in front of my children - they were about five feet away - and all were just looking up like nothing would happen, so-

    WALTERS: She said, “I’m Marla and I love your husband. Do you?”

    Mrs. TRUMP: Yes.

    WALTERS: What did you say?

    Mrs. TRUMP: I said- I really said- I said, “Get lost. I love my husband very much.” It was very unladylike, but it was as much as I really could- that was as much as I- as harsh as maybe I could be.

    WALTERS: And what did Donald say?

    Mrs. TRUMP: Not anything, nothing.

    WALTERS: And that’s how you found out?

    Mrs. TRUMP: Yes.

    (Donald reportedly tried to cut off her alimony payments after the interview aired, claiming she had violated the terms of their divorce settlement. A judge ultimately struck a provision of their agreement barring Ivana from speaking about him publicly.)

    “[Ivana] came up to [my friend] and said, ‘Are you Moola? Are you?’ And she said no,” Marla said, according to “Trump Nation” author Timothy O’Brien. “Then she came up to me and asked if I was Moola. I said no, because well, that’s not my name. I felt awful, just terrible.”

    Other witnesses also gave contemporaneous accounts of the public spat.

    “I saw him walking with his arm around a blond and I just assumed it was Ivana,” a Chicago decorator “who spent the holidays in Colorado” told the Chicago Tribune in 1990. “Same size, same hair. I walked around to look, but it wasn’t her.” Via the Tribune:

    Click Above Link For Full Story

  3. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Hearing set in Stormy Daniels' lawsuit against Trump

    By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN
    Updated 12:50 PM EDT, Wed March 14, 2018


    A hearing date has been set for the lawsuit adult film actress Stormy Daniels filed against President Donald Trump and his lawyer Michael Cohen's company to dissolve their non-disclosure agreement.

    The hearing has been set for July 12 at the Los Angeles County Superior Court.

    Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, filed suit last week against the President. The lawsuit said Trump never signed a hush agreement to keep Daniels quiet late in the 2016 campaign about an alleged sexual encounter between the two before Trump was president.

    The lawsuit said Cohen had signed it on Trump's behalf and therefore the agreement was void. Both Cohen and the White House have denied the allegations of an affair between Daniels and Trump.

    The lawsuit also accuses Cohen of continuing the efforts to "intimidate Ms. Clifford into silence and 'shut her up'" by initiating a "bogus" arbitration proceeding last month without notifying Daniels or allowing due process.

    Last month, Cohen admitted to paying $130,000 of his own money to Daniels ahead of the 2016 election, but said the Trump Organization and the campaign had no involvement. He formed a private LLC, Essential Consultants LCC, to make the payment, according to the Wall Street Journal.

  4. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Trump company lawyer involved in effort to keep Stormy Daniels silent,

    By Emma Brown, Beth Reinhard and Frances Stead Sellers
    March 14 at 10:27 PM


    A top Trump Organization attorney filed a secret legal document to keep Stormy Daniels from talking about her alleged affair with President Trump, deepening links between Trump’s company and the effort to silence the porn star.

    The Trump Organization quickly distanced itself from the document, filed as part of confidential arbitration proceedings in Los Angeles on Feb. 22. The document was made public Wednesday evening by CNN and the Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post confirmed its authenticity with Michael Avenatti, a lawyer for Daniels.

    In a statement, the Trump Organization emphasized that the company is not representing anyone in the Daniels dispute and “has no involvement in the matter.”

    But the document suggests that one of its attorneys was involved in the arbitration proceeding to prevent Daniels from revealing more details about her alleged affair with Trump, which she says began at a 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe. The White House has suggested that Trump prevailed in the recent arbitration ruling.

    The document adds a new twist to the saga of Daniels, who claims she was secretly paid to keep quiet about her relationship with Trump just weeks before his election in November 2016. Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, who worked at the Trump Organization through the election, has said he paid $130,000 to Daniels out of his own pocket, dipping into a home equity line of credit. He has said there was no involvement by Trump’s company or Trump’s 2016 campaign.

