American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I'm a man so any feminist women can feel very comfortable donning some fishnets, a bustiers and 4" stilettos and then sashaying her ass to fix me some dinner and kneeling at my feet to serve me just like a non-feminist woman.

    PS - Do you also need to put the toilet seat down to pee?
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  2. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    Besides isn't that basically what feminist claim they want for women? What's wrong with men claiming the same for themselves?
  3. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Will any of you sensitive "brothers" or male feminist please answer this question?
  4. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Of course it does. They want to be equal without responsibility. They want to control aspects of language without changing there's. Everything about what being a man is is wrong and everything about being a female is right.
  5. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    BTW, what does "man-up" mean? Is there also a concept of "woman-up" and if so what does that mean?
  6. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I think MGTOW in a nutshell is a belief that a man refuses to set limits on his life choices because of his gender.

    I disagree.

    Every time I've told a feminist that if she mends my socks or irons my underwear that I would reward her by allowing her to give me a blow job, they all seem to think I was being unreasonable.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2015
  7. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    From what I understand MGTOW just want to be left alone. And that Dark King is the real problem - the men are no longer interested in anything women have to say and they are unaffected by the ace-in-the-hole (pun intended) that most women feel they can lord over a man - their vaginas. This really pisses most women off since they think that men in general are weak and will do anything for a piece of pussy.

    They are of course right in that assumption but then you have some men who say "eh, fuck it" (pun not intended).
  8. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    If you really believe this, it explains a lot about your views on relationships and women as a whole.

    Tell you a secret, every woman that earns a paycheck is a feminist.

    Being a feminist doesn't equal lesbian.

    Feminists LOVE men.

    But whether a woman decides to leave her job to raise her newborn for 5 years, or go back to work a month after pregnancy, a feminist doesn't want her decision to be decided by others based on what someone else thinks a woman is 'supposed' to do.

    Equal without responsibility??

    Control language??


    IMO you really need to get past this adversarial relationship you have psychologically with women.

    They aren't your opponent.

    BrianJ, paraphrasing my definition of feminism and applying it to new age misogynists makes no sense.

    Who the hell is placing limitations on men because of their gender??

    What is it that you feel you should be able to do as an adult male that society won't let you, just because you have a penis???lol
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Very different. Unlike women, MGTOW groups want to retain a certain patriarchal structure and absolve themselves of any sense of adapting to the idea that women do have equal validation. Instead, they cower. Like I said, they are just little boys who are crying about the world and people changing around them. No different from the typical reactionary white males who cannot stand to see other people reaching goals that they felt were exclusive to them.

    Perhaps if you want to come off less of person without a leg to stand on, making small jabs (woefully ignorant, by the way) isn't the way to go, my friend. It just reinforces my point about individuals with a lack of empathy and unwillingness to even look in the mirror. Plus, I never stated two people. Rather, the difference between labeling yourself as a bachelor vs. a MGTOW, where the latter has severe negative connotations based on their behavioral attitudes. Try reading my posts again thoroughly before making another quick-prick response.

    Well, that doesn't help much.

  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I disagree they speak up about issues that are real for some men. Like an overwhelming majority of women who want to be treated as equals when it suits them. We're equals but you're required to financially carry the relationship. We're equals but if danger ever arises you're the one expected to put your body in harms way remember women and children first. Never understood why it wasn't elderly and children first since they're the actual most vulnerable but I digress.
    There is also new need to control the way men think and speak they constantly love to tell us what real men are but would never take the same critique about what a real woman is. They promote bs premises like teaching men not to rape which is a true insult that presumes men actually need to be taught not to be sociopaths since hey that's what we are since birth.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    It's not that simplistic. How about asking what isn't your fault about society because you have a penis?
    They destroy trust and alliances by presuming all men are rapists waiting to pounce.
    They destroy dialogue by saying that God Bless you or you look nice is now in fact street harassment. They aren't infallible, they aren't above critique.
  12. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Even the submissive ones?

    Even the one's who state they aren't feminists?

    Even the lesbian ones?

    Most family courts come immediately to mind.
  13. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    For the MGTOW people I know, that is not the case. They just want to be left alone.

    Yeah, you are right, the jab wasn't necessary and I do apologize for it. I can put forth my thoughts without the jabs.

