Random Political comments...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Bliss, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Keep reaching.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  3. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    While I agree with you that Trump's stated reason for firing Comey is absolute BS, it is next to impossible to impeach a sitting US president. Impeachment is an INCREDIBLY difficult process that starts in the House of Reps, they are the only body that can impeach and must draw up articles of impeachment where they present the formal charges. However if a president is impeached, the Senate must then hold a trial and find the president guilty in order to remove him from the office. 2/3rd of the assembled senate must vote guilty, that's a high bar to clear.

    Given that Republicans control both the house and senate the realistic odds of an impeachment are very, very, very low. In addition only two presidents have been impeached in history, and both Andrew Johnson, and Bill Clinton were found not guilty in the senate so they stayed in power. So even if Trump did get impeached that is no guarantee that he would be removed from office.

    To prompt the House of reps, to even draw up articles of impeachment, there would have to be IRON CLAD evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_crimes_and_misdemeanors.

    There certainly is a lot of smoke surrounding Trump, his associates, and campaign when it comes to Russia, but I have not seen an actual (legally provable) fire as yet... But even if someone does come forward with hard evidence there can and will be a lot of political wheeling and dealing throughout any impeachment process.

    Now, all that being said, there are some parallels, between Trump's behaviors and the charges that Andrew Johnson faced for impeachment...

    "The special committee drafted eleven articles of impeachment which were approved a week later. Articles 1-8 charged President Johnson with illegally removing Stanton (Then Secretary of War, kind of similar to Trump removing Comey) from office. Article 9 accused Johnson of violating the Command of the Army Act (There are many who believe Trump is violating the Emoluments clause https://www.washingtonpost.com/post...no-idea-what-they-are/?utm_term=.547766dd311c and there is already a lawsuit against Trump on this very charge). The last two charged Johnson with libeling Congress through "inflammatory and scandalous harangues" (Trump is certainly no stranger to inflammatory and scandalous harangues).


    "Presidential Impeachment Process

    Presidential Impeachment is a two stage Constitutional process. The full power of Impeachment and the removal of a sitting President resides within Congress. The actual impeachment of a President is the sole power of the House of Representatives. Once a President is impeached, the power of removing the President shifts to the U.S. Senate.

    The House of Representatives starts the impeachment process by publicly investigating the charges and holding hearings. If the House of Representatives votes against impeachment the process is over and the President is not Impeached.

    If the House of Representatives votes for Impeachment of the President, the process moves forward with the drawing up of the Articles of Impeachment (The official criminal charges for removal from office). The President has now been officially impeached per the United States Constitution. Once the Impeachment process is final, trials are then held in the U.S. Senate to convict or acquit the President of the Articles of Impeachment drawn against him.

    Impeachment of Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton
    In 1867 the 17th U.S. President Andrew Johnson, successor to the Presidency when Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, became the first President in American History to be impeached. Over One Hundred and Thirty years later history would repeat itself.

    President Bill Clinton made a public apology from the White House Rose Garden on December 11, 1998 for his "words and deeds" during his presidency which brought the impeachment inquiry of Congress. Bill Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998. He is the second and only other President in American History to be impeached. In both Presidential impeachments the Articles of impeachment were drawn and a criminal trial in the U.S. Senate proceeded. However, both Johnson and Clinton were acquitted of the charges and were not removed from office. Johnson was spared removal of the high office by only one Senate vote.

    First Impeachment attempt of a President

    The 10th U.S. President John Tyler is the first President in history to assume the office upon the death of a sitting President, when William H. Harrison died suddenly.

    Vice President for just one month, Tyler insisted upon assuming the full powers of a duly elected President setting a new precedent. It wasn't until the 25th amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1967 that succession was explicitly written.

    Therefore, Congress considered his excessive use of the veto power an abuse of power and in 1843 Tyler would also become the first Presidential impeachment attempt by having an impeachment resolution introduced in the House of Representatives, lead by committee head House Representative John Quincy Adams. However, the full House was not convinced and the attempt failed miserably.

