Should You Ever Take Womens Advice On How To Get Women ?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by 4north1side2, Dec 12, 2015.

  1. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely never.

    Women are no different from men, the quicker guys learn that. The better off they will be.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree with the absolutely never part, hunters don't ask deer how to catch other deer they have no idea they're the prey.
    But what do you mean we're no different?
    I feel like we're completely different, they live in a constant state of fantasy with no concept of reality.
  3. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Alot of men treat women as these complex hard to figure out creatures when in reality they are simple as to please as just us men.

    I'm in your neck of the woods again btw
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Word? Till when?
  5. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    I can appreciate the question of taking advice from women two ways.

    1. My initial thought is that a woman knows what women need and what they want. A woman knows that most women are searching for a man who possesses qualities of a great leader, someone she can build a family with and who will be a great father. A man who is driven and has goals, works hard but at the end of the day comes home to his sanctuary to be the protector.

    A man who is funny, great personality... Blah blah blah you know the rest. A man who exudes confidence and maybe just a little cocky but overall just treats others with respect and wants goodness in the world.

    Women see women as fairly simple to figure out and easy to please. Be a good person, treat her with respect and pay attention to her needs and eventually she will give you the world.

    2. However, I can appreciate and understand that men don't see women in this way. There have been actual studies suggesting that a woman's conscious ideal of what she's looking for in a man (what she says she wants when she sits down and thinks about it) more often than not doesn't match the type of man she ultimately goes for when presented with real-life choices.

    Most women don't go out and look for men. We are fairly casual and let the man approach us, with the thought that eventually the "right" man will come along and change our world, sweeping us off our feet. Women have the advantage to be picky and make decisions based on trivial information upon the first conversation. In her head, she's thinking about whether or not she'd sleep with him (is he attractive) yet know little to nothing about him or his life. However, to be fair men do the same thing before they even approach a women they are interested in.

    That said, if men didn't approach women, we'd end up being "friends" because women are more social and we would end up viewing a man as "just a friend".

    Most women don't understand the awkward moments leading up to asking a woman on a date, we don't feel nervous about cold approaching someone and asking for their phone number.

    My best guess is that maybe men should be careful who they take advice about women. I'd marginalize the options to their mama or an auntie.
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Smartest shit you ever posted right here

    Also let me add most times when a woman gives advice on women she's really giving advice on what she wants and is attracted to. And before you say "my friends are the same way" that's more than likely a birds of a feather thing.
  7. Cherok33

    Cherok33 Well-Known Member

    True. Everyone is unique and the laws of attractions for compatibility throw everything out the window in real life.

    Everyone has needs and desires to be met. If you limit yourself to doing things the way you have done them in the past you tend to achieve the same end result.

    It's easier to study and learn a persons behavior and make a lot of the decisions on your own rather than become dependent on what other people think they know.
  8. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Monday or tuesday
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You in Manhattan?
  10. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    overall, i agree

  11. MilkandCoffee

    MilkandCoffee Well-Known Member

    Being raised by a single mother and an older sister taught me that I should take female advice with a grain of salt. Everything they taught me about courting women was simp-ish lol.
  12. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    I don't ask the fish how it got hooked
  13. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    I would say no but back in the day this girl gave me tips on how to get in the pants of a particular girl. Turned out she hated her and wanted me to shag her so she could say she was a slut to her friends. Smh :cool:
  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Look Cali trying to steal swag again lol
  15. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    No I'm in ct, but your only a hour away.
  16. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

  17. jayisshowtime

    jayisshowtime New Member

    i’ll be that dude and say, yes i would ask a woman for advice - if need be. trust, i know how to handle my own shit, but as i have gotten older i have learned that getting various perspectives about something brings an understanding to things we may not have had an idea about prior. but, she’d have to be somebody i could confide in, who is reasonable, and stable (they are out here, fellas). women have the ability to give good advice. it may not even be something that she has firsthand experience in, but how she dealt with a different said situation, i could use to apply to something i am dealing with. same thing that goes for anyone you get advice from, listen to it and use your best judgment as to what’s fruitful or unfruitful. for instance: i got a friend who is always complaining about having a hard time finding a man. key word is complaining. moreover, she cites a different relationship prerequisite almost everyday. she is very nice woman in many regards, but i wouldn’t ask her for advice, particularly about women.