    A male feminist just sounds so damn weak and pussified. That being the case, like I said my jab was uncalled for.
  14. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Powerful and so true.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    The problem you're speaking of is mainly lack of communication. And while it is true that it is fairly lost on both ends, the bulk of that blame is generally towards the male half, who seemingly feel like they are merely entitled to everything and anything. When it comes to relationships, it's no longer an I thing. It becomes a "we" thing and if you don't sit down and talk about it, then inevitably, things will end much faster. Compromise, which also means sacrificing a little something on both ends. It takes a great deal of willpower for others to be comfortable with that, but others are less inclined, thus creating rifts in a relationship and communication breaks down indefinitely.

    If we take an oversimplified view on how to reach equality, then we'll continue to make the same mistakes and not evolve. The best analogy I can give you is when it comes to power structure, the most influential would have to come off the clouds and come back to earth, removing their own privileges for the sake of making a better tomorrow. It won't happen overnight. It's a long term process, but certain social conditioning would have to die out over time to reach that in the end.

    Also, regarding the aspect of teaching men not to rape isn't bullshit at all. If you have a hard time realizing that not everything you see is meant to be critiqued and your excuse is that you're a man, you're only demonstrating a weakness and reinforcing the narrative to be true. That's just the reality.

    The fact is, they don't want to be left alone. If they did, they would have lived their lives and gone their own way, instead of shitting on women at every corner because they lead miserable lives and cannot seem to find someone to control. That's a person who is a MGTOW, not a man who wants to lead a life as a bachelor.

    Furthermore, being a feminist simply means that you believe in achieving equality for women, and not treat them as though they are merely second class citizens or for your own personal, selfish treatment. To think otherwise, it just makes the male less of a man, let alone a human.

  16. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I agree there is a lack of communication, but as far as entitlement is concerned I have to respectfully disagree. From what I've seen once a man chooses a partner he rarely expects anything from her, especially those from our generation, he takes her as is. Women on the other hand usually expect incremental upgrades, they are rarely happy with the current situation as is. That old saying the reason men and women can't get along is women want shit to change and men want it to stay the same (in terms of when they first met)
    For a lot of women a man is simply a vehicle to fulfill a fantasy of being a wife and/or mother while deriving security as well.
    And as far as that teach men not to rape shit it is bs. Rape is sociopathic behavior, one has to ignore the pain of another to achieve personal satisfaction. The vast majority of men are repulsed by rape and would never even dream of it and for those who would do it tell them not to isn't going to stop them. It's like murder do we have to teach people not to do that as well?
  17. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    That is simply not true and most of you on here are a testament to that. We create unrealistic expectations if we're seeking someone, not really thinking long term, regarding the outlook on how to approach situations where things may go awry. It's a two-way street, but men generally have to the ones to blame. You are (somewhat) correct that the millenial generation are more adaptive to the notion of finding a woman, but it comes at a cost when they are unable to see that they aren't dealing with a structure or a machine. You are communicating with a real life individual who thinks, breathes, shits, sleeps, eats, etc..., so I fail to see where you think men don't expect much.

    And to suggest that rape is bullshit is akin to racism is bullshit. You're purposely ignoring the plight of others when you DO have men who are psychologically warped and would attack. Discrimination and treating others differently because of "roles" in society have been perpetuated by social conditioning. Such intellectual dishonesty is the reason why many people have a hard time communicating in the first place and holding accountability seems to be an afterthought for all else. Why be dismissive of something that is real, even if it doesn't directly affect you?

  18. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    That is not a fact at all. You make a statement as if you know all of the MGTOW. As I stated the ones I have spoken to have said they just want to be left alone.

    They lead miserable lives because they want to be left alone? That is ridiculous
  19. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    It should be easy for them to be left alone, but that is hardly the case when they are more likely to talk about "women being the bane of existence" as an excuse to uplift their own pitiful deep-seated insecurities. That is what I do know for a fact. Anyone with that label fits that description to the tee.

    Hardly men if they have to bring up women in a conversation out of some sort of "manly reinforcement test."

  20. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    And how do you "know" this for a fact if you don't know all MGTOW. Ridiculous logic.

    Like I said, the ones I have spoken to have never used this type of language when referring to what they want and their thoughts on women.

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