American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    We certainly agree that mutual respectful communication, and empathy, especially on important issues like rape, is very important for the betterment of society. For me, I have a son who in years to come will be heading off to college, and he will NOT need to have anyone else "teach him not to rape", my wife and I have already instilled in him our morals and values and a basic respect for other people. I do find it insulting when I hear that term "teach men not to rape" as it implies all men are just rapist in waiting, just biding their time until the opportunity presents itself unless taught otherwise.

    Case in point, look at the 9nth paragraph down in the link below, the woman actually gets offended that a tinder date turned her down after she insultingly warned (assumed) him to not get "creepy" on their first date. IMO he was more than justified to cancel the date.
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I love how she called him a fuck boy for the very thing she advocates for. He told her was uncomfortable made it clear that he didn't want to see her and of course she insults him. How dare he not want to spend time with someone who is preemptively accusing him of a crime.
    I think most women can't appreciate how this stuff effects decent guys who never even entertained the thought of hurting a woman let alone doing it. Like you said it's insulting not to mention makes me feel unsafe. With someone that hyper vigilant you don't how the most innocent of gestures might perceived.
    Too bad synthetics won't be here for a long time.
  3. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Everyone is focusing on alternative energy, technology for space exploration, quantum computers, and advancements in medicine when we could be working on synthetic pussy. LOL
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Just saying a shit tone of these issues will go away over night of we did.
    Women would be safer than they ever have been. Shit they'll be practically free from male interaction like so many are angling for
  6. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    Well, Brian J, you know I love you too and value your friendship, but sometimes I am saddened by your outlook on things. Let me explain why I feel sad for you. Valentine's Day is not designed to drain your wallet. Yes, there are some gold digging women who insist on expensive gifts. There are also gold digging men (need I remind you of what has recently happened to me?). The point is if you really love someone, YOU should take pleasure in surprising them with something you know would make them happy, even if you don't get it. Of course, if you're in a healthy relationship, and you can't afford diamonds, your lady would understand that and love something just as much which would be affordable.
    My ex LOVED golf. I, personally, don't care for it at all. For special occasions, such as Valentine's Day, I would buy him golf equipment, golf lessons, or perhaps pay in advance for him to play golf somewhere. These gifts may not have been diamonds, but they cost me a lot of money. I felt so rewarded by his appreciation EVEN THOUGH TO ME IT WAS A WASTE OF MONEY!! I feel sorry that you do not know from this pleasure...simply to do something because it is important to the lady you love.
    I know the atrocities of what people endure to supply us with material goods. It's not just diamonds. You're fixated on that. Look around your home. Look at every single thing you own and ask yourself where it comes from and who worked hard so that you could purchase it.
    You, my dear, dear friend are missing out on the pleasures of pleasing a loved one (and I'm not talking sex.)
  7. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Well said Rita, I agree with your points that are echoed in the link below, IMO its the secret to a happy marriage/relationship when both people understand and act in accordance...
  8. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    The only reason why aliens don't fuck with us is because the energy in the universe is constant. Otherwise they would intervene and stop us from wasting it on backwards ideas like sex robots. :smt042

    Don't worry you will get your digital sweetheart soon enough. Then you can join MGTOW :smt081
  9. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yup that's why. Not all the senses killing and suffering lol
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is the most ridiculous horseshit I've heard thus fsr. The only thing I'll agree with is that most of our material goods come from suffering the major difference is men do not generally wait on a significant other to get it for us and them get all disappointed and "hurt" when they don't .
    In a relationship men generally aren't so entitled. Yes we all have expectations but generally a mans expectations falls himself and only requires that his SO allow him some peace. Women generally want things and attention. The latter is usually sullied by the expectation of the former.
    Of course a man wants to do things for the person he loves but why on this made up commercial holiday?
    And there are absolutely no shoulds in love otherwise it'd not love it's a job. Nearly all other loving relationships require nothing and only show appreciation instead of anger for lack. You should check out the four agrrements.
  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I think that is the main problem there. While I have no doubts that you and your wife are extremely well-established with a strong foundation on moral upbringing for your child, there will always be the outside influences, namely peers of his age, that could influence him to think differently as he grows into his own. You can only hope that your influence will remain much stronger than the peers that want him to try new things and experiment, as though it's going to make him cool.

