Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    i just saw that.

    hes done

  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    They can indict him based on words but we can't get an indictment for Tamir Rice? Smh
  3. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Pretty much. Honestly, prosecutors can basically tell a grand jury to indict someone or not. Not in those words exactly but they have complete control over the grand jury process. They can present as much mitigating or aggravating evidence as they want to in order get an indictment or not. It is one of the most abused parts of the criminal justice system, but that's just my bias talking.
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Again we as a nation drop the ball but let's get distracted by this bs while more young kids get killed by people we pay taxes to
  5. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Still have problems with all of this. All of these women and not a single one filed criminal charges till just now?

    Sounds to me like he promised things to get them to have sex with him, they went for it, but he never delivered on his end of the bargain. They feel used and rightly so. But, that's not criminal.

    I have to be honest, though; I'm biased. That's why I haven't commented much on this.
  6. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    I don't think that it's a distraction at all. We can focus on more than one thing at a time. As a nation it is possible for us to mentally walk and chew gum at the same time.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    So basically what you're saying is that more than 60 women of all ages, from all walks of life, that were lied to by Pill and used by him, collectively screamed false rape.
  8. Ches

    Ches Well-Known Member

    It's not called hush money for nuthin'
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    CNN are currently airing a docu- report on the timeline of events.
  10. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    I was swayed by the shear number of the compaints, too. Then, I thought about it and looked at all the info we have ths far. And, I can't get to a place where I can conclusively say he raped those women.

    Also, I've seen where women will make these kinds of things up out of the frustration of being played. But, as I stated earlier, that plays a part in how I feel. Its hard to stay partial here.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What country do you live in? Lol
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I personally can't get past a black man being accused of rape in an era where looking at a ww would get you killed and every single authority just it's ok it's Bill Cosby pre Cosby show. Guess Leonard Part 6 was doing Star Wars numbers huh
  13. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    you forget that Bill Cosby was THE most celebrated black man back then...I think these women were so intimidated by him and his power that they became fast forward a bit and you see women becoming more empowered...I am not at all surprised by how many women came in numbers...
  14. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    This, too! None of them even tried to make criminal complaints. Close to a hundred women claiming date rape and none of them filed charges? Really think about that for a minute. That alone strains credibility. It was more believable when it was just a few.

    One hundred women and not one criminal report. Not one rape kit. Not one record of a doctor's visit after being raped to check for diseases and whatnot?

    People are really quick to throw him in jail on nothing more than accusations.
  15. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    yeah i feel ya on every point but i hate to sound whatever but he shouldve kept his dick in his woman/wife only and he wouldnt be in this shit.

    not saying he wouldnt get set up but dont make it easy

  16. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Plus, how likely is it that all these women got together and decided to make up similar stories? Yeah, we live in the information age and communication is easier than ever but the thought that they're all just out to get his money is pretty far fetched to me. Back in the 70s and 80s they probably just figured that they were the only ones and that if they came forward, nothing would be done about it.

    Plus, there are allegations of the same kind of behavior over not months or years, but decades. Did Andrea Constrand decide to collude with some other women in order to get his money? Sadly, I know more than one rape victim personally and that is probably the hardest crime to prosecute just because there's so much fear in putting your life out there for no benefit at all. It's rough.

    I'ma firm believer in innocent until proven guilty but I'm also a firm believer in that where there's smoke, there's fire...and there is a lot of smoke here.
  17. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    theres a forest fire

  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    For the purposed of other people reading this I am going to say this. Him being the most celebrated black man back then is completely irrelevant. He might as well had been the most celebrated horse aka Mr. Ed. Let Mr. Ed act up and see how quick they put him down. I know this is lost on a lot of people but black people aren't even seen as human beings by the country at large right now in 2015/2016. I know for a fact it wasn't any better 40+ years ago. It's not like all of his "victims" didn't step forward and back then if a white woman step forward accusing of rape, the entire reason the klu klux klan was created btw, that would be your ass famous or not.
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I personally think he fucked everyone single one those women. I don't think he raped any of them. I think back then drugs were part of the party scene. I think they did do drugs together and that's what he was into. I think we are seeing a domino effect similar to the Occidental College rape case where a woman had sex intoxicated and was later convinced it wasn't consentual and then others jumped on the band wagon. Mob mentality is a real thing.
  20. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    All the questions that you've raised have already been addressed in this thread. Beginning with rape kits didn't exist until the late 70's, invasive 5 hour rape kits, mind you, not the kind we have today)

    Andrea Constand went to the police to report he raped her. Pill told the police the sex was consensual and they told her, "its your word against his. This is why she filed the civil lawsuit. The DA at the time refused to file...I mean, after all, Philly's most lovable, most famous and favorite son next to Rocky didn't rape nobody, c'Mon.
    So out of the two, who do you think the DA is going to believe?

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