This is not true. I have an idiot acquaintance that lost interest in her pregnancy when the ultra sound showed she carried a boy, it is obvious she recent her child. I have heard stories about pregnant white women having nightmares about the child was a boy.
It is true. White people would be a Matriarchy if it were not true. Ya'll are Patriarchal. WW don't run shit but the kitchen WW can't even vote for a WW. Check ANY adoption agency. ALWAYS more girls than boys. WW are more likely to keep their boys. WW have a boy child preference just like Asians....Latinos...Arabs and everybody else BUT Black people.
Don't know how true this is but I read somewhere that Indians (East Asians) actually terminate pregnancies if it's a girl.
Interestingly enough, the highest demand in adoption is white baby girls. So people are apt to think there is a girl preference culturally. However, adoption is most often driven by the women. Often it's the husband placating his wife to go with the adoption and the choices involved. WM are more likely to need or want to have their OWN biological son rather that be open to raising "another man's son" too. Regarding placement....hmm another one I would have to think about and maybe go back over some old cases to take a look at those who parented and placed.
Even their women don't want girls.. Same with the Chinese....when a one child policy was implemented....they stopped having girls aborting them.
You can laugh all you want, it's true. Then it's white boys. Then goes the racial hierarchy and it is consistently choosing girls over boys. That's the gender for choosing to adopt a child though, not for placing.