^^^ That is the other thing his defenders are missing is that He promoted a National Stop and Frisk and after he was told it was founded unconstitutional in N.Y., he denied it and said it was actually a success. That is his solution to the problems in the inner cities (african american communities.) He is not on the side of unarmed black men being shot by the cops. Instead he ignored that and he wants to focus on bringing back racial profiling. Can you imagine what this man's State Of The Union Address is going to do this Country. Just might be the final nail int he coffin if he brings up even ONE of his extreme ideas, especially the ones that promotes bigotry and racism.
it doesnt matter. Trump des not plan on doing jack shit. He plans on running his administration as a corporation. He will be the CEO, and Mike Pence will be the COO. Basically we will be seeing a repaet of the Pres.George W. Bush administration. VP Dick Cheney was running the show, Bush was on his ranch building nature trails and riding his bike with Lance Armstrong. If you notice, his transition team is forming of a rogue's gallery of losers. Gov. Chris Christie, Mayor Giuliani, SoH Gingrich and behind the scenes mofos from the Reagan/bush administrations. Basically mofos who will never achieve more are jumping on the Trump train and boosting their sorry and dead political careers.
Well, That Didn't Take Long: Uncertainty Abounds as Trump Begins to Walk Back Campaign Promises Article
My favorite part of the article: Watch them try and pull a fast one and say some shit like it wasn't a literal wall but a metaphorical one. Yeah, Trump's supporters are about to get straight screwed. And Newt Gingrich as an adviser? Seriously? So much for draining the swamp :smt043
Trump, the perennial self-promoting showman, is just beginning to use some amazing sleight-of-hand tricks on his most passionate supporters. Stuff is gonna hit the fan as the Donald backpedals on promises like the mass deportation of undocumented immigrants, the laughable Muslim ban proposal, the Great Wall of Trump subsidized by the Mexican government, the trial and a conviction of HRC and the annihilation of ISIS in 60 seconds.
Not to mention his promises to bring manufacturing back to America. Whether the people who voted for him for economic reasons know it or not, Trump makes a lot of his stuff overseas because it saves him money. He uses steel from China for the same reason; because it saves him money. But suddenly, after all these years of saving himself and his companies millions by outsourcing labor and buying from overseas, he's going to impose tariffs that directly affect his profits makes and increase his cost of doing business? Even if he could get a Republican controlled Congress to go along with it (lol no) he'd basically be taking money out of his own pockets. Plus, it took him less than 72 hours to go backtrack on his plan of repealing the ACA on day one. And as far as the Muslim ban, even Mike Pence said it was a stupid idea. His core supporters are going to have a long four years.
They won't need to rein him in because he's not interested in governing. When they offered the VP spot to Kasich, Trump's son told Kasich's people that Kasich would be in charge of "foreign and domestic policy." We can extrapolate from that that Mike Pence is the de facto president like Cheney was in the Bush administration. Trump doesn't know shit about politics at the granular level. The GOP is going to run the show. All he's going to do is rubber stamp their shit and give a silly speech every once in a while. He's already backing off his extreme rhetoric from the campaign.