Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Here you show yourself as a political newbie Bliss, the Department of Labor/Bureau of Labor Statistics are the ones that calculate the unemployment rate using the same formula shown below, that they have been using both before, during, and after Obama. The information does not come from Obama or his staff, so what you are saying is that he somehow colluded with the DL/BLS, to commit a crime/ change the formula all while covering it up and never got caught for it. So if you dont like how the unemployment numbers are created per below, your beef is with the DL/BLS not Obama, as his administration played by the same rules as the others.

    "Who is counted as employed?
    People are considered employed if they did any work at all for pay or profit during the survey reference week. This includes all part-time and temporary work, as well as regular full-time, year-round employment. Individuals also are counted as employed if they have a job at which they did not work during the survey week, whether they were paid or not, because they were:

    • On vacation
    • Ill
    • Experiencing child care problems
    • On maternity or paternity leave
    • Taking care of some other family or personal obligation
    • Involved in a labor dispute
    • Prevented from working by bad weather
    These people are counted among the employed and tabulated separately as with a job but not at work, because they have a specific job to which they will return.

    Not all of the wide range of job situations in the American economy fit neatly into a given category, however. What about the two following cases?

    • Garrett is 16 years old, and he has no job from which he receives any pay or profit. However, Garrett does help with the regular chores around his parents’ farm and spends about 20 hours each week doing so.

    • Lisa spends most of her time taking care of her home and children, but she helps in her husband's computer software business all day Friday and Saturday.
    Both Garrett and Lisa are considered employed. They fall into a group called unpaid family workers, which includes any person who worked without pay for 15 hours or more per week in a business or farm operated by a family member with whom they live. Unpaid family workers comprise a small proportion of total employment. Most of the employed are either wage and salary workers (paid employees) or self-employed (working in their own business, profession, or farm).

    In addition to estimating the number of employed people, the survey collects information about the job characteristics of the employed. For example, the survey gathers and provides data about workers’ industry and occupation, hours worked, usual earnings, and union membership.

  2. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    What is everyone else saying? Is he the only one??
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Seriously tho fuck the NFL
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You can't complain about shitty food at McDonalds if you keep eating there. Same with the NFL. May as well stop complaining about police brutality.

    Embrace the fuckery that you support.
  5. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    So we just found out today that the FBI raided (raided!) the home of Paul Manafort a bit over a week ago. Manafort is Trump's former head campaign adviser.


    Federal agents appeared at Paul Manafort’s home without advance warning in the predawn hours of July 26, the day after he met voluntarily with the staff for the Senate Intelligence Committee.

    For those who don't know, raids like this require probable cause for the FBI. It's not something they can do whenever they feel like it.
  6. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    Something else that some people might not know about this Russian investigation: Robert Mueller (lead investigator) and several of the prosecutors he has recruited for his investigation left multimillion dollar a year jobs to join this investigation. It's really important to note that "left" does indeed mean they aren't getting paid by those jobs anymore, and they don't just get them back as soon as they're done (although of course it's possible they could get re-hired).


    This is important because very successful people don't typically leaves jobs like that to join an investigation that's going nowhere. If these prosecutors thought that this was a bogus investigation, they would not be where they are now. The fact that Mueller is able to lure some of the best prosecutors in the country away from extremely lucrative jobs indicates there is something big here.
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Why do people call him Talcolm X?
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Remember when Trumpsters and Berniebros called HRC a warmonger and that at least Trump and Bernie, if elected, wouldn't get us involved in stupid wars???

    Well folks, we're on the steps of the Korean War 2.0, and Russia and China are backing North Korea.

    If we bomb North Korea, South Korea will BURN. Possibly millions will die. All because Cheeto Jeezus can't stop tweeting and there's no one working in the State Department with the experience or background to deescalate this potential horrific conflict.

    Remember when Trump asked one of his military advisers during the presidential campaign, if we have nukes...why can't we USE them???smh
  9. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Because Shaun King is actually a White dude posing as a radical, social justice Black man.
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  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Is that confirmed or still speculation? From stuff he's said or hinted in the past, he supposed to be a Quadroon.
  11. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    They took his tax returns since years ago he did deals in the Ukraine.

    But details in an ongoing investigation are private. And yet...We found out just today of something that happened on the 26th July. Why?
    To undermine the President, that's why.
    No other reason.
    Dirty, dirty Mueller.

    The Govt employed leakers in the FBI and Mueller's camp is astounding and pathetic.
  12. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You call NK a stupid war?
    Clinton gave this crazy boy's dad hands to these nukes as did Obama to Iran. This shit is Iran and Israel in the future. Now those chickens are coming home to roost.

