I think the unremarkable women as you call them turn out to be more loyal. Nothing sexier to a man more than loyalty.
These guys date ordinary women. Just like any other men. These guys can be haved for those women who wants them. You don't need to be a dime.
I got what you are saying. It all boils down to so many people are in line to be the next batch of oppressors by controlling the bodies and minds of black men. I never see bm do this loyalty test horseshit to bw while never saying a word to other bm when they do it. The hypocrisy is clear, do as you please enjoy your life because the truth is most of these chicks are frustrated and want someone they can direct that anger towards. No one else plays this loyalty game because women of other races seem to have more options. No ww is sitting around crying about who wm date same goes for Asians and Hispanics unless theyre culturally boxed in. And even amongst bw if they're cute I never hear them go on and on about bm needing to be loyal. As we've seen through media when bw get on they are not remotely concerned about bm. Once they have the options of other men they don't even look our way and notice how no one really gets butthurt about it.
Well I'm sure their ordinary wives understand what time it is. Which is another beauty of settling down with a non dime. Most are content if you take care of home and don't publicly embarrass them. Good example is Letterman and George Lopez. These guys cheated on their average looking women for years but they took care of home so it was no problem till that shit was public. You marry a dime like Tiger did and you're stuck with a very entitled asshole who doesn't realize shes living like a lottery winner and contributed almost nothing to the situation outside of a womb.
I understood what you ment, you were talking about groupies and the estetique they are going for with expensive labels, extreme body modification and cream contour makeup.
This. An example is you don't hear a lot of mixed or light skinned black women complaining of where black men stick their dicks. They have options, and most could care less. Even some pretty dark skin women are like whatever as I see a lot with wm.
Personally I don't play the colorism game but I'm with you it all boils down to options. If you have them you don't spend much time worrying about what others do. Which is why I rarely if ever see bm wasting energy on who bw date. They will however make comments on who black men date to support black women who focus on it and ironically it's often black men who are gay who rarely date black men. It's one giant cluster fuck
I don't think we're the garbage men of the world. I think in general people people date whoever is in "their range". Attractive people date attractive people. Average looking people date average looking people... and people who aren't considered traditionally/conventionally attractive date the same.
Interesting that the value is so often placed on physical. I absolutely have to be attracted to a man to be with him (I've done the other and it just doesn't work...no matter how much we may try to convince ourselves) However, that attraction can come in all different ways. The physical attraction may be there but without the rest, it falls flat. To me the value of a man (or a woman - but I don't date women) is all about his character and how he treats me and others. Respect and honor are really big for me. I have to respect and honor the man I'm with. I have to feel safe with him for myself and my children and know that he will be there for us without question, and just as importantly that he values my contributions and allows me to be there for him fully. I've known some remarkable men in my life...of all different skin tones. But the men who have stood out the most to me in my life, those who I felt the most cared for, protected, safe, could see and listen to me and appreciate what I had to offer, have been black men. And let's be really clear here, while I've made mistakes in the past and made some poor choices, overall the bar is very high as to those I get involved with. No different than where I place the bar for myself.
Well that's good given that the majority of people in the world are most likely average to below average. I think people get really skewed when they spend time on SM and such thinking that's how people really look. Hell those people don't even look like that themselves. Lots of angling and tricks. It's always fun to go sit at a busy area in a busy city and get a real view of people walking by....overall it's not so pretty.
Not one bit. Cute black chicks do try to dick police brothers though. They need the average dudes to stay on the plantation to play clean-up man when they're finished chasing & having babies by the bad boys and getting kicked out of Massa's bedchamber
Dr Julia Hare said it best: "The Black man is feared because he can replace the White man in the bedroom AND the boardroom."
Nah ...it depends on your perspective. What one considers physically attractive another does not. Just by definition the majority of people are going to fall in the "average" category.
There are health indicators that are universally considered attractive like height a well proportioned face. Long hair a well muscled body. There's a reason why nearly every culture shows pictures of golden ratioed faces and people with height. Beauty ain't in the eye of the beholder. We're animals we breed accordingly