Oh, they could have done it. Atlanta's offense wasn't the problem, it was the defense that didn't come back from the locker room after halftime. Bradford finally found his stride and Philly's running game started to click. If that had happened from the opening kick Atlanta's defense would have been gassed by the middle of the second quarter.
Bliss, Players can be dropped and added, though some are labeled as "cannot drop". Peyton is one of those players.
Today I watched the Raiders play and wow! I haven't seen them play that well ever... I have to give it to the Raiders and their fans. Game well played!
Lol silly girl, we OWNED teams a few years ago (ok...14 years ago but it seems like just yesterday lol). We didn't get the game here...had to watch the painful eagles/cowboys game :shock: I was following online tho! Dude I'm ready for these boys to kill it.
I really, really wanted them to beat the Cowboys. I don't trust the Giants or the Redskins to win that division and I think we can all agree that the world is a better place when the Cowboys lose.
Gaack, it was a mess. I'm not embarrassed, just concerned. Besides, we are in good company... The Ravens, The Saints and SB runner-ups Seahawks... the season is still young, my friend. :freehug: Well they put Romo out of commission or a while, so all was not lost, lol. With Bryant and Romo out, you never know...Our Birds could wing it. (like my pun? ) TBC...
The Raiders are playing well... Let's see if they can keep the momentum going for the whole season...
Well, my Bears are 0-3. It's nothing any of us Bears fans didn't expect going into this season. Our defense, at least, played really well in the first half of the Seattle game. Unfortunately, due to them being on the field the majority of the game, they got tired. I can't blame them for missing stuff in the second half. It would be nice for the Bears to beat the Raiders next week to get their first regular season win in a LONG time.
Tyrod "T Mobile" Taylor is a beast. I knew he was something special when I would start him over Flacco in Madden 14. Not a Bills fan but happy to see him shine! [YOUTUBE]VG6ue2LdHDk[/YOUTUBE] Even tho we lost, Smith went out with a bang.