American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by blacklexus, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Careful yall gonna alienate the few WW that still post here LOL :smt043
  2. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    They already have.

    Why do you think it's always the usual suspects bitching about their relationship problems with WW??:smt033

    If you're clueless enough to literally insult every (American)WW on this site with some nonsense BS posts in this thread, imagine how out of touch you must be with flesh-and-blood women IRL???

    Too many men on this site ONLY care about what THEY feel and how THEY think, which is a prescription for having a fucked up personal relationship with the opposite sex.

    Man, this board would melt down if one woman dared say the same crap about American BM.:smt119
  3. RicardoCooper

    RicardoCooper Well-Known Member

    Well I've come to learn a good woman can come from anywhere
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    A lack of tact is a big part of the problem here. He could have focused on why he preferred foreign women and made his point just as effectively without insulting anyone.

    Another thing is that places like DC and New York are going to naturally be more pretentious than the majority of American cities. No need to over generalize American women when that's the general culture of the area. In other words the dudes there probably suck too.

    Furthermore this topic is old and played out. Lexus has been here since 2010, if he is not aware of this then what does that tell you? He hasn't been participating in this very thread that he started. No point in rehashing the same shit when the very person who started the thread has little to no interest in it to begin with.

    That's my 2 cent. If the guys here are hell bent on keeping this place as a sausage fest as opposed to an exchange of thoughts between both genders; it will remain as such.
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So if I say America is generally racist and xenophobic am I insulting every American on here?
  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Something like that wouldn't offend me even if it was directed at men in particular, but just because It's not offensive to me doesn't mean I should expect women to view it the same way.

    Anyway....the new age way of thinking says that women shouldn't get offended if it's not offensive to men. Equal right? If that's how you guys want to play it, that's how it will be. I hope you all are enjoying the sausage fest. :smt081

    The simple adult way would be to listen to what they are saying instead of drawing assumptions, but have it your way.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Isnt that the ebb and flow of the forum. I don't think this thread sent everyone packing do you?
    What about all the foreign who usually post who aren't right now
  8. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Alienate because I gave my input (which was asked for) in a forum entitled "American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women"?

    So be it.

    Besides, any woman who has issue with me giving my opinion (again, which was asked for), whether she likes it or not, is not much worth me pursuing in an interpersonal relationship; white or non-white.

    Every woman on this site was insulted by my opinion? Sounds like a gross generalization claim to me (did you hear what she said North?) but be that as it may; how do you know every American woman on this site took what I said as an insult? I would imagine at least one white woman might find what I said about them uplifting and attractive and that would make your claim inaccurate. Besides, when did you become the mouthpiece for every American woman? Additionally, if every white American woman on this site did find what I said as an insult, so what? Its just one guys' opinion in the netherworld of cyberspace who has no appreciable affect in your life one way or the they say...the guilty dog barks the loudest. Well then, yeah what I said might sting. Maybe.

    Out of touch with flesh and bone women IRL?

    LOL OK

    I'm not the mouthpiece for the brothers but, I wouldn't melt down. Say what you want about BM, men in general, etc... It phases me not because an opinion of a woman who I don't know, will never meet and am not interested in having as mine doesn't affect me on a inter-personal level.
  9. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I concur.
  10. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Don't play dumb. They are already gone. I was too apathetic to speak up when the forum was going down hill, but now I'm getting bored with watching the same mistakes being made. I'm just suggesting that an effort can be made to listen when someone express displeasure from what they see as an insult. Props to Brian J for apologizing.

    The difference is that he quickly saw how his post could have been offensive and hopefully he will try to be a bit more tactful next time.

    On the other hand you are refusing to see a different point of view and therefore essentially rationalizing the same type of behavior that he just apologized for. There really is no reason for it.

    The foreign women faced different issues on this forum but the problem was essentially the same: Guys here that don't take their point of view into account when they are offended. Not saying everything here is the fault of the guys, but we should be able to see when we can do better. It's really not that hard otherwise I wouldn't be suggesting it.
  11. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member


    After apologizing you come like this? People are here to exchange thoughts/ideas/information. If you hook up then good, but some of the women are not here for that. They should be viewed and respected as any other associate/colleague.

    I'm not going to argue about this I said my peace and I expect this place to remain a sausage fest because no one listens.
  12. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I gave my experience as the forum question asked. Someone has an issue with my experience, too bad. My life, my story, my experiences.