    I bet China will not back NK. It's economic suicide.
    Russia...who knows. Do they really want to go to war with the US and the West?
    Hillary during the elections made no qualms about going after Putin. Trump did not. So we will see Putin's hand.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Mind your business, feces penis.
  14. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I had a Barber that cut my hair for at least 5 years and the entire time I thought he was a white dude.....lol. It was a black barber shop, one day I found out somehow that his wife was black. Just making small talk I said something like "so you like bw" He said "I'm black" lmao. I said" I thought you were the first white guy to cut my hair."

    Its not like I was not going to believe him. Wtf is race anyway and does it really matter? Lol. MLK said people should be judged by the content of their character and black folks gave Rachael Doezel the third degree and for what exactly???
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You're assuming Mueller personally is behind the leaks which is highly unlikely.

    Just like Trump himself isn't behind all the leaks coming out of the WH.

    Mueller's record says he's anything but dirty. You conservatives would attack the character of Jesus H. Christ if he dared criticize one of you own.

    Mueller is one of the most respected legal professionals in D.C. He's taking this investigation strictly by the book.

    It's strange to me someone like Trump with his history of shady business dealings would even run for president because the man has so many skeletons in his closet. Why would he want to put himself under that type of political and legal scrutiny??

    Like I said at the time, it was curious that so few business people who had direct dealings with Trump endorsed his presidential run.
    Trump has never been an ethical or fair minded guy and IMO always felt rules were for someone else.

    This is the same guy who thinks it's bad business to pay back debts in FULL. WTF!!????

    Trump has made too many crooked deals with crooked people and now it's about to bite him in the ass.
    If Mueller is able to get a subpoena for Deutsche Bank and find out if Trump and Kushner's multi-million dollar loans were backstopped by Russia, it's the beginning of the end for the Donald.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I like Shaun King and what he's about, I just don't think he's Black, from what I've read about him.
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Why does it matter? If anything we should be ashamed that it takes a white dude to say that we should be boycotting the NFL. That's not his fault....lol
  18. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    I think the NFL is going to be like alcohol: even if everyone rationally understands that its terrible for us, we just love it too much to give it up (I don't personally love it, I just mean America as a whole).

    What could end up killing the sport in the very long term is recruitment: it could end up like boxing, where only desperately poor people are willing to play it because any parent who can offer their child real opportunities would never let their child give themselves brain damage on the .001% chance they could make millions. But if your family is starving in inner city Detroit, what do you have to lose?

    My husband and I don't have children yet, but we've already had this discussion -- when we have them, we'll encourage them to play Basketball, Baseball, and other sports they might enjoy. But Football? Nope, not allowed, just like boxing. When your pool of athletes shrinks like that, so does your audience. Boxing used to be much bigger than it is now. Still, this is all a very long term problem for the NFL and who knows what will happen between then and now.
  19. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Honestly I'm kinda glad I have more of a reason not to be bothered with people that just trash talk sports all the time as if its their team winning. Nicca you didn't play for the team, live in that city, not part owner or any of that.

    I like talking shit too but let's take it out on something you can do. You want to try me on the basketball court, pool, video games, board games, cards or something that you can do? Fuck what somebody else does. Take your boring shit elsewhere.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm aware of what Trump said. I watched every debate.
    Clearly, he was as misled as you are.

    Your staunch adherence to Obama as the biggest deporter of illegals in history, really, Loki, who are you trying to fool?

    Again..and again, with you...
    As l have said, Immigration authorities under Obama placed removal orders against unauthorized attemptees who were apprehended near the border.
    Does that change mean anything to you?

    Normally, when detained under past Presidents, they were offered the option to sign a “voluntary return” form that stated they agreed to leave the country of their own accord (how it's always been done.)
    Naturally any sane detainee took revolving door #1 (the only option, btw.)

    But not under Obama. He took it away by requiring a legal hearing, and as such, more border-crossing attemptees were counted as deportees.. Right there are your artificially inflated deportation numbers. Simple math, or is it Obama fuzzy math again.

    So really ,either you're lying that you BELIEVE Obama deported a record numbers of illegals, or you're delibetately ignoring the fact that within the walls of the United States, millions of entrenched illegals were not deported as you so want us to believe - rather, millions were granted exceptions.
    With the Dream Act.
    Within Sanctuary Cities.
    Compound those with the wanton disregard for the Secure Communities and the P.EP programs, both which were snubbed because Eric Holder declined to prosecute Sanctuary cities who did not comply with Federal I.C.E laws. Rahm Emanuel never had to sue Obama like he is Trump.

    All because Trump and I.C.E want to enforce the laws, yet are slapped down by emboldened Democrats at the behest of a former President who said he did not want millions of those here illegally, deported.

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