American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude don't sweat these two. Prime examples of people who can't stand when others don't share their opinion or world view based on their experiences. Also any women offended to the point of them leaving based on this thread weren't that interested in this forum to begin with. There's a lot of people who come on here to have their asses kissed and if it doesn't they get butt hurt and its suddenly every one else's fault.
    I stated my opinion and you yours which was what this thread required. Don't apologize for a damn thing
  2. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    TDK, Thanks for the wise words, brother.

    AS I said, I apologize for not being as evidently clear as I could have been however, my thoughts I will not apologize for. And you are right, I've found they want their butts kissed. They need to grow up and get comfortable with males who are men.

    Males tend to pander with the hope of getting the attention of women. Men desire the attention of women but not at the expense of themselves. You, me and brothers like us are as I stated, men.

    Now, I'm off to work...and to find me a sexy white woman lol
  3. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

    You're wasting your breath. There are people who are not capable of understanding that you can give an opinion without being insulting and degrading. I've stopped trying to explain this. Falling on deaf ears. Thank you for being respectful.
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Not a problem. You are absolutely correct.

    Unfortunately for some people they acquire the same traits that they dislike in others for lack of seeing the big picture. They call it keeping it real when they are the ones that have been jaded and therefore changed by the world.

    Their bitter disposition toward others becomes who they are. Nothing new here.
  5. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Who was being degraded? American women as a whole?
    If I say Texas as a whole is ant education and immigration am I lying? Yes there might be some who aren't but the general consensus is the same
  7. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Well if one thing is clear, it's clear which men are the big fish of the pond and who are the little fishes who have to seek bigger ponds to swim in for success with women.
  8. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Not capable? My central nervous system is doing just fine. I'm capable of understanding, thank you very much :) Perhaps it is you who is not "capable" of understanding that I give my truthful opinion when it is asked for; chips flying be damned.

    I gave my opinion as you are giving yours. I'm not offended by your opinion, why are you offended by mine? Again, I'm just a guy on the other end of the keyboard - I have no importance in the lives of the people I am having claimed to offend so horribly. Why not write me off as some off the wall clown and keep it moving? Why expend any energy at all on me and my "insulting" and "degrading" opinion?
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  9. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Eh, so why are you commenting on it then? Just looking for a little consistency and follow through :)

    "Keeping it real"? I don't talk like that other than to make jokes about people who use the phrase "keeping it real." I really didn't know that adults talk like this for real. Fascinating.


    I knew for many years that the advent of things like computers and the assorted advances in science, medicine and associated technologies promised to bring radical, consequential and substantial changes to the world which could only be imagined, but who could have predicted that with a keyboard, a computer and an internet connection Beasty would be able to perform a comprehensive and accurate cyber-psychoanalysis of me, a man he doesn't know and has never met !!

    Simply amazing!
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  10. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    (Insert the sound of crickets chirping here ?)​
  11. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Another cyber-psychoanalysis? Man, that has to break some record or something. You and Beasty might be able to revolutionize the whole psychology game - you don't even have to know the people!!

    From a few posts online you could do the whole Miss Cleo thing and *poof* mo' money, mo' money, mo' money :)

    or... could choose to stay in your lane and respect when men give their opinion and stop trying to pander. Just a suggestion.

    With regard to women - what are we in the 7th grade? Am I supposed to get excited if you ask me to smell your finger? What kind of ridiculous foolishness is this? Anyone over the age of 21 I imagine in these United States has had sex. And one can and should meet women everywhere. If this forum is the only place you meet white women.... wow.
  12. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Because mindless fuckery gives me a brief and sometimes needed mental break when I'm studying.

    Sometimes I listen to music I don't understand or watch Johnny Knoxville damn near kill himself all for the same reason.

    Is that clear enough for you?

    Thanks for the balance.
  13. RestlessRita

    RestlessRita Well-Known Member

  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    Too long didn't read


    Not sure what you wrote but I'm sure it's you not taking your own advice. I'm just a faceless guy behind a phone stating my opinion, keep it moving. Look the forum has been peaceful for sometime now, if you can't state your opinion in a tasteful manner, peace yourself out.
  15. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    Not clear at all.

    You were the one who said "Not a problem. You are absolutely correct" with regard to RestlessRita's comment about me when she said "You're wasting your breath."...and then you commented on it again. You were being contradictory.

    Mindless fuckery? Sure that makes sense; as a matter of fact I'm engaging in a little bit of it right now.

    Contradictory behavior? That doesn't make sense.
  16. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Didn't read it...too long.

  17. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

  18. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Mofo please I've had plenty of success with women. Outside of you I'm one of the few who has posted pics with women I've been in long term relationships. Like I've posted before just because I personally don't live through something doesn't stop me from seeing the bs other people go through, it's called empathy.
  19. orejon4

    orejon4 Well-Known Member

    Speaking for us little fish, I am quite proud of the success we may or may not have in ponds of various sizes. :p
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I was actually thinking of you and Jaisee when this topic came up. You two are forum favorites among the women on here. Well respected by the men, educated, and very sociable and even you two have said your stock is plain higher with women non American white women.

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