    @bro from england, you mentioned how fellas were getting it in that weren’t GQ material. that’s good ol’ confidence. i will go on a limb and say: yea, they probably weren’t good-looking but they had a redeeming quality/qualities that they embraced and it was evident in their body language. you mentioned that you were 22-23 at the time. likely, you weren’t as evolved as them cats - lots of trial-and-error at that age. from a personal point of view, when you embrace something about yourself and let it illuminate, you will likely set off an aura and in turn, women will pick up on that (and want to be around you).

    you mentioned all the traditional gentlemanly stuff. all that being an asshole shit, is usually a ruse in some cases. there are women who appreciate that stuff. you can be a gentleman and step off in somebody’s ass if need be, very plausible. treat your lady well and so on but don’t make her the center of YOUR universe, fix all her problems, etc. when she maintains her independence, it is very attractive. she knows if you truly care about her and she can come to you when it gets really bad. always, be doing you. if you are truly doing you and she sees you are a good catch, she won’t let you fly too far off the radar. remember, she is a welcomed, added part of your already interesting life.

    agree with you. see a women you are keen on, make that move - be a combination of direct, fun, and flirty. more importantly, truly have some shit to talk about. also, having the mindset “i know a woman will have a good time with me” and have the arsenal to back it up, you’ll be fine. evolve as much as possible as an individual before stepping to a woman. also, just socializing with women, not even with the intent of dating a woman could develop confidence.

    @4north1side2, agreed. woman are as difficult as you make them. communication trumps. if all parties are forthright, bullshit is kept to a minimum. a lot of cats need to learn that some women you just won’t connect with and forcing the hand isn’t worth it in the long run. it shit is vibin’, there is very little need to push the envelope.

    @cherok33, your post was pretty spot-on. it could be said women who are fickle about what they’re looking for in a man, may not really know at the core what their ideal is. if she knows what she wants and if she is interested in you and you fit that, game on. for example, if a dude stutters or what have you when talking to her at the beginning, sensibly she will pick her battles as to what is a deal breaker. confident or not, we all get caught slipping. will say, some dudes tend to overthink and make rash decisions out of their ballpark and fuck the whole thing up.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    If you're in Stamford or close by we can hit the gym.
  19. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Sounds like a plan
  20. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    OP... In my early high school days, I used to be really shy, and would land in the friend zone. The frustrating part was that many times I learned that a particular girl did like me, but I never made a move other than the nice guys/friend zone stuff.

    I actually got frustrated with myself, and basically jumped in, and swam. I'd agree that there's absolutely some anxiety there in approaching women, but I also realized that... (1) I didn't need game/gimmicks, and (2)... If you just have to come correct. What does that mean? Being respectful in your approach and thereafter. Of course you should be pleasant, respectful considerate and so on as well, but acting like a chior boy is not at all necessary.

    I think confidence comes in different ways, and you just have to find your niche. For instance... I was never big on the club scene, but I liked doing just about anything else couple do on dates. One girl told that she liked that I kept it simple, and we had an awesome day. It basically started with us meeting after her last final exam, then we grabbed lunch, and went walking. We just let the conversation flow freely.

    One thing I will say that is very important in my opinion... You have to read (or try) the signs that she may give off. If you approach someone and she's polite, but that's it... You probably should take it as she's not interested. If she open to talking to you... Great! One step at a time (but not a snail's pace), and see how it goes.

    I'm not bragging, but I think in general I've been successful dating, and have enjoyed it. Also, with the confidence thing... Be careful to not stray into the obnoxious/totally cocky zone.

    My two cents.

    Good luck

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