There is a new comedic movie about the "true story" of Michael Jackson, Elizabeth Taylor, and Marlon Brando taking a road trip during the craziness of 9/11. The controversy stems from the casting of long time Caucasian actor, Joseph Fiennes, to play MJ. Personally I don't have an issue with it. At that point in MJ's life he was so pale and skeletal looking, I don't know how you could cast a black actor to look anything like him.
For the second half of his life, l'm all for a white actor playing him ( MJ would love it) but really, this guy? Not even the noses match, or the lips, or the eyes. Unless he is the ghost of Michael's mannerisms, l don't get this casting. Bad choice.
Wrong!!!!!!! Mike did not want a white actor playing him!
After seeing Robert Downey Jr. chop it up in Tropic Thunder, depending on the role I don't mind seeing a White actor doing 'black face', especially if that Black character deliberately bleached his skin to look caucasion. Other than the music, the celeb Michael Jackson has become a caricature anyway, so I don't have a problem with a less than 100% accurate portrayal. Just like that Lil' Sweet dude in the Dr. Pepper commercials is riffing off Prince...hilarious!! [youtube]4lzqvJN4WJg[/youtube]
Black Human Torch - Yay!!!! Black James Bond - Progress!!!!! Black Norse God in Thor - Hoorayyy!!! White Michael Jackson - BOOOOOOOOOO :smt015
It's hypocrisy but it's also understandable. Race-bending characters from white to black allows more black actors to get into movies that would otherwise have no main black characters. The other way around is redundant because a white actor shouldn't have a problem finding roles based on race considering how many movies and tv shows have predominately white casts.
Irrelevant for SM to dig that up. He was referring to the portrayal of his image as a child, which was clearly his original skin hue. It would be ridiculous to cast a black man in white face to portray him in this movie, if nothing else, because of his anglo features. Even casting a BM with vitalago, he still retains his African features. Equally ridiculous would be if they plan to use inordinate amounts of makeup on Fiennes to resemble MJ. Just weird all around, but hey, it's now piqued my curiosity to peep this comedic train-wreck
The actor who came very close in the portrayal of MJ was the actor who played him in The Jackson's miniseries. I don't know if Joseph Fiennes can sing and dance like MJ. But I guess if he really practices hard enough like Chadwick Boseman did as James Brown in Get On Up, who knows how it will turn out.
Those are fictional characters who's identifies aren't tied to their ethnicitys and could be played by any.race. Mike was a real person. That makes all the difference in the world. We should all know and understand that. The guy who plays Lil Sweet is black. Justin Guarini. There are tons of light skinned, fine featured black actors who could have played Micheal Jackson. His skin color, or lack thereof, would not be a problem. One of the wonderful things about our people, we can be black as night, white as milk and everything in between with features broad or fine. There is no reason to cast a white actor as Michael Jackson. Period.
You forget we are now in the era of "The New Black". New Black doesn't know and doesn't understand (mainly because they don't want to know or understand) all the trivial & non-trivial trials and struggles of "Everyday Black".
This is what MJ looked like in 2001 (the time period that the movie takes place in) If you never heard of Michael Jackson until you saw this photo what race would you think he was? There are times when the ethnicity of an actor who is portraying a real person is important. However, unless they are going to have MJ dropping n-bombs, or singing negro spirituals, I think nailing Michael's look is more important than the race of the man playing him. This movie isn't Ray, 42, or Selma. It's a screwball comedy, about three of the biggest icons in entertainment history taking a road trip across America.
I wouldn't think that was a white man. Even with the nose job, straight hair and lighter skin tone, I still get some ethnic vibe from his features.
LOL. He looks Filipino. I understand Black actors and Black people being highly protective of those limited roles that actually feature a Black character wanting that role to be given to a Black actor, but considering this is more a parody then serious portrayal, it doesn't really bother me that a WM is going to play MJ. And I don't know how Justin Guarini self identifies, but no way is my first assumption he's Black.
Not trippin on mike. I like his music, always will but if a white guy plays him I'm good with it. I think he wanted to be white, but as long as he wasn't shitting on black people I could care less. Not my prob
*Sigh* How about you go and sit your attention seeking faux black ass back in that corner that you have been told twice to go sit in Kid Kosby, because no one was trying to take a swipe at you. That comment was made as a general statement but obviously I must have struck a nerve....