Wait why can't we have free college?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by The Dark King, Jan 22, 2017.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    That's an even better point that never gets made enough. How do we expect these kids to run this country if we only allow the tools to accessible to rich out of touch people who could care less about what happens to the rest of us. Keep allowing the dumbing down of America and we will continue to go down this insane Trump route
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What "Trump route"? Explain.

    Trump is for school vouchers, Obama was against them.

    Trump wants to allocate $20 billion towards vouchers and ask States to contribute additional funds, allowing the distribution of them to their primarily disadvantaged kids.

    He's for them because most poor and children of color using vouchers have shown academic improvement when given school choice.
    How is that bad for our future?
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Lol. Trump is the least educated president in 25 years. He has the least educated administration in modern history. His secretary of education only has a BA. At this point it's just pure comedy to see anyone defending this knuckle dragging ooopa looopa.
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Lol.. that's it? That's your response?.
    So you must agree with Obama then...no vouchers.

    I'll go with Trump on this one.

    I mean, do you even need a BA to figure this simple logic..?

    “If a school is troubled, or unsafe, or not a good fit for a child…we should support a parent’s right to enroll their child in a high-quality alternative..”
    - Betsy DeVos

    And honestly, his Military Academy, Fordham and Wharton School of Business education is fine by me, even if it's laughable to you.
  5. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Compare his secretary of education to Obama's.......yeah laughable.
  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    A president with a BA and no political or military experience.....also hilarious.
  7. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Trumps presidency is normalizing and practically advocating ignorance. As if he alone weren't bad enough to have to deal with, the people he's surrounding himself with are mind numbingly stupid. I honestly don't get how we've allowed ourselves to regress to this level of idiocy.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    How are they mind-numbingly stupid? Explain..
  9. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    For the most part I would agree, this article, even though the post is somewhat left leaning, does a good job detailing a lot of the issues with Trump's picks...
  10. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Honestly, you and I view Trump and his (in)abilities in vastly different ways. You're a smart woman; If you don't recognize the intellectual deficits in the people Trump is surrounding himself with, nothing I say will change your mind. I've spent the last two months arguing with family who fall in line with your posted views here and if nothing else I've learned that no good ever comes from it. I think the conversation is worthwhile if you're dealing with a trump supporter who's simply uneducated/uninformed. When I'm dealing with educated, intelligent individuals supporting trump though, there's truthfully no point. Something in you allows you to look past his blatant disrespectful, racist, homophobic, anti-women characteristics to see "potential". I can't get past a single one of those character traits to see him as even a human being. There's too great a disconnect between your views and mine to have a successful conversion about Trump or his selections. You're a smart cookie who seems to try to show compassion to others IRL, I would've never guessed you'd be able to look past the things hes done or said.
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Wait ...wtf....Lmao. Bliss are you talking about that boarding school Dump went to when he was 13??? Lmbao. How is that worthy of a mention???

    Is that supposed to somehow compare to military service? Hahaha!

    Dump went to a school were rich brats go to learn some discipline, now that's cute!! Give that man a jrotc ribbon and the keys to the Whitehouse. Lol!

    Wtf. has this world come too. I'm dying!!
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Source please
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Bite your tongue I have friends who went there lol.
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Well here's where I have to agree with the white nationalist. They aren't dumb they are grossly unqualified. Everyone from top to bottom has no business do their job, it's like asking a barber to perform surgery.
    They are smart as hell because they are pure evil and they get enough people to trust them in order to rob this bitch blind
  15. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Deceiving Americans doesn't require smarts, it's requires only the ability to lie and prey on people's weaknesses and fears without any sense of guilt or remorse. They're sneaky as hell, but not smart. They're most definitely not smart ENOUGH to be in the leadership roles that Trump envisions. Nor do any of them seem to have a shred of care for the citizens of this country. It's shown every day that their intent is to strip us of rights we've fought years to obtain/maintain. Their only interest is in the preservation and betterment of the white male american. Just because they've convinced the underbelly of this country to fall in line with Trumps vision, doesn't mean they're smart. To me it says more about our citizens than it does about fucktard Trump and his clansmen.
  16. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Tough to find good data on the vouchers, the link below from an interview with Obama states that he was against them because the U.S. Government Accountability Office late last year concluded that a federal voucher system lacks the “financial systems, controls, policies, and procedures”, and has not improved performance by at risk youth. Tough issue as there are probably statistics that could be spun to support both positions.

  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Exactly. How smart do you have to be to deceive backyard breeders.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Of course it requires a lot smarts and savvy to find a strategy that works. It's not about tricking people because he flipped millions of people who voted for Obama two election cycles in a row. This is why liberals lose we think morality equals intelligence and as we just saw it clearly doesn't. We lost on every level and now the country is in the hands of fascists who will strip this country to the bone.
  19. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  20. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Dude knock off the "this is why liberals..." bs. Liberals didn't cause this mess and the ugliness in this country certainly isn't our fault. We can agree to disagree on intelligence being the main factor in conning people. The ability to win over weak followers and play on the fears of others barely qualifies as a skill in my eyes, let some intelligence, but whatever.

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