Students protest in favor of the cop... ........Ty'Juan Fulton, a Spring Valley student, said he felt Fields simply did his job in removing a disruptive student from the classroom. "That's what he's supposed to do when a student don't actually get up and listen. I think it's also her fault too for not listening. It didn't really have to go that far for an administrator and a deputy and a teacher to tell you to leave."........ .......
I get why students would feel sick and tired of their fellow student being disruptive and it annoys me as well. However, force is far too often the first (or only) tool in our toolkit for dealing with problems.
But she had plenty of chances to do what was right. Not justifying what he did but she broke the rules
Do you understand this is the same exact argument people use to justify black people being killed by the cops. Want to avoid excessive force don't break the rules in the first place. Again people the little girl didn't want to put away her cellphone this a complete lack of communication skills by everyone involved. And please keep in mind the singular and only reason she was treated like this is because she was black and poor. With every fiber of my being I know had she been white no one would feel the need to go to such extremes in order to resolve a student having a cellphone in classroom.
Do u realize she was in the classroom acting a fool? U still have not told me why she needed that fone. Do u realize school is where people actually care about the people in front if them? Do u realize that teachers put up with too much shit from people they are trying to help? Do u realize that it was a black teacger she was acting a fool on? Wtf do u mean by the teacher and principal lack communication skills? They said put away the cell phone. She understand english. They are not there to kiss her ass. Lastly, no one said he was justified in what he did. Show one post that me, cherokee and raider said he was right in doing that. We said she shouldve done what was told. The teacher is in responsible for that class not her. U are just acting on emotions.
Replace every time you put teacher with cop. It is truly amazing how people completely switch their mentality when they think their profession is being attacked. Suddenly everyone who does the job is a saint.
People love cosigning crazy Teachers dont carry guns. Teachers give u tools to get a job . In school people are homeless get a warm meal. Its truly amazing when people cant look at the whole picture. Hell i said from the beginning the cop was wrong but the kid fuck themselves up by doing dumb shit. Its funny u have reduce the whole thing to "u are defending the teacher". Hell the teacher is not under fire. I m positive that the teacher did what he was suppose to do. No teacher , especially a bm, wants to call the principal. Why ? Cause calling the principal makes him look bad. Trust me they dont want to call them. Also, in other threads we have said not to argue with a cop on the spot. Win it in court. U have no clue what u are talking about.
I think that we're on the same page with this one. The student was in the wrong, but beating the crap out of her isn't the answer, either.
Again you act like because you're a teacher you understand and know the hearts and minds of every teacher out there. This is word for word letter for letter what cops do lol. A LOT AND I MEAN A LOT of teachers phone it in just like any other job, especially those with a pension and summers off. Every year is a game of just getting through. Of course its not true of all teachers or maybe even most but after dating teachers over the years I totally get it. You're constantly disrespected and get next to no support from teachers and administration so it makes it really easy to develop a "get them through these state tests" mentality.
So YOU'RE allowed to make complete blanket statements based on your own bias and Goodlove is in the wrong for defending how this teacher handled the situation?? The cop handled the situation extremely poorly. The worst thing he should have done was grab the desk and drag her and the desk out of the room. You cannot give ONE child permission to disrespect you in school, because it will give ALL the children in that classroom the same permission to disrespect that teacher. TDK, I get what you're saying and maybe the teacher didn't know her situation, but you CANNOT continue to argue that giving this girl leeway in front of other students is the right answer. It is not. When you allow one person to slide on the rules, you allow every one of their peers to do the same. That is NOT right. She was disruptive. All she had to do was put the phone away. That's it. She was disrespecting all of her elders. You can't allow that in a school setting, because you lose the rest of the students. Raider and Cherok are absolutely correct. Rules are rules. If you allow one student to bend the rules, you must allow ALL students to bend the rules. And THAT is a recipe for disaster.
I agree with Books here, while the cop was WAY out of line in how he handled this, the student should not be allowed to break the rules and be disruptive. No easy answer here, I also agree that color played a part here. TDK per your Sandra Bland comment above, I found the link below and the backlash the author is getting to be very interesting.
Again tdk....teachers versus and contrast. Uhh they are not the same I have to say again orejon ...i agree
It is well documented that black children are treated completely differently. We all know this. Teachers following the rules he listed is not always common practice. It's like me saying all Accountants follow the code of ethics set for by the IRS. I have absolutely no clue that that's true nor is there constant scrutiny by the public to see of that's true. Two different animals
Sigh....everyone knows the school to prison pipe line thing but...... Wtf does that have to do with her putting away the phone? Are u saying blacks can follow directions? Are you saying it was ok for her to disrupt the class? Are you saying blacks should rebel in class?
Of course he's not saying that (I like to answer for him lol.). His point that black kids are often treated different is true and I think because of that he gives the benefit of the doubt to the student instead of to the school staff. I get it but as a parent, I can see how her behavior contributed to the disruption. Whether this rebellious attitude is normal for her or not, she needs help and guidance before it's too late.