    However, it's really not the case, especially since teenagers would often be rebellious and would often go against what their parents are saying. Teaching children not to be (insert prejudice or discriminatory practices) does require a lot more than simple parenting. It has to be reinforced by peers their ages as well because teenagers are still prone to making mistakes, especially when they feel like they are entitled. And since we also live in a society where gender stereotypes are still much believed or exercised, I still feel that there is a need to teach them over and over again the dos and don'ts. While common sense would suggest that such things should be intuitive, it feels like that with a younger generation, it is becoming more like mathematics, where if you don't practice it, you'd wind up losing it.

    Regarding the article, I couldn't help but laugh since it just reinforces how lack of communication is driving a disconnect between the sexes. Asking questions regarding her no-nos and what is defined as creepy would have been a better choice before deciding on canceling the date out of anger. Again, communication that should have been, but didn't happen.

  12. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    Foreign women are sexier -- period, end of story. No one wants to date their sister. Extrapolate from there.

    Besides, there's a whole world of "foreign" women out there... So whatever your taste, you're likely to find a foreign population with more of whatever you seek than an american woman.

    Like blondes? Sweden has more. Like asians? Women in asia are way more asian than asian-american women. Like women who are free of amurica's racial bullshit? You'll find more foreign women overseas who are open-minded or intrigued by your black ass, than foreign women living here in the belly of the beast.

    Of course once you're involved with them, women are women. ...But is that what we're talking about? ...Or are we talking about surface stuff?

    And let's not forget that american culture is different from foreign culture.

    Obesity epidemic. Entitlement. Penis-envy. -- all american mainstays.

    In many foreign cultures, the women compete with other women. In the u.s., too many women compete with men.

    In many foreign cultures, the women are conniving. They want you to "get the money" so that they enjoy a better standard of living. In the u.s., the women compete with the men. They don't have your back in your struggle to bring home the bacon -- they have issues that need addressing -- and right now!

    In the u.s. culture, stupid "self-love" bullshit like "I am beautiful, no matter what they say" have become entrenched in the female psyche. "I'm sexy even though I'm so big I no longer have an ass" is the order of the day. In foreign countries, women compete with other women to be more attractive, rather than just being okay with being rotund.

    And speaking of fat, in the u.s., so many women are fat that the few slimmies are entitled and conceited out their motherfuckin mind. (That goes double for black women.) Among the foreigners, having a decent figure is more common, so women who are reasonably attractive are not as psyched out.

    And on and on and on...

    Culture counts! So -- superficially there are significant differences that make foreign women more attractive. Once you get involved with them, they're all pretty much the same IMHO.

    Plus I like accents -- so just on that, I gotta say, all things being equal: foreign all the way...

    I bet if you ask men anyplace on earth whether they like foreign or homegrown they'd say foreign (except the jingoistic types who are pushing "nationalist" bullshit). It's just easier to imagine a foreign woman being more intriguing and attractive than the workaday woman you grew up with and see every day.

    Ok --now bring it on! :smt070
  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    In Cleveland there is Oct 13, Sweetest day. It's like another Valentines day but taken even more seriously.
  14. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    This is not about gold digging men or women. It’s about a manufactured holiday designed to get people to spend money.

    Why “should” I take pleasure in that? Because you say I should? Because Jared Diamonds says I should? Because Hallmark cards says I should?

    Wonderful. I would give it to her on Feb 15th or Feb 13th or any other day than Valentines Day

    This of course is an assumption from me stating I will not give diamonds and surely not give anything on Valentines Day as it’s the principal of not responding like some Pavlovian Dog to the marketers and advertisers nor succumbing to the foolishness that most women expect on this day.

    So if you know the atrocities associated with the production of this item and you purchase said item knowing there are atrocities associated with your obtaining said item you are de facto supporting the atrocities after the fact. If there were no market for these diamonds and people stopped putting value to them, they would not be mined.

    I need a car as a means of transportation. Why does a woman “need” a diamond?

    With regard to this issue I’m fixated on justice, equality and freedom.

    That is a supposition to think that I don’t please loved ones (and I’m not talking sex here either).
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2015
  15. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Have I mentioned how much I miss your posts around here?! You could have any American or foreign woman your little heart desires so carry on with your accent loving self!
  16. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Damn, there is just too much logic in that post brother!
  17. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Like you should have communicated an apology to Dark King when he let you know using his name wasn't cool...but it didn't happen?
  18. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I stand with this man!
  19. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wait I said the same exact thing but I'm asshole? Damn pretty is all that counts huh lol
  20. medullaslashin

    medullaslashin Well-Known Member

    and you, my dear, are an american women I'd let ride around on my back swinging a big ol' cowboy hat... :freehug:

    (front too...) :cool:

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