    First Presidential Resignation - Richard Nixon
    In 1974 the House of Representatives were in talks about the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon in connection to the Watergate scandal and decided to bring it to a vote on three Articles of Impeachment: Obstruction of justice, Misuse of powers and violation of his oath of office, and failure to comply with house subpoenas.

    On August 9, Richard Nixon resigned as President before the vote of impeachment could be cast on the House floor which was to be voted on around August 24th. Had Nixon not resigned, it is believed the vote would have gone against him and a criminal trial in the Senate would have followed. Richard Nixon is the only President in American History to resign as a sitting President. Nixon was later pardoned by his successor Gerald R. Ford, exonerating him of any criminal charges.

    - See more at: http://www.american-presidents-history.com/presidential-impeachment.html#sthash.WMik3uir.dpuf
    Last edited: May 12, 2017
  4. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Did a little more digging into the emoluments clause lawsuit, the video below gets a little too much into the "legalese" for the layperson, but long story short, this lawsuit just might have more teeth than I originally thought. Its worth it to keep an eye on this, this could get VERY interesting...

  5. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Loki, it al depends on the evidence uncovered.
    The Republicans abandoned Nixon in 1973 because the evidence became overwhelming and anyone who aligned themselves with Nixon was putting their political careers in jeopardy.
    Don't forget the 2018 elections. If the Dems can gain seats in the Senate and enough in the House, there will be enough votes to impeach Trump.
    This vid breaks downs exactly why Trump is in very serious trouble. There are rumors the FBI and CIA have evidence right now against Trump that could land him in prison for the rest of his natural life. This is the same man who said recently that the Constitution was archaiclol
    IMO it wouldn't take much to get the GOP to flip against him.
    This 7 minute vid succinctly lays out the case against Trump as it stands currently.

  6. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Very interesting video Andreboba, thank you for posting, I will look into the Moscow Project in more detail to find out who they are, ect. Remember, Nixon was not impeached for authorizing watergate, he was convicted on proof that he tried to cover up his involvement. There are so very many ways the Trump administration could spin or argue against any ties to Russia, that even if someone comes forward with hard proof it will not be a slam dunk for impeachment. We certainly agree that it all comes down to evidence and how politically toxic Trump becomes to others if the evidence is bad enough that those in congress would risk their own jobs if they voted to not impeach or remove. We also agree that the midterm elections will be a pivotal moment for those in the growing impeach movement. My legal training just tells me that there is almost NEVER a sure thing when it comes to politics/trials at the highest stage, one thing is for sure, it will be interesting to see what happens, I reached out to some of my contacts in D.C. and they are telling me that now that the Emoluments law suit has found "standing" it could very well move forward, as I said before, keep a close eye on that.
  7. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    But let's be honest, though. Nixon, despite being incredibly corrupt, was also pretty damn smart and accomplished quite a bit as President. Plus his problems didn't really start until near the end of his second term.

    Trump? Not so much. He came into office under a massive cloud of suspicion and he wasted no time in making his situation worse by the day. He's like bull who is constantly imagining a red flag in front of him. If you give him a platform to speak he will absolutely incriminate himself. I'd be shocked if the man could tie his own shoelaces without getting his entire arm caught in the laces. His need to sound like the smartest person in the room is going to eventually be his downfall. He reminds me of the clients that try to talk their way out of a routine traffic stop and end up confessing to having a dead body in the trunk.
  8. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    And can we please get this man a suit that fits? And do something with his tie? I stopped wearing ties that hang down to my dick before I left elementary school.
  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  10. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

  12. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    You do know that you can be against Trump while not necessarily being "for" the FBI or CIA, right? Or that you can also be for both, or against both?
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm shocked you found this. If you listen to other than Leftist MSN, this was widely reported, l listened to the author speak on the radio in an interview.

    Russia is a completely made-up deflection and the DNC are running with it.
    It has no legs and nothing has changed. Not one thing.

