Movies with BM/WW Couples

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Kid Rasta, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    It was also labeled Together For Days. >>;_1972)


    This got me interest in it:
    "The plot deals with interracial romance between a black man and a white woman and the reaction by their friends and family.

    The film was shot entirely on location in Atlanta and is notable mainly for featuring the debut of Samuel L. Jackson in a supporting role.

    In addition, it apparently featured a shock ending described by one critic as, "so staunch and so real, it [would] blow all my staunch black sisters' minds," though it is unclear what exactly it involved."

    Too bad we can't find it anywhere.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hope Mr.Schulz has a copy to preserve.

    JUANMACKER Active Member

    Was deleted from the movie: "Airplane", too controversial for the time...
  4. Reverie

    Reverie Well-Known Member

    Did the little actress understand what she really said?
  5. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    I like my pussy like my curry, hot and spicy.
  6. K

    K Well-Known Member

    It was in the movie.
  7. Elklodge

    Elklodge Well-Known Member

    Gotta check out Little Boxes now
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Since I don't get Netflix and don't know how to stream I like to know about the synophis of the show.
  9. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    "It's the summer before sixth grade, and Clark (Armani Jackson) is the new-in-town biracial kid in a sea of white kids. Discovering that to be cool he needs to act more black, he fumbles to meet expectations, while his parents, Mack (Nelsan Ellis) a Stay-at-home dad and writer and Gina (Melanie Lynskey) A teacher, also strive to adjust to small-town living. Equipped for the many inherent challenges of New York, the members of the tight-knit family are ill prepared for the different set of obstacles that their new community presents."

    The movie gives a smart, funny and sometimes tough look into the lives of an Interracial Family. But it isn't all race-based as it also depicts struggles to adjust being the new family
    in town. Something I think we all can relate to when we move into a new neighborhood. Their are a few tender moments between Mack and Gina not shying away from intimacy(kissing) of a couple that has been together obviously a while and are your typical happily married couple that knows what they are doing. Their son gets hit with his own bit of reality with racism and of course deals with it the way kids normally deal with things with immaturity. Gina(Melanie Lynskey) though feeling like the odd ball in her family because she's white seems to be the boss and even through tough times still gets respect from her two men. Part of that could be is that she is bit of a feminist. But even she has her own vulnerable moments especially since the move was because she got a new Job at a local college.(She's a teacher.)

    It was a good Indie Flick, that drew mixed reviews from critics, but most of the critics that didn't like it from reading some of them is because they seemed to think it was too light hearted on the racial element and I'm like this movie isn't set in the 70s or 60s so what were they expecting? But I also get it because they are ignorant to IR families and expect when films and movies depict them to see a whole bunch of stereotypes. I agree with the critics that loved it in that they addressed the racial element as real as possible.

    If you are an IR family especially a bm and ww with a child or children, I believe they can relate to a lot of the things in this movie.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  10. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    No question this is a great flick that shows the ups as well as the down but,still the family sticks together. Over the years you think there is a book on IR families but,as always they start from scrach.
  11. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Was reading up on reviews on The Dark Tower

    A black female critic about Idris Elba: "Elba can't open a movie though! His last movie where he was a lead was a dud! If he does not have a more popular Black woman as a co-star, then his movies fail."

    Funny how some people are shitting on The Dark Tower a month before it's release and is very popular amongst readers of the novel. And most sites are promoting as
    highly anticipated.
    He has of course an anticipated Oscar bait movie coming up this fall, they are already noticing Idris Elba has had white female leads recently I mentioned that they will be coming for Idris and it slowly starts. Along with The Dark Tower, Idris Elba has mostly diverse films coming out with white female co-stars.
  12. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    LOL. The last 2 movies that Idris starred in ("100 Streets" & "The Take") were both foreign movies that were released by indie film studios in the U.S., they don't count.

    Can you post the link to the review? That excerpt from her review makes it seem like she's just a random BW on social media, the hater site I like to whine about, or the comments section of an article/YouTube video instead of an actual film critic. How does she have a review out when the movie doesn't come out for another month?
  13. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Oh I didn't mean film critic (she could be.) but I was getting at her criticism of Idris. But it is in the comments section of this article.

    The article did bring them out, though with a little criticism of The Dark Tower. I have no problem with most of what they said in the article, but they were dead wrong on the anticipation of the movie. The Trailer to it on YT is already over 15 million views since it's release in May, most of the bad comments it's getting on YT is that of racist fans, but if you go to the comment section of this trailer it is one of the very few videos that have more praise and good things about the video. Fans of the book of course are loving it. I have heard about the book, the trailer looks good and the commercials I have seen as well.

    Idris Elba haven't really had a leading role in a American Film set for theatrical release. Even if this does flop (which I doubt.) It won't be because of him and he has ANOTHER anticipated film he's starring in coming out in October and he is in Thor: Raganork. I just have a feeling this is Idris' year. I think he will do well. But as I said with that is going to come the backlash from black women that will try to bring him down, because one of those films is an IR romance and he has had white on screen love interest in the past like in 100 Streets.

    Don't wish it, but I could just feel it coming.
  14. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I saw The Take but not 100 Streets. Hope to see the latter soon.
  15. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    TRANSFIGURATION - Indie Horror Flick

  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Just what we need another horror flick. No doubt homeboy dies before the end of the flick.
  17. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    Wow, so the actor from Little Boxes Nelsan Ellis just passed away today., Never knew he was also in True Blood, Get On Up(didn't even recognize him in that.), and The Butler.


    Little Boxes was his last starring role. He has another movie coming up in September called True To The Game. He was just 39. My condolences. RIP.
  18. Thump

    Thump Well-Known Member

    It always makes me think about my own mortality when brothers who are younger than me pass away from illness R.I.P.
  19. darkcurry

    darkcurry Well-Known Member

    I understand completely.
  20. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Wow. He would be sorely missed.

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