    The Trump company says Jill A. Martin, a lawyer with the Trump Organization, filed the document in her personal capacity while awaiting permission for another lawyer, not connected to the company, to practice in California. That lawyer, Larry Rosen, did not immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday night.

    Daniels has sued Trump in an effort to break free from a confidentiality agreement that prohibits her from speaking about her alleged affair with Trump. Her deal came two weeks before the election and imposed stiff monetary penalties for speaking about the relationship.

    Cohen, Trump’s personal lawyer, has acknowledged making that payment. He has insisted that he was not reimbursed for the payment by the Trump Organization or the Trump campaign.

    White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has rejected the notion that Trump approved the payment to Daniels, saying, “None of these allegations are true.”

    But late last month, after the $130,000 payment became the subject of media scrutiny, Martin signed documents demanding that Daniels enter into private arbitration with Cohen.

    Martin is based at the Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles, according to California bar records, and her LinkedIn profile says she serves as vice president and assistant general counsel for the Trump Organization.

    While the documents do not show that the Trump Organization was involved in the initial payment to Daniels in 2016, they do show that a high-ranking official at the company played a role in efforts to keep the porn star from telling her story now.

    Five days after Martin’s filing, Cohen obtained a temporary restraining order from the arbitrator, preventing Daniels from speaking publicly about the alleged affair.

    The notion that Cohen’s efforts to silence Daniels were walled off from Trump and the Trump Organization “is a complete and utter fiction,” Avenatti said Wednesday night on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360.”

    Cohen “expects the American people to believe that he spent all of this time and energy, hours upon hours, doing all of this work, and the president never knew anything about it, and no one in the Trump Organization ever knew anything about it,” Avenatti said.

    Avenatti has said that his goal is to “shed light” on Daniels’s side of the story. He has shown a willingness to surface secret documents, including the original hush agreement Daniels signed in 2016 and that Avenatti contends is invalid because it does not have Trump’s signature.

    Under that hush agreement, disputes must be settled by private arbitration, in which filings are not entered into the public record. The penalty for breaking the agreement is set at $1 million per violation.

    Cohen has previously said that Avenatti was exposing Daniels to financial risk and that he intends to pursue damages.

    Martin, the Trump Organization lawyer who signed the arbitration documents, is a Trump loyalist who was a vocal supporter of Trump after revelations that he had once bragged about grabbing women. She could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

    “None of us would ever imagine he would do something like this,” Martin said on CNN in October 2016. “It’s just completely inconsistent with his character and our own personal experiences, so because of that I believe him when he says he didn’t do anything inappropriate with women.”

    Also during the presidential campaign, Martin told talk show host Larry King that Trump “does promote women more than I’ve seen in other big companies,” describing him as “a champion of women succeeding in business.”

  5. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Stormy Daniels' mother on Trump: 'I would vote for him every time'

    By Eli Watkins, CNN
    Updated 2:57 PM EDT, Thu March 15, 2018


    The mother of Stormy Daniels, a porn star in the center of a controversy roiling President Donald Trump's second year in office, said she is a staunch supporter of the President.

    "If Mr. Trump runs four more times, I would vote for him every time," Sheila Gregory told The Dallas Morning News in an article published Wednesday.

    Gregory said she has not spoken to her daughter in 12 years but claimed she tries to call often. Asked by the paper about the claim, a lawyer for Daniels responded only, "Fake News," and the article noted a Rolling Stone profile that previously said Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Gregory Clifford, does not speak with her mother or biological father.

    Daniels' parents divorced when she was a small child, and Bill Gregory, her biological father, acknowledged to The Dallas Morning News that he paid child support but did not have much involvement in how his daughter was raised.

    Bill Gregory said his daughter was an adult who could "do what she wants to do" but that he worries about her current safety.

    "You start rattling the cage of powerful people, and you don't know what might happen," he said.

    The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this year that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen had paid Daniels hush money to enforce her silence about an alleged affair between herself and Trump in 2006. Ensuing revelations about the alleged affair and payment have thrust Daniels into the national spotlight and prompted legal complaints that the payment may have been an unreported, in-kind contribution to Trump's campaign and therefore in violation of campaign finance laws.

