Jessica Jones on Netflix

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Darkseid, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You need to watch the whole season all the way through. You watched one episode and took away from it that they don't develop their relationship in other episodes?
  2. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member


    I gave up after jessica threw the black man in the hospital. too much racism for me to keep going. I even tried letting it slide that they wrote in Luke cage sleeping with a married woman(I know he didn't know but they didn't need to write that in). That was on top of me trying to say this isn't daredevil..... give it a shot.
  3. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Wait what? You think there's racism in this show? She gets banged out twice by the same black guy, she's really into him. And Luke sleeping with a married woman wasn't a big deal, dude is coping with the lost of his wife.
    And this is why I say you're really hard to please when it comes to this genre lol
  4. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member


    She knew that was a low blow, but she was using people's/society's prejudice against them in order to steal the medicine she was looking for

    Besides that, the writers knew that her character would get a pass because she's in a relationship with a black man. That stunt may not have gone over well with viewers if Trish did it; even with the same intent as Jessica.

    As for Luke, the married woman plot point showed three things:

    a) Luke is noble. He broke it off immediately when he found out she was married.
    b) Jessica has been into Luke for a while, and moved to eliminate the competition
    c) A plot device for Luke to demonstrate his powers when the husband's friends attacked him at the bar.

    At the end of the day art is subjective and we all have our own opinions. You are not "wrong" for not liking it, and those of us who liked it are not "wrong", either. I enjoyed the series very much and can't wait for the Luke Cage series.
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  5. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member


    She beats up on all sorts of white guys in the series and the main villain which she despises is white. Meanwhile the two males she probably shows the most affection too, including the one she hooks up with a lot, are black. And they both survive. And yet tossing around some random black guy in a hospital is proof of racism? Some of you are a bunch of mentally weak pussies who see bigotry everywhere you look and then go crying about it. Actually some of you seek out bigotry in order to confirm that the world is as terrible as you know it is.
  6. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member


  7. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    They wrote one black guy in as stealing and breaking into houses. Then she uses the scary black man to do the dirty deed.

    How hard is it to write in Luke dating a single woman? or not have a black character stealing and breaking into an apartment. It feels like people are giving it a pass because he is having sex with a white woman on here.

    I never saw that on any of the black created hero shows. They constantly tried their best not presenting black people in negative light.

    It is possible to have black people presented in a good light and have interracial relationships.
  8. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It is the writing and you are right. People gave it a pass because she is in a interracial relationship. None of the stuff they wrote was needed. It really threw a negative light onto black people. It didn't pass by me.

    They could have easily wrote in that the married lady wasn't married and still was competition. They could have written the dude that was written in as a thief and intruder as just the usual black person and not a thief and intruder. They didn't need to write in the black people are scary perception in.

    I will wait for the Luke cage show. It just seems like people are giving the negative light a pass because they have some interracial relationship. I'm going to give it a pass and come back if and only if luke's show has only positive images of black people(excluding villains).

    also your three points..
    We already know Luke is noble... He's a super hero. We already know he has powers and chances are people know what they are. I think Jessica is a less known character. If you came to see this show, chances are you already know who Luke is. I mean he has several appearances like daredevil on TV.

  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    It wasn't just the tossing that was one. They wrote the dude in as a thief and intruder.

    I'm sorry but some people have a low standard of how black people should be portrayed. like I said before giving it a pass because he is humping the white chick. I get enough negative light on the news I don't need it in my tv shows.
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dude, seriously? Why are you acting as if that whole show was one BIG negative stereotype on black people? If this show would have had a typical all white cast, dudes would be bitching about it being racist just for that.

    I will give you this however. A good number of non nerd level dudes here who watched the show wouldn't have given a rat's ass about it and watched if not for the IR relationship.
  11. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member


    These Marvel Netflix shows are gritty and - outside of the superpowers stuff - they try to present the world as is. And there is prejudice and racism in the world.

    Truth is that white people would be afraid of a black guy who looked like Malcolm. Jessica knew that and used their prejudices against them to create a distraction to get what she needed from the hospital.

    I like the fact that they did not pretend that race doesn't exist. As much as I like Arrow and the Flash, they pretend that race doesn't exist in their world and that is a little annoying at times. I'm not saying they should turn those shows into a Spike Lee joints, but at least acknowledge there are some race differences here - even in a small way. That is why I liked it when Luke asked Jessica, "is this a racial thing?"

    And finally, black people are complicated and I like it when we are presented in all types. Some black people struggle with drugs. Some cheat on their spouses. Some are angelic and honest. Every black person on TV should not be presented as angelic and honest. That would be boring.

    Besides, it's not like the white characters (besides maybe Trish) did not have major flaws. Carrie Ann Moss' character was a cold and calculating piece of shit. Trish's mom was a selfish sociopath.

    Like I said, art is subjective and one likes what they like. I liked the show and I thought that by the end of the show BOTH black guys were presented in a positive light.
  12. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Yeah the nerve of those comic purists trying to force a race swapped Luke Cage because of a sex scene. :rolleyes:
  13. Darkseid

    Darkseid Member

    Just as a note, these are the two black actors in the show, with their real life wives:


    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    again don't understand why they can't just put black people in good light?
    It keeps everyone happy

    Honestly, it isn't a choice of either put black people in a bad light or don't have them at all.

    You go back to the static shock show. Most of the people around static were in good light as far as I could remember. Dad was working and helping the community. Sister was in college and volunteered at the hospital.

    People get to chose how they write people in.
  15. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    And some people are seriously lacking in IQ points and are prone to bouts of paranoia. So I guess we all have our burdens to bear.
  16. JamalSpunky

    JamalSpunky Well-Known Member

    Wait. I swore I heard this dude playing Malcolm was gay. But maybe that was just an urban legend started by people watching him on "Empire".
  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Dude. Do you understand that they were trying to keep the show as grounded as possible? So movies and TV shows should no longer show black people doing any type of negative behavior at all? Because we are human after all and do negative things just like everyone else. I bet you won't hear any white women complaining about Jessica Jones being portrayed as unlikable bitch for the most part and an alcoholic?

    The character of Malcolm could have easily been cast as a white dude. Why are you acting as if they wrote a character who happens to be a junkie and decided to purposely cast a black male in the role? When you find evidence that they indeed do just that, then holla and I'll listen.....
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    when people can't tell the difference between wanting good images of people and paranoia, they are indeed lacking in the IQ section. I will agree that we have them understand that it is ok to present black people in a nice image.

    Hopefully you get that.
  19. SmoothDaddy101

    SmoothDaddy101 Well-Known Member

    Dude, just stick to watching Tyler Perry movies.
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Who cares if his fuck buddy was married or not? And remember he didn't know it's not like he said fuck it and bedded her anyway. He had no clue. Also remember all the characters were flawed it's not like everyone except for the black men were all sunshine and rainbows.
    Like I said before you're very hard to please when it comes to this genre. You made up your mind to dislike this and here we are.

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