American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    And what they want is a doll, not a woman. Cry me a river if they wind up shooting up a theater or a school. They are merely weak minded individuals who can't deal with non-structured events like relationships.

  2. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    And you can speak for all MGTOW?

    You are equating men going their own way with people who are mentally ill and desire to kill people?

    Again, you have spoken to all MGTOW to make such a statement as if it's a fact?
  3. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    When they think women are merely dolls and react in a reactionary way, of course I'll say mentally ill. That or a neurological disorder. They are crazy, weak-minded boys who can't really handle a woman. It's intimidating to them. They want to be "left alone", but can't help but bring up women in their conversations, usually out of spite? They are sick and deranged.

  4. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    You are making the assumption that all MGTOW see women merely as "dolls" to make that leap. What about the ones who don't see women as "dolls"; following your logic is it fair to equate them too with the mentally ill?

    "Boys" don't pay their own bills, put themselves through grad school, raise their sons when the children's' mother leave, purchase their cars and motorcycles and own their own homes. MGTOW I know have know men who have done each of the above and have had women and are not intimidated by them at all. They are tired of American women.

    American women.
  5. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Have you ever thought that you are just hearing from the ones who are sick and deranged and that the MGTOW who want just to be left alone...are actually doing that and you never hear from them?
  6. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    You're missing the point entirely. When I refer to them as boys, I'm not speaking of their academics and financial achievements. That's completely irrelevant to the discussion. I'm strictly referring to their mentally warped worldview regarding women and position, many of which think reactionary. This is the common attitude men often make, and when challenged, they often react the very same way you do. Looks like I've made a huge incision in the wound. So, when I refer to them as mentally ill, I'm mainly referring to their handling of such circumstances, which in this case, is very juvenile and ghetto-fabulous.

  7. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    They wouldn't be called MGTOW, nor would give themselves such a stupid label.

  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    WHen did I say rape was bullshit? I said rape culture is, the ides that rape is accepted and ok and furthermore something that needs to be taught not to do is bullshit. It is literally sociopathic, it requires a person to force themselves on another knowing they don't want it. WHO truly needs to be told that's not ok?
    And even if I'm not thinking long term just like it's on me to speak up about something that's not working for me it's on a woman to do the same. They're my equals not children, it's not on me to make decisions that benefit them. And if it is then what is their obligation to me?
  9. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Why not? How do you know they don't also call themselves MGTOW?

    Stupid name? "Feminist" is a label and I think it is a stupid one. If "MGTOW" is a stupid label why can't "feminist" also be a stupid label?

    People are entitled to their own opinions; if a woman wants to label herself a "feminist" or a man wants to label himself a "MGTOW", why is that a bad thing?
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    What about women who think of men as dolls? Or do they not exist?
  11. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Saying rape culture is bullshit is like denying the issues involving rape. You can't save face right now since you've already established this perspective, so don't try and change the wording at all. And every human is capable of exercising sociopathic tendencies, including you. Even those who aren't of the sociopathic label winds up raping someone out of a sheer moment where they feel they are in control of a situation. You can't deflect and make excuses like this. It just makes you think that you aren't capable of controlling your own actions, and thus, a sympathizer, which comes off as idiotic and incredulous.

  12. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    The rape culture where men can "rape" a woman with his eyes or "rape" her if he says hello is part of the bullshit rape culture. Issues involving actual rape are about power and imposing power over someone forcibly and physically violating someone.
  13. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The progenitors behind this movement basically fit the description I've been stressing all this time and all of the followers basically share the same sentiment. It is one thing when you are someone who has dealt with problems with women in the past genuinely, but the movement is less about going their own way and more about reinforcing a sexist, misogynist collective. They come off as immature when it comes to relationships.

    Also, you cannot compare apples to oranges since Feminism, within the name, is deeply rooted in the circumstances regarding women, based largely on dealing with inequality. The name is largely of Latin roots, but the first time it was coined was through a French Philosopher. There is no comparison, man. One is a political movement, and the other is a silly label out of anger and immaturity.

    Only if we're talking BDSM, but even that is very loose terminology.

  14. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Are you kidding? I'm not deflecting a thing I never said rape was bullshit. I said teaching men not to rape is bullshit. Following your logic if sociopathic behavior is inherit then what exactly would you be teaching to someone who can't control the impulse?
    I personally have nothing to control, there is absolutely nothing attractive about forcing myself on another. The impulse doesn't exist so I'm not sympathizing with a soul. I just recognize that other violent crimes like murder or pedophilia don't need to be taught not to do because we recognize them as aberration. Why not rape?
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Wrong. Read up on it before you make a blatant incorrect statement.

  16. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I'll reiterate: Denying rape culture is also denying that rape can happen. This is why there is a great disconnect and you're inability to communicate about these matters is what frustrates a lot of women, not just on here, but in the general public. This is why such things continue to persist, because you are willing to rationalize irrational behavior.

  17. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You have probably not dated enough or been in long term relationships because it is very common for women to look at men as dolls not sexually but financially. Time wise as well, there's an expectation that all free time belongs to them, they expect to be the most important person in your life after only a short period of time.
    You're a thing to a lot of women but since it's not a sexual thing and since we don't view women as powerful it's over looked.
  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    No one is denying rape can happen. It's evident that it does what I refute is that education will some how stop it. That's assuming those who do it don't know it's wrong. Now if the push were to create more spaces for women to come forward I'm all for it but this ridiculous push towards educating young boys not to push themselves on a woman is insulting. It creates an unnecessary rift and puts would be allies on the defensive. You're telling me I'm a suspected rapist until proven innocent and trustworthy.
    It's gotten to the point I don't feel safe being alone with women I don't know.
    Recently myself and two workers were the last ones in the building two guys one girl. Both of them new hires so I don't either one. Best believe I got the hell out of there as quick as possible when I realized I was there with them two because I don't ever want to be accused. I stay in full view of hallway cameras and my door is always open unless with a client.
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Then your limited worldview basically suggests that you have experienced these problems, but it doesn't represent the majority. The one's I've dated all have been very independent and don't demand my attention all the time, since, well, they have lives. And the people I know in relationships, many of them have women who have that same mentality. So, in this regard, it boils down to personal experience, but I'm more inclined to say that it's less of a thing of women considering men as dolls (which doesn't quite add up) and just merely disconnect.

  20. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    lol...i would never blame an american ww for my poor grammar like the two weak-asses you guys are.

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