Man Hits Woman - Was he Right ? Or Wrong ?

Discussion in 'In the News' started by FromUKNHereToPlay, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is where I feel like a chauvinist. This is as bad as the dating thing with women. You're pure spectators. Youve never been in a situation that you love to weigh in on. No one is saying to look for trouble but if it finds you simply walking away isn't always an option. You guys do make a compelling case for black men to just get up leave. Why be somewhere where you literally have no rights. Everyone can beat on you and you have to take it because you're black and there is no justice for you. Your physical body isn't valuable so any and everyone who feels like hurting you has a free pass. Sounds like Jim Crow don't it.
  2. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    That racially charged misandry is quite a terrible thing.
  3. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    There it is.....
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Is this the "moving on" that you promised?
  5. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    I hear what you are saying, navigating life as a BM brings unique challenges. But remember you do have rights and if someone does beat on you, you do have legal options to protect yourself, you just have to be smarter than most in how you do it. Again not fair to BM, just reality, and EXACTLY why it's so important to educate yourself and those you care about, IMO that's a big part of what we do and should be doing here at WWBM.

    Take heart TDK, we are all in this together my friend
  6. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    God I hate cry babies. GL, I'd expect this from, but you're too smart. You love calling foul when womens opinions don't fall in line with yours, even when our opinions are based solely on the actions we see from the men in our lives. You're not the only man who had to fight growing up, so to think that your short sighted reactions are the only plausible ones is ridiculous. I've acknowledged a thousand times that of course there'll be cases where you have to fight back, but the mindset that anyone who merely touches you is getting punched, is retarded. Our gut reaction isn't always the right reaction and as an adult you should be able to recognize the difference and act accordingly. If you can't, or if your ego won't allow it, that's on you. Don't act like there aren't men every day who react just as I'm describing though.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Much appreciated Loki. I just get annoyed at the idea that my body is some how more disposable that I have to just endure abuse because of my skin tone. I've got nephews and hopefully one day a son the idea of people hitting them and them defending themselves is automatic assault is infuriating. I did well last year and if it weren't for aging parents I'd be so out of here. This is no way for civilized people to act. Everyone's body is sacred. No one else should get to gauge an acceptable amount of physical punishment someone else can deal out before I can protect myself
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And that is your problem right there Raider. No one touched him he was shoved then slapped. You're saying because he's a man he should take it. You simply believe someone being smaller can't do any damage to you. You also act as if pure instinct doesn't exist, you saw that video and thought it was excessive when it was clearly blow for blow. She hit him and he instinctively hit her back. He didn't wail on her or hit her while she was down but she's a girl so her physical actions shouldn't be met with physical consequences. You feminists did your job too well I guess because I don't see a girl I see an attacker and if you attack a person they should be able to defend themselves with in reason. And if you hit me me exchanging a blow with you is reasonable. I shouldn't have to be responsible for your well being after you hit me first.
  9. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Exactly. Shes telling people to be an adult , well adults will know what may happen to people if you violate people.

    She put herself in a foul position when she touched him . You can say it was excessive all day but when she attacked him , then she opened herself for a counterattack.

    Females and men need to expect a counter attack when you hit someone. Stop playing I'm smaller or a woman so don't hit me hard. If you can't take it then keep your hands to yourself.

  10. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Don't group us all together. And don't assume that we haven't been in the situation or that we are "pure spectators". You never know what people have dealt with in life.

    I think you may be missing that there are actually probably more of us who are on the same page than not.
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Raider never gave me the impression that she was a feminist, but feminists are part of the problem. They think gender should never be taken into account. A perfect example is that they think women should be eligible to be drafted into the military.
  12. K

    K Well-Known Member

    It's beyond that....people have become desperate, and desperate people are irrational and volatile.

    Every action in life is a choice, even reactions. With every choice comes benefits and costs...whether they are just, right, fair, or not. We are not able to control the actions (or reactions) of others, only our own. Just because Loki (and some others) have pointed out the reality of things, doesn't mean we think it's right. But to act like things aren't the way they are would be ignorant and irresponsible.
  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I don't know what you did, but I'm glad it worked out for you. The best advice I could give for a woman fighting a guy the size of Debo is run or gun. For you thats like fighting a bear. You can't take a single one of his shots if you plan on winning or staying alive.
  14. K

    K Well-Known Member

    Sometimes you don't have the ability to run or gun, and sometimes being smaller has it's advantages. Thankfully, there are some rather simple moves that anyone can do that can save their life. Doesn't always work out, but at least if we educate ourselves and gather the tools possible we may be able to.
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    It's incredible to be able to apply those moves without a certain level of experience.

