Did some searching and it seems that brothers in Brazil face the same exact BS that we do in the states. http://blackwomenofbrazil.co/2013/0...iend-show-that-brazilians-also-see-a-problem/
I wonder what did the brothers from the States chose Brazilian women? Are they Black or White? I have not seen any photos of such couples.
I've seen pics and heard of them dating women of all colors in Brazil, ranging from Afro-Brazilian women to Euro-Brazilians. I think they were just generally blown away by the traditional attitudes and hyper-affectionate or submissive way the women conducted themselves. I think they oversimplified things a bit in those documentaries and didn't take enough account of the dynamics affected by the different power relationships between a US male with disposable income and a woman from a lower-income nation, regardless of color.