Police in Illinois hunt for 3 suspects after officer killed http://news.yahoo.com/police-illinois-hunt-3-suspects-officer-killed-180024234.html
beat me to it. I knew I shouldn't have continued watching my videos on youtube. This one is going to be interesting. Three dudes in a suburban area. Unlikely mental instability. I feel like a bank robbery or burglary but who knows.
I am sorry Z, In oder to gain traction and participation in your thread, you must present the angle of black victimization. ....
Didn't stop them when those kids killed a jogger because they were bored. Mofos analyzed the hell out of that white kid, speculating he had to be biracial or under bad influences. Don't doubt that won't happen here.
RIP to the officer. Several school districts in the area have canceled school today, due to the manhunt. The articles are saying that their descriptions of the suspects are "limited". Unless they can find some video surveillance images, I have a feeling that not only are these guys long gone from the area, but they may never get caught. :-( I hope that's not the case. By all accounts, this officer was one of the good ones. What a shame. Prayers going out to his family and friends and fellow cops.
If they were smart they eill ditch all the cop equipment they stole and fet out if state and the country
R.I.P to the veteran Officer. I think you are right. These three killers will skate, unless one squeals. He chased them on foot, likely no bodycam, not much description. Sounds like they turned and shot him dead. Im sure initially he hesitated to pull his gun and thought "ok, I'll give them a good o'l foot chase"...alas, he paid with his life. But he's not the only one....11 cops killed in two weeks (this hasn't been updated) Also, two days ago, another cop in Texas was targeted by specific group or groups caught on cell phone conversations) and murdered in his home. The hunt for his killers is on, as well. A.P.D MURDER WAS PREMEDITATED. http://www.bigcountryhomepage.com/news/court-documents-apd-murder-was-premeditated
And that female police officer in PA who stopped for a car on the side of the highway and was ambushed by a man and thrown over the guardrail onto a steep incline. Thankfully, it sounds like she'll be okay. It's a scary time to be a police officer right now. It's a shame.
It is. I just was telling someone about this incident...309 area is basically Philly, 5mins from border. He threw her 40 feet down the embarkment. Like domestic violence calls, traffic stops are the most lethal. I know the narrative is cops are the bad guys, and it's never the civilian. Last month, A San Fran cop was shot in cold blood as he approached the car near Oakland. Never made the national news. Didn't even make the meme list above. In the last month, 2 Philly cops were shot in the chest and leg. The first was trying to arrest a murderer who shot dead an 8 month pregnant mother (she was with her son on the lawn.) The cop's vest saved his life. The second was a domestic violence call, the guy shot the responding cops through the front door. Leg and chest hit. His vest saved him. There are people who DGAF, they will shoot a cop dead in a second. That's why l take a case by case basis and won't ignorantly condemn all cops, as l won't all civilians.
The absolute saddest thing about all of this is I struggle to find sympathy for these people. I recognize they're human and didn't deserved to be murdered but as of late with the media and the slaying of so many innocent people it makes it so difficult. When blatant murder happens with people John Crawford Tamir Rice Sandra Bland and they stay completely silent not even wow that's fucked up it makes it abundantly clear how they think of us. Even if they all don't do it they all support it. At least that's how it feels everytime something like an Eric Garner situation happens and they ALL defend it. I absolutely hate feeling this way since I have friends and family on the job and I worry about them but I can't ignore how I feel. So damn sad
Well that's something within you that you have to come to terms with, because you can not blame a whole police force for the acts of a few. You should be able to determine the acts and not assign blame to law abiding cops who bust their assess for decades serving their community residents in distress. I know l'm a lone-wolf on giving ANY cop a human nature on this forum, but it bothers me none to speak on it. I talk to cops and veteran ones at that, and honestly, even they have said these new recruits are different today...they are not trained in conflict de-esculation. On the flip-side, the respect for cops is defunct, so they are naturally on a heightened-alertness. The result? Skittish or Trigger-happys on both sides of the table.
It's very sad but I think a lot of people feel the same as you. Breaks my heart. I think what's most indicative of why you might feel the way that you do is the fact that time and time again your post speaks to "all" cops. This is the mentality that further defines the divide between "us and them". Not all cops are bad. Not all cops support the blatant murders of innocent bp. That way of thinking is really no better than those ignorant assholes who want to believe all bm are thugs, etc. We have to do better. I know it's hard to try to find good in a group that seems so incredibly corrupt at nearly every turn, but to me, police being ambushed and murdered is no different than the murders of any other innocent person. Dealings with police have gotten so ugly so fast, I can understand why you and many others feel the way you do but as hard as it is, you have to do better. My intent is not to minimize your feelings in any way. I can't begin to imagine how scary it is to be a BM in this country right now...but you can either be part of the solution or succumb to being part of the problem. The latter is a lot easier but does no one any good in the long run. Badge or no badge, life is good vs evil. That's the real "us vs them" imo. We should be fighting against all injustices, not just those that impact is directly. That is why I have sympathy for these police officers. Fighting the hunting of bp by hunting the police will never be the answer in my book.
Why don't they fire them? There's that saying evil triumphs when good men do nothing.... The cost for these bad cops tends to be over 100 lives per year on the citizen. When you have that many lives lost... Like this officer, they have families. They have lost loved ones. They turn around and sue and the police fight them every inch legally. How can you not see the police as the bad guy?
You're not a lone wolf here on giving police human nature Bliss, as they are human,as you and I and everyone else on here. There are "bad" guys in many different aspects not just police, but the majority are good. I have a brother and a brother in law that were cops. Both came home after their shifts, put their badges and guns down and were dads and brothers. They put their lives and their families on the line everyday, respect in my eyes to them. Very well said Raider.
That's the issue I have. It's one thing when they kill someone who is really threatening but these cases where they just open fire before any command and NO ONE says it's fucked is horrible. And fuck the ones who say nothing what about those who actually defend the action. Who dehumanize the victim because they were suspended from school so now the murder is retroactive punishment? It makes me sad because you look at any group of kids playing it's abundantly clear we didn't come into the world like this. I literally don't know how we got here and why we choose to stay here.