    I can only say that if I'm fighting a bear im going to grab a stick, remain calm, stick and move very quickly. Not back up much, but only to dodge strikes and keep a comfortable distance. He lands one blow and I'm done pure and simple.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  16. K

    K Well-Known Member

    That's great if you are in a situation where you can do all that.....grab a stick, etc. Not always possible.

    It does take a certain level of experience, even if it's only a matter of knowing what you can do. Again, doesn't always work and it will depend on the specific circumstances. In different situations, there will be different things that will prove to be the safest moves for you.

    Survival instincts can be a very powerful.

    I'm not going to advocate that anyone gets all puffed up and arrogant thinking they can do whatever to whoever. I'm just saying that it is very possible for a very small person to take out a very large person and it's important to know how to do it (especially when you are a small person). I used to say all women should be trained to do so, I now say all people should be.
  17. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Yeah, If a have a daughter she will get martial arts training. I probably would start training just so I could teach her myself. I'll pass on that if I have a boy. Just knowing how to throw a real punch and keep up your guard goes a long way when you are a Mostly everything else is experience and common sense. Old school Kimbo Slice type style will work for me if I ever need it
  18. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Most women aren't running around swinging on people. Obviously there's a far greater chance of a dude getting violent with you than a woman. You guys are making shit up when you say that women running around assaulting people is some "huge problem". If you really support what Mixon did, please state the real reasons.

    Fact is, 1) there is no epidemic of women assaulting guys out there and 2) Mixon was NOT acting in "self defense".

    Let's have a real debate about the real reasons you support his actions. What are they?
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  19. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Dude vs. dude is a different thing. Period. Men are more violent and more extreme with it. And the norms say, if a guy decides to assault you, NEUTRALIZE him with extreme prejudice.

    Of COURSE, your response should be different for a dude. Obviously. It's been that way FOREVER. And I can live with the gender-based double standard, especially if the woman is half my size and unarmed. I don't understand you guys who have such a huge problem with that.

    Kinda reminds me of a show I saw about guys in a violent prison. They got along better with the female guards, because it was easier on them taking orders from females than males. If I were in prison, I think I'd feel the same.

    Like -- if a strange woman walks up to you and rubs your ass, are you going to react the same way as if a dude does it? Double standard, right?

    One of the guys here basically said it's okay to clock the chick like that, EVEN IF you would be afraid to do the same to a linebacker. Where the fuck are you guys getting values like that?

    It's okay to take the cheerleader's head off even if you would be hesitant to swing on a linebacker? I'm old enough to remember the days when a guy like that would be called a PUNK. Nowadays he's on a pedestal as a "pimp". Damn -- time to tweak the cultural values!

    But anyway, Mixon should've handled it differently for his OWN SAKE first (as well as hers).
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
  20. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    So to summarize:
    • If Mixon had a wife & kids(?), the wife would want him to handle it differently.
    • His parents (if they have sense) would want him to handle it differently.
    • If he had hit the lottery the day before (eg. had something to lose :^/ ) he should have handled it differently.
    • If there was anyone with a gun in that restaurant, he would've wished he handled it differently.
    • Society in general would've wanted him to handle it differently.
    • Most black men would've like to see him handle it differently.
    • If that was his gf who smacked and pushed him, he obviously should handle it differently.
    • If she was a 90 y.o. or a toddler or in a wheelchair (or half his size and female :^/ ), he should've handled it differently.
    • I'll bet today, he wished he had handled it differently.
    But these guys dispute all the points above... & say he was right in acting like that... & say he would've been right under all circumstances because someone "put hands on him"... except of course if the assailant was as big as the marine calling the guy's gf a "spider monkey nigger" in the other video. Then it would've been okay to walk away.

    Gotcha. :cool:

    gotta grow up guys. Life isn't a 7th grade playground.

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