    Cohen, in a statement acknowledging he facilitated the payment to Daniels, asserted he did not violate any law, and Daniels is suing to dissolve the nondisclosure agreement.

    New documents obtained by CNN on Wednesday suggested another Trump attorney besides Cohen was involved in establishing the limited liability company used to pay Daniels.

    Trump and the White House have denied any sexual encounter between him and Clifford.

  6. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    .....Another Trump attorney involved in Stormy Daniels case
    By MJ Lee and Curt Devine, CNN
    Updated 12:47 PM EDT, Thu March 15, 2018


    New documents obtained by CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360" on Wednesday suggest a deeper link than previously known between the Trump Organization and the company that Donald Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, established in 2016 to pay off porn star Stormy Daniels in exchange for silence about her alleged affair with Trump.

    The documents also offer the first evidence of an individual employed by the Trump Organization -- other than Cohen -- being involved in an ongoing legal battle regarding Daniels' alleged affair with Trump.

    A "demand for arbitration" document dated February 22, 2018, names Jill Martin, a top lawyer at the Trump Organization based in California, as the attorney representing "EC, LLC." "EC, LLC" is Essential Consultants, according to Daniels' lawsuit, a company that Cohen established in the weeks leading up to the 2016 presidential election to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Daniels.

    Martin's title at the Trump Organization is vice president and assistant general counsel, according to her LinkedIn page. The address listed for Martin on both documents is One Trump National Drive in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, which is the location of Trump National Golf Club, Los Angeles.

    In addition to showing a second attorney connected with the Trump Organization having direct involvement in legal matters related to Daniels, the new documents raise questions about Cohen's previous insistence that "neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford," though it is not known whether Martin had any involvement in the case prior to the arbitration filing.

    When asked by CNN about the documents, Martin replied with a statement from the Trump Organization that said she was working in a private capacity, on behalf of Cohen's attorney Lawrence Rosen. "The Trump Organization is not representing anyone and, with the exception of one of its California based attorneys in her individual capacity facilitating the initial filing... the company has had no involvement in the matter."

    The documents were part of Cohen's request for a restraining order against Daniels, to keep her from speaking about her alleged affair with Trump. A private arbitration judge approved the request for an "ex-parte application for emergency relief," which meant that neither Daniels nor her attorney had to be notified about the proceedings. Last week, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters that the arbitration was won "in the President's favor," an admission that the nondisclosure agreement exists, and that it directly involves the President. However, the President did not "win" arbitration, because the restraining order is an interim order.

    While Martin has specifically denied working for the Trump campaign, she has nevertheless spoken on Trump's behalf on numerous occasions, throughout the 2016 campaign.

    She spoke with CNN's Erin Burnett in October 2016 just two weeks before Election Day, for example, defending then-candidate Trump against accusations of sexual assault from multiple women.

    "I've seen him around women. Thousands of women that have worked for him including myself and he's treated us with nothing but respect and appropriately," Martin said.

    Martin spoke with multiple media outlets about Trump and publicly praised and defended him throughout the campaign season.

    In a September 2016 Los Angeles Times story about court documents that argued Trump wanted to fire women at his California golf course who weren't pretty, Martin told the paper: "We do not engage in discrimination of any kind."

    She also appeared on CNN in June 2016 to talk discuss Trump University litigation, in which she also served as an attorney for Trump.

    Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, maintains that she was paid $130,000 to keep silent about her alleged affair with Trump, which began in 2006. Daniels filed a lawsuit against Trump last week, claiming that he never signed a hush agreement regarding her alleged sexual encounter with him and therefore arguing that the agreement is void.

    According to the legal complaint filed in California state court, Cohen signed the document, but there is no signature from Trump himself.

    “Despite Mr. Trump's failure to sign the Hush Agreement, Mr. Cohen proceeded to cause $130,000.00 to be wired to the trust account of Ms. Clifford's attorney," the lawsuit states. "He did so even though there was no legal agreement and thus no written nondisclosure agreement whereby Ms. Clifford was restricted from disclosing the truth about Mr. Trump."

    Larry Noble, general counsel of the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center and a CNN contributor, said the arbitration document offers evidence of a possible connection between the Trump Organization and the payment to Daniels, which could violate campaign finance law.

