Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Bill Cosby is (unfortunately) going down over his encounter with Ms. Constand.

    In sealed depositions I believe he said the sex between them was consensual, but we later found out that Ms. Constand is a LESBIAN:smt107 and was in a relationship with a woman at the time.

    That's part of the reason she said she had no sexual interest in Mr. Cosby.

    Hard to rape a lesbian and say she wanted it.

    This crazy muthafucker, said to say, is very sick.

    We may end up seeing Bill Cosby die in prison if he's give anything close to a 10 year sentence.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    I disagree... If you are so special that you would be possibly recognized and kidnapped in your home country ... Then please understand that Bill Cosby was sitting pretty high on a pedestal... Untouchable for many many years
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    3 days ago I found out that my beautiful gorgeous younger cousin, along with 2 other girls, was repeatedly raped by our school teacher in primary school. I had no idea that the nice teacher I remember, was raping my cousin who was a few grades under me.

    Do you know when she finally spoke about these rapes? In her late thirties.
    When I looked up the prosecution of him in Australia, the header said "80 year old Former Principal found guilty".
    So not until the man reached 80 years old did he finally have to pay for his crimes of rape against young girls..crimes he committed more than 30 years ago.

    It is also suspected that the same teacher molested her younger brother, but when probed, he "refuses to discuss it".
    People normally don't talk about rape unless forced to.

    I've known a woman for 20 years here in the States (my girlfriend's cousin)..whom l found out recently that she was brutally gang-raped years ago, and it was her cousin, who is my friend, who told me. I didn't even think to ask if the men were prosecuted, l didn't even ask questions.
    Rape is like puts you in a state of solemnity. Rape is so damn ugly.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Please don't do that. That reckless dismissal is so dangerous and disrespectful. And I don't know how high a pedestal you think he was on but look through the eyes of a black person living in this country. We get absolutely no breaks what so ever NOW. We're talking dozens of incidents pre-Cosby Show era and his stand up game was that impressive, Fat Albert was such a juggernaut that he could rape multiple white women and no much as an arrest?
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Never knew she was a lesbian. Consentual, my ass.
  6. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    Victim blaming is so rampant even today that many never report their rape. And it was even worse back in the 60s and 70s. It was burried. Deep. IF the perp has money and is campus, You even have a much harder time. Especially back in the day. And im sure many of these women thought they were alone.
    On top of that, being blackballed in the business is easy IF You are violated by än i fluential person in the business. You will be told You never work in this business IF You say a word. Etc. Its well known that sexual favors etc is used as a trading card in the business, even today, but it was rampant in the 60s and 70s.

    Are there Liars in that group? Im sure there are, but its undoubtably truth in there. I preferenser to wait what will happen with all these cases before i pass judgement, but it doesnt look good. I wish it was somebody else that allbright that representerade them. She is the sleaze of sleaze. She is awfully unethical in my opinion
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Check yourself. The reckless dismissal that's been repeatedly going on in this thread, isn't coming from Lippy.
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Completely agree on Gloria Allred. l wish it was someone else representing them too.
    However, she doesn't take shit and goes hard. All her antics of challenging Cosby, calling for his arrest, paid off today.
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So any disagreement to your point is a dismal. Interesting
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately? Interesting word choice.

    I didn't want to believe all of these allegations. I grew up watching The Cosby Show and my family regularly listened to his comedy albums and watched his comedy shows. But like someone else said, there's just too much smoke to believe that there isn't at least a little fire.
  11. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    My autocorrect made Allred to allright, hahahahaha. My autocorrect is so profoundly confused by my use of two languages:)

    I dö wish itbwas somebody else but she did good today
  12. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I don't agree with Gloria Allred who has a long history of going after Black male celebs. I find it so strange that so called justice can't indict White policeman killing a 13 year old Black boy and then charge a Black celeb with a crime with break neck speed. And forcing his wife to testify against him.
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    I find it so hard to believe that one Black male comedian started all of this by one statement. There is something more that made it so viral.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Tamir Rice was 12 year old Black boy, shot 2 seconds after police arrived on scene, and there was NO prior report of an active shooter.

    At worst those cops should be fired.

    It was captured on video, yet the grand jury didn't think it was worth going to trial and forcing these cops to prove their innocence.:smt095

    I don't know about the other 50+ accusers of Bill Cosby, but the Constand case is quite damning because of prior sealed deposition testimony.
  15. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    I find it interesting that for over 10 years that Cosby has been dealing with this case, he hasn't publicly denied any of these newer allegations.
  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Who does though?
  17. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Do you not find it suspect that these seven countersuits were filed AFTER the seven women filed suit against him for defaming them, by calling them liars? His countersuits were filed in December - just 2weeks ago.

    So the seven accused him of sexual assault, his LAWYER speaking for him called them liars, they filed suit for defamation, so he's countersuing for defaming his "Honorable reputation"...but not before. Hmm. So he's clearly only targeting the seven women that filed lawsuits against him.
  19. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    One can only file a defamation countersuit in response, so by definition it would be after. He has denied the allegations through his lawyers (as I am sure his lawyers are advising him to limit his access to the press, nothing to be gained by it.) as well as the few interviews I have seen him do.

    As I have always said, the real smoking gun is not the allegations, whether they are true or not, it is the fact that he settled with (with sealed resolution) and paid off the one woman from Philly. That, to most with legal training is an admission of guilt in some form or another.
  20. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

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