Teenage girls with biracial babies

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by kenny_g, May 26, 2008.

  1. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Yes unfortunately it seems so. Just a few weeks ago 2 parents tried to sell their baby on EBAY. They claimed it was a joke. I cannot judge whether it was or not but if it was a joke I guess I missed the funny part and if not those 2 people should not get babies
  2. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

  3. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    I've always wanted some biracial kids of my own. I've felt that way since I was a kid.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    That is very sad when some of the WW have mixed kids as a fetish and abandon them. The brothers who inpregnate them and don't care are just as bad.
  5. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    I don't believe it....

  6. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Unless you had lived in France it happened there too. I had not seen it during my visits in Paris and no doubt they happened in the hoods where the tourists don't set foot.
  7. foxyred

    foxyred Active Member

    I have friends who are teachers. They tell me that a lot of teenage girls deliberately get pregnant because they think they will get an easy life on benefits. So sad that anyone could be so stupid.
  8. thefieryphoenix

    thefieryphoenix Active Member

  9. derekj4u

    derekj4u Member

    Met a girl on a dating line one time...she said she wanted to get knocked up by a black man. She was hot as heck, but she was in college, did cheerleading, seemed to be a good student with a good head on her shoulders. I talked her out of that insane thing...told her not to fuck up her life over a fetish. Hope she followed that path.
  10. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    "Bruh," if you want to push your agenda, you might want to tone your shtick down. It's a bit transparent.

    Between this and the five year old thread that you bumped up to complain about posters here who aren't fond of black women, I think that we all have a good idea what you're about.
  11. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

  12. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    This sounds like it was posted in the 1960s.:rolleyes:

    There are very little to no negative social consequences for a WW today having a biracial baby, other than the normal burdens faced by a young, uneducated, unemployed mother trying to raise a child.

    I see WW several times a week with tan babies and their little afros.lol
    I see grandmas pushing their little brown grandchildren through grocery and department stores.

    Being a young single mother reduces ANY woman's chances in the dating market.
    The race of the child is really secondary.
  13. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Guess I'm insane then.

    I live in Virginia and young WW with biracial babies go about their lives and aren't ostracized by their families or friends.

    There's less shock about her her having a biracial baby in the first place because most her friends have seen her with the dude for months, if not longer, who ends up being the father of her child.

    And then you gonna pull it makes a real difference if the Black father is dark skinned or not??:smt030

    Come on dude.

    Where I live, if a WW had a job before she got pregnant with her biracial baby, she's not going to lose that job because her baby is half Black.

    And most families are gonna be more upset if the father is not in the picture and less so with the racial makeup of the baby.

    Yeah there's still deep racism in this country, but young WW who have biracial children aren't wholesale disowned by their families and kicked to the curb by society in 2015.

    That's some nonsense from decades ago.

    For real, when Obama was elected and Americans learned about his racial background, I think it softened a lot of people's hearts about IR relationships and removed some of the stigma from generations past about WW who had biracial babies.

    Cherokee is from VA. Ask her if she ever really has to deal with grief in her day to day being the mother of biracial children???

    Your post is just making too many generalizations not based in fact.

    I dated a girl from Vermont(!!) in college and she was about the Whitest WW there ever was.

    I met her folks too and afterwards they were INVITING me to come visit for a week during the summer.

    LOL. Wasn't doing that.

    This was over 20 years ago.

    IMO you sound a little out of touch with how it is today with BM/WW relationships.
  14. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member

    I agree with this for the most part except the very end. White women who have mixed babies with black men have virtually no chance when they go back to white men. I've read of many stories online how white women would date white men who had no problem with them being single moms until they find out the father is black.
  15. Shulz021

    Shulz021 Well-Known Member

    Well Said :smt023
  16. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Andreboba isnt the insane one lol. I'm the mama of two beautifully biracial babies so I can personally vouch for the fact that your posts speaking to...the struggles of "having to travel with these children" and all the "shit we deal with from people on the street"...are completely off base. Many of the US schools are far from "all white" or "all black", contradictory to your belief. So much of our beautiful country is an absolute melting pot. It might not all be bm/ww, but there's IR relationships and biracial children everywhere. People don't bat an eye when they see a ww walking through a store with her clearly biracial kids. I'm sure there are some places in the US that are still more on the segregated side, but the picture you paint of the US is not indicative of the majority. Sure, maybe the occasional ww may lose some inheritance by having biracial kids but the majority of us aren't living much different a life than we would be with white kids. That's the absolute truth.
  17. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    WM don't accept our mixed babies...We should not accept theirs.
  18. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    You can have whatever opinions you want to.

    If you've got to come to a forum and bump a half decade old thread to make the point that you want to, it's clear that you have an agenda.

    BTW Since you've got such a big problem with the handful of brothers on an IR relationship forum who might might have issues with black women, I'm sure that you spend all of the rest of your internet time wagging your virtual finger at the millions of sisters who are floating around online writing endless articles and blogs and filling up comments sections with incessant talk about how "brothers ain't shit," right?

    There's always got to be somebody trying to give bullshit lectures to black men about things that other people groups of people do much worse and don't catch any flack for whatsoever for.
  19. Frederick

    Frederick Well-Known Member

    Yeah "bruh," I know that there's no shortage racism in the UK. However, I have a hard time believing that you've witnessed that kind of bigotry unless you're a lot older than you're letting on and describing shit from decades past that happened before you stopped giving a fuck about going out in public.

    There have been plenty of posters from the UK here over the years, including several white women with biracial children, and not one of them has ever described encountering what you have at present in any part of the UK.
  20. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

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