    "This is further evidence that the Trump Organization is involved. If they are going to argue that this payment was separate and apart from the Trump Organization, then why is the organization representing this company now?"​

  7. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Stormy Daniels' attorney claims she was physically threatened

    By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN
    Updated 10:24 AM EDT, Fri March 16, 2018


    The lawyer representing Stormy Daniels, the porn star suing President Donald Trump, claimed Friday that she has faced physical threats.

    "My client was physically threatened to stay silent about what she knew about Donald Trump," Michael Avenatti told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day." He said more details would be forthcoming in Daniels' upcoming interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," which is scheduled to air later this month.

    She's going to be able to provide very specific details about what happened here," Avenatti said.

    He would not answer whether or not it was someone close to the President who threatened her, and later told CNN he couldn't answer a question about whether he or Daniels filed a police report.

    CNN has reached out to Larry Rosen, a lawyer representing Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, and Jill Martin, a Trump Organization lawyer who has been involved in legal matters related to the Daniels allegations.

    Avenatti also told Cuomo that six additional women have come forward alleging sexual relationships with Trump -- including some he says who also claim to have nondisclosure agreements.

    He did not provide the names of any women nor any details of the circumstances of their alleged involvement with Trump. Avenatti also told Cuomo his legal team is "not vouching for these stories" and said it was possible he won't represent the women.

    Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, filed suit last week against the President over a nondisclosure agreement she claims is void. The agreement was made just before the 2016 election with Trump's personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who paid Daniels $130,000 for her silence about an alleged affair she had with Trump in 2006.

    Cohen and the White House have denied the allegations of an affair between Daniels and Trump.

    Avenatti also appeared to suggest that Daniels may have entered the agreement under duress and denied that his client sought the deal because she wanted to profit from her story.

    "I think when people tune in to ("60 Minutes") interview, they'll learn the details, the circumstances under which she signed the original agreement as well as what happened thereafter relating to the threats and coercive tactics that were used to shut my client up," he said.

    Cuomo asked Avenatti if the lawsuit stemmed from Daniels' distaste for the deal to keep her quiet or because Daniels felt "something will happen to me because that has been articulated" if she didn't sign the deal.

    "If (the deal) was, well, 'I have to do this because I'm afraid if I don't do it, something will happen to me because that has been articulated,' that's something else. Which was it?" Cuomo asked.

    "Something else," Avenatti said.

    Daniels' lawyer later added, "As you know, proving duress is a very, very difficult thing under the law. As so, why prove duress when you can just point to the agreement and allege it wasn't signed?"

  8. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Trump flips his own script when it comes to Stormy Daniels

    By ANDREW RESTUCCIA 03/16/2018 05:02 AM EDT Updated 03/16/2018 10:35 AM EDT


    President Donald Trump has adopted a time-honored strategy for coping with allegations that he had an affair with porn actress Stormy Daniels: Ignore the claims altogether.

    The president and his top aides have said nothing publicly about the controversy this week, even as Daniels’ lawyer has engaged in repeated provocations, including revealing that she had an interview with the prime-time news show “60 Minutes.”

    Trump hasn’t directly addressed Daniels’ claims since the story surfaced earlier this year, instead letting White House staffers and his personal lawyer deny the allegations for him.

    The muted response is unusual for a president who has rarely shied away from a fight. More than a dozen women have accused Trump of sexual misconduct. The president has refuted those claims — often loudly.

    “A woman I don’t know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the FRONT PAGE of the Fake News Washington Post saying I kissed her (for two minutes yet) in the lobby of Trump Tower 12 years ago. Never happened!” Trump tweeted earlier this year in response to a story about allegations that he kissed Rachel Crooks on the mouth in 2006.

    During a 2016 rally in Florida, Trump publicly denied that he forcefully kissed a former People Magazine reporter who wrote a first-person story about their 2005 encounter. “Take a look, you take a look. Look at her, look at her words, you tell me what you think. I don't think so,” he said.

