What's The Worst Part About Dating ... You?

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by samson1701, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Everyone would like to believe that he, or she, is the greatest person on the planet to be in love with. But, deep down, we all know the truth; a good number of us kind of suck at being a great partner. And for the rest of us, even if we're pretty sweet most of the time, we still have our little ticks and trivials that make our significant others roll their eyes,throw their hands in the air and say "Fuck you!" Even if it's only for a brief time.

    For me, it's my need for solitude. Almost every girl I've been serious with has complained about me needing too much space. That, and I'm not very outwardly emotional. I've been called "Spock" from the old Star Trek show. Either that or a robot. The funny thing is, too me, I'm super emotional. Too emotional at times.

    At my core, I'm a creative person. I'm told that's what makes it worse. One woman said that my creations get the "best" parts of me while prople get what's left over. When women first meet me and hear some songs I've created or read something else I've written, they think they're getting this flowers and candy, sweet words, emotional forthcoming kind of guy. Then, by the time they figure out its just not like that, it's too late. They feel cheated. Whatever that means.

    My current girlfriend complains sometimes. So, I try to make the extra effort for her. I've learned a lot about being "present" for her. She asks for very little yet gives a lot.

    Okay, that's the worst part about being with me. What's the worst part about loving you?
  2. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This just about sums it up for me. I think most men can relate to this

  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    He is so underrated
  4. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Lol how much time do you have? I'm very introspective. I often mentally drift off, just reviewing...everything lol. I'm not mad, I'm just thinking. I'm not very talkative, which has been a problem a couple times in the past, although its worked great in other relationships. I'm not super patient lol...so I get annoyed kinda easily (not outwardly though...I keep a lot in lol). That brings me to my biggest downside...it takes a lot to get me to talk about my emotions. I tend to let things simmer sometimes when I should instead get it off my chest. If I know deep down that I'm pissed over something petty, I'll let it fester for a minute (pissed as hell on the inside), then I'm over it. I brush it off because it's not that serious. I'm a Taurus so I can take a lot and suck it up, keeping my feelings to myself...but if things are consistently bad, I'll let it all out. My ex hubby complained when I wanted out of the marriage because he claims he never knew I was that unhappy. He said because I never yelled or argued, he always figured I just got over whatever I was mad about. I don't yell, I don't bicker, I don't nag, we can either discuss things like grown ups or Im out. It takes a while for me to become emotionally vested, so in early stages Im very quick to walk if things aren't right. Once I'm all in though, I'm loyal as hell, ride or die. I'm not creative...I learn quick and can follow directions like a champ but can't create new on my own. Don't have the patience for it lol. Mindless chatter annoys me. I'd never mentally drift during an important conversation, but if you're talking just to hear your own voice, I can't do it. I could probably think of more, but that should suffice for now lol.

    In summary lol, the most difficult thing about me is getting me to talk. Getting me to open up, clearly exhibited in this post lol.

    In my defense, there are a bazillion more things that make me the best partner ever...I'm just really good at acknowledging my downfalls as well :)
  5. samson1701

    samson1701 Well-Known Member

    Lol!!! Women don't understand the struggle! ...lol

    From what I'm told, I take shit to a whole other level.. I even get a couple of my male friends complaining.

    Ole' soft muthaphuckas! .. lol
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Dag thats a book u posted

  7. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    We gotta be able to acknowledge what makes us imperfect. The only way to be the best possible me, is to recognize what needs improvement. Lol never been too proud to admit that I'm.not.perfect. ;)
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Thats cool and all. I mean i got laundry list but dang. Couldve helped a brother out by doing bullet points?
  9. RaiderLL

    RaiderLL Well-Known Member

    Hahaha I almost did!! Lol sorry to strain your eyeballs GL. I'll do better next time!
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Patrice was a fucking prophet plain and simple

    I think the biggest hurdle for most of us men are two fold.
    We live in a culture where most women (can only speak about women since I don't date men) feel entitled to a bunch of shit just because they're in your life. Love to them comes with a shit ton of obligations for you and very little for them (not all but damn it if don't feel like all)
    Secondly we aren't wired the same way and men respect that and women do not.
    Because the interaction between women is usually phony and shallow a lot of them crave to have a relationship that isn't based around being fake and catty. They get a man and want a best friend so bad, and not to say you can't be friends with your woman but women try to force that shit.
    Very rarely have I ever heard a man complain about wanting their women to do shit they didn't enjoy to appease the dude but you better believe for a lot of women love means doing something I don't enjoy just so you can have a dumb smile on your face.
    No guy is begging his girl to watch a UFC fight she doesn't want to see but you better believe there is a guy right now in an argument with his girl over not wanting to see a broadway play or some romcom he is completely uninterested in.
  11. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    I can relate to this. When I made my at 50 promise to God, I made it with the understanding and acceptance that I am not what the women want. It is by both circumstance and choice that I live alone to this day and furthermore more as I grow older. Dating is too much of a hassle than a rite of passage when I was young.
  12. Jarell2006

    Jarell2006 New Member

    The worse part about dating me is sometimes I come across as not being very tactful in how I say something when someone explains their feelings to me. Previous ex girlfriends have often stated that I can be very blunt in how I address something even if it is coming from a good place. oh and that I love 4wd's way too much. But I'm working on that.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Dont pay me attention...im silly
  14. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Im the same way. Im pretty blunt. The other is im very to myself like oneal put it. I want my me time. When espn goes off air then we can talj
  15. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    It is tough . I know what it is like to grow up gifted, black and socially expendable. No one understands you because they have a different idea about you.
  16. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    My bad traits...

    Goofy, awkward, corny, country, unclassy, stiff, annoying, overbearing, too serious at times, ultra competitive, do not care for traveling, no ambitions and hardly any goals, antisocial unless im drinking, dissmisive, critical, say shit at the wrong time, dark humor, nasty attitude, do not let go if me or my family was disrespected, invests into all the wrong things in life, a fat ass who can't stop eating, turn into a monster over small things like when my belongings are moved but will keep a chill attitude over huge things like someone crashing into my car out of pure carelessness
  17. CanadianNiceGrl

    CanadianNiceGrl Active Member

    Very worst part of dating me? My ex husband's mom and sister live in the basement of my house. That's a fun one to bring up...on the positive it allows me as a single parent to own my own house and not stress about money.

    Other than that, shocking to hear, but I'm a bit of a push over and avoid confrontation as much as possible. Probably why my ex's Mom and sister still live in my basement ;)
  18. 4north1side2

    4north1side2 Well-Known Member


    You must live in a very big house because their is no way possible I'd be able to do that.
  19. CanadianNiceGrl

    CanadianNiceGrl Active Member

    Lmao it's set up as an apartment with their own separate entrance. Trust me there's no way in hell it would be happening still if we shared the same space....my ex and I had bought the house when we were together knowing she was going to be renting the basement from us. I got the house....and his mom in the divorce...yay me.
  20. Be-you-tiful86

    Be-you-tiful86 Well-Known Member

    Some things that can be difficult to deal with for a boyfriend would be that I have social fear and am quite inhibited towards new people,especially if it is more than 1 new person I have to deal with. Can be a little difficult if he wanted me to meet his friends,coworkers or family. After a while I do warm up though.

    Also at times I have insecurities and have been told I am too hard on myself.

    Especially over texts sometimes I am slow catching a joke.

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