    Lack of tact? Perhaps. But these were my thoughts based on the the initial question asked; my story so I get to tell it like I want from my vantage point. Regardless, why does the opinion of someone you don't know, will never meet and who has no affect on your life matter to you?

    Lastly, if this topic is "old and played out" why are you commenting on it?
  13. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You apologized because?

    Its called being an adult and showing respect for others, do you behave like this IRL?

    Adults respect the opinions of others even when that opinion really doesn't matter to them, but this is the internet so its just convenient for you to play dumb.

    Have a good day.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    People love to play stupid when they get caught in a corner.

    Bruh, this board is a virtual community, not some random message board in the middle of nowhere.
    Communities are made up of people, not just empty opinions and words in a post.

    When dealing with people who communicate using words to convey ideas and feelings, it helps to be mindful of your audience.

    This board is about BM and WW coming together.
    What good does it serve, even if you hold your own opinion above all else, to insult WW so carelessly??

    Look up the definition of tact, then get some.

    You can say anything you want without being so specifically offensive to what should be one half of this board's demographic.

    Be smart. The thread topic was a setup from the get go.

    Dudes like you are just murdering this board for actual women members who participate in forum discussions.
  15. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member


    To be clear, I apologized for not being clear as it came across that I was say ALL American women and I should have said most or a significant portion. The apology was for not being clear; it was not for the essence of the comment which I still stand by.

    I exchanged my ideas by answering the initial question American Black Men: USA or Foreign White Women. They are respected as should I be. If my opinion is asked for (which it was) and I give it (which I did) and I'm grown (which I am), what's the problem?

    I'm not looking to hook up. Shouldn't I should be viewed and respected as any other associate/colleague irrespective of whether anyone agrees or disagrees with my position?

    Sausage fest?

    If the cost for giving my opinion when asked for causes others to flee, I bid them adieu. I'm not sacrificing my thoughts and beliefs based upon my experience so I can score points with people. Not how I roll, my brother.
  16. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    LOL I guess this topic isn't old and played out, eh?

    Play stupid? Caught in a corner? This type of language sounds infantile.

    Empty opinions? What's a "Full" opinion?

    I didn't know people talked like this. Interesting

    Yes, it's about coming together. I answered a topic question that was asked and gave my input. End of story.

    I didn't insult WW. I answered a question regarding my thoughts on American women or foreign women. If American women on this forum became offended because I answered a question honestly, too bad. There are a great deal of good American white woman in every city in this country who are not on this forum. Some white American women actually agree with me (I've had discussions with them about this very topic).

    I took your suggestion and looked up the word "tact" and it said tact is defined as "a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations." I have tact so I don't need to "get" any but I choose sometimes not to use it when I'm asked for my opinion but thanks for the suggestion.

    Dudes like me? You mean men?
  17. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    I apologized for not being clear that I meant most or a significant number of American women. Yes, I behave like this IRL - I give people my honest opinion when they ask for it and apologize for not being clear if I have not been clear with something I said. I don't apologize if my honest thoughts offend someone for my honest opinion after they have asked for it. It's called being a man.

    You also have a good day.
  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    You don't get it, still.

    No one has a problem with you having a preference for foreign WW, but you don't need to badmouth American women in the same breath.

    You don't tear down one group to uplift another.

    That's what I mean when I say you lack tact.

    We have threads about all kinds of WW on this board, but rarely is it done to insult another group of WW.

    The fact I had to explain this is pathetic.
  19. KWillo

    KWillo Active Member

    No need to apologize.You gave your take based on your experience and if people are offended by it then so be it.Funny how certain people complain about "fakeness" but get offended when someone speaks their mind.
  20. BrianJ

    BrianJ New Member

    Interesting you say that; that's exactly what I was thinking regarding you.

    It's amazing that one persons opinion (which was asked for) who you never met and who you never will meet and who has zero appreciable affect on any aspect of your daily life means so very much to you. You are really making me more important than I am.

    I didn't ask for your opinion of me or the manner in which I give I dispense my opinion (which was, once again asked of me). I'm not sure why you gave me your unsolicited advice but, OK.

    It was not my intent to insult anyone or any group. However, if when asked my honest opinion of which I elaborated upon actually offends someone, tough shit. Don't want my honest opinion, don't ask for it. Simple.

    Please, don't get melodramatic. The fact is you didn't have to do anything, you choose to type your soliloquy. No one forced you or placed you under duress that compelled you to give your opinion here.

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