    But when it comes to Daniels, whose given name is Stephanie Clifford, Trump has kept his thoughts to himself, ignoring a shouted question from a reporter about Daniels on Saturday even after answering a separate question about North Korea.

    Some close to Trump said that was the only way forward, worrying that a public comment from the president would only amplify the scandal.

    “My advice would be: Don’t give a porn star looking for publicity any attention. Soon her five minutes will be up,” said former Trump campaign adviser Barry Bennett.

    But people close to the president privately wondered whether Trump — who has a long track record of dealing with stories on his sex life published by his hometown New York tabloids — will erupt on Twitter or in another public venue after the “60 Minutes” interview airs and headlines about it dominate cable news.

    Meanwhile, White House staffers are largely avoiding the subject altogether. White House officials contacted by POLITICO this week refused to speak about the fallout from the Daniels allegations.

    “We’ve addressed this matter extensively and have nothing further to add. I’d direct you to the president’s personal attorney,” White House spokesman Raj Shah said in an email. Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, did not respond to a request for comment on this story.

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  9. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    Daniels' lawyer says some alleged incidents took place during Trump presidency

    By Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN
    Updated 12:00 AM ET, Sun March 18, 2018


    The lawyer representing the adult film star Stormy Daniels alleges that some of the accusations she's making against President Donald Trump occurred while Trump was in office.

    "Is there anything in the litany of accusations -- you would call them facts -- that surround this case that happened while Donald Trump was President?" CNN's Jake Tapper asked Michael Avenatti, Daniels' lawyer, during an interview Friday.

    "Yes," Avenatti replied.

    When asked by Tapper if he could elaborate, Avenatti gave a simple "no."

    Avenatti had claimed earlier Friday in an interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo that Daniels was "physically threatened to stay silent about what she knew about Donald Trump."

    He declined to provide further details about who made the threat during that interview, including whether or not it was Trump or someone associated with him.

    CNN had reached out to Larry Rosen, a lawyer representing Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, and Jill Martin, a Trump Organization lawyer who has been involved in legal matters related to the Daniels allegations. Press secretary Sarah Sanders said during Friday's White House press briefing that she has "no knowledge of that situation" and referred reporters to Trump's personal attorneys.

    Avenatti reiterated to Tapper Friday that the public will have more details from Daniels' upcoming interview on CBS's "60 Minutes," which is slated to air later this month.

    "I think that when the American people hear from my client who will provide details -- very specific details related to this threat -- they will conclude, as I have, that this was not a random threat by some wing nut ... out of the blue," he told Tapper.

    Daniels' lawsuit that she filed last week claims Cohen signed a hush agreement just before the 2016 election that is now void, related to her alleged affair with Trump in 2006. Cohen and the White House have denied there was an affair between Trump and Daniels.

    The lawsuit also accuses Cohen of recently attempting to continue his efforts to silence Daniels, including initiating an arbitration proceeding against her in February.

    [​IMG] 8​
  10. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

  11. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    SE Cupp needs to stay out of their bedroom. Melania knew who and what she married. For all we know they could have some type of agreement where everything's okay as long as Donald doesn't make his affairs public.

    Melania probably has a strong financial incentive to stay married to Trump. Not everyone stays married for the same reasons.
  13. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member












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  14. blackbull1970

    blackbull1970 Well-Known Member

    President Obama White House Intern Program




    President Trump's White House Intern Program




    Can You Find The Black Guy?
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  15. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Yeah... "He's not racist... He's making America great again, and wants all Americans to do well"
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    To be fair, I doubt many kids were applying to be a part of the Trump WH internship program.

    Look how few interns Trump has compared to Obama. BHO had nearly twice as many interns.
  17. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    No, you can't find any. Because he/she has been, or will be, bullied to death, threatened with death, or physically threatened with assault by the intolerant, while getting called a pleathora of disgusting "sellout & c**n" type insults that are always hurled at Black Conservatives or Republicans who dare to abandon the DNC.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2018
  18. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Good point.
  19. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I can think of plenty of rural areas where the same would happen to anyone supporting/interning for a liberal, especially if they (both the intern and/or the pol) happen to be black.
  20. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm adding "ass banana" to my list of insults. 6a31da6.jpg
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