    One of the top female DNC heads (forgot her name) said no one has ever come to her with any proof about impeaching President Trump.
    It's all smoke and mirrors.

    You've become quite the bi-partisan voice on the board, bringing both sides. Huge respect to you, Colibreh. Stay independent in thought.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    I know you can be a contrarian ColiBreh and I respect the fact you question anything that sounds 'establishment', just remember throughout most of the primaries and general election, Trump's ties to Russia and their hacking of our election was already being questioned.

    17 U.S. intelligence agencies didn't jointly conclude Russia hacked the DNC server and released that info to wikileaks because they all like HRC.

    What is true is that Julian Assange has expressly stated his hatred for HRC which explains why he spends so much time exposing her privacy and yet has NEVER once done the same for a Republican, or most autocratic regimes around the world.
    I doubt Assange would ever publish a Russia hack on wikileaks because he most likely would end up dead.
    As for those who suggest the Russia hack and Trump connection is a hoax, be aware the exact same thing happened in the French presidential election to Emmanuel Macron, done by the same actors.

    Russia has been doing this around the globe, using cyber attacks and stealing private communications in an effort to undermine democratic elections and weaken people's faith in their political institutions.

    This isn't a scheme or conspiracy hatched by the Clintons. This is for real.
    At this point Hillary isn't behind this at all.
    Trump fired the head of the FBI to end the Russia investigation. Really, what more evidence do you need to see to know something's seriously wrong in the WH??
  15. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    No Bliss, Russia hacking the presidential election actually did happen. That's not made up and most GOP congressmen and Senators agree with this assessment.
    Watergate wasn't exposed and prosecuted in 3 months either.
    You're listening primarily to right wing news sources who pray there's nothing behind the Russia investigation that ends up with Trump being impeached, because it would devastate the GOP.

    Clinton ran a winning campaign, especially when you consider 200,000 mostly Black votes in Wisconsin were nullified by voter ID laws, (Clinton lost Wisconsin by 27,000 votes), and in Michigan where Trump won by 11,000 votes, there were 75,000 votes that went uncounted in Flint and Detroit Michigan because the optical scanners couldn't read them.

    When Trump talks about the system being rigged, he's right.
    Hillary lost more than Trump won.
  16. MightyLighty

    MightyLighty Well-Known Member

    It's NOT about Trump. It's about the men behind him. Sessions is about to give the go-head to double down on the War on Drugs.
  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Fairytales brought to you by Bliss lol
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    You're confusing the two. No one said there weren't ever any hacks - clearly there were, because we read the emails.

    The accusation being disputed here is that the Russians rigged our elections - that's just not true. Show me one piece of evidence other than the fact that Hillary's Camp made it up as a deflection for her loss, that shows otherwise.

    In fact, Jill Stein's recount - what happened? Trump gained votes and it quietly stopped.
    As l said, smoke and mirrors. The DNC are chasing their tail on "Russia rigged our election'.
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    North Korea says it would be good to talk to the US - while also sending new secret coded messages to its agents in the South

      • North Korea has said it is open to talks with the US under the 'right conditions'
      • Comes as chilling coded messages were sent across South Korea's airwaves
      • They ordered 'number 27' agents to 'review' their 'foreign language lessons'
      • Espionage experts believe that they are used to direct agents across the border
      • 36 of the coded broadcasts have been sent since last June - including 16 in 2017

    Btw...in a country full of starving people dependant on him for food, this FF and his FF Military personnel should be ashamed. Can't imagine how they must feel when looking at them.


  20. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Stable economy, strengthening of Obamacare, Jobs Index up (Obama's last numbers just came out that Trump tried to pass off as his), no new wars, no new 9/11s in the homeland, relatively stable EU & partnership with Germany, relatively borderless international travel, possible raise in minimum wage, for-profit prisons illegal, maybe legal weed the law of the land? Yup, a 3rd Obama term would've been a disaster.

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