I was listening to sports talk radio today and they were talking about the civil suit. According to Jane Doe, during her over 2 year non-exclusive relationship with Rose, he tried to get her to agree to do a bunch of sexual acts that she was uncomfortable with, including a gang bang. Then he and his 2 friends drug her, but she escapes with her friend and sometime later whilst she was still incapacitated, Derrick and his two friends allegedly broke into her apartment and gang raped her. She only remembers "flashes" of the incident, but distinctly remembers all 3 men forcing themselves onto her. Then she woke up the next morning, in a great deal of pain (down there, I assume) with bruises and used condoms strewn all over her bed, and about a month after the incident, one of the men apologized saying he had no idea she had been drugged and that he thought she wanted to do that. While this sounds more damaging, I can't still can't totally get behind this woman's story. Yes, everyone deals with situations like that differently, but she wakes up in pain with used condoms strewn all over her bed and her first concern is what her "conservative" family will think of her? She dated an NBA star for 2 years - what did her family think they were doing? Holding hands and reading Bible verses together? I'm sorry, but if I woke up after being drugged and all of that was going on, my first concern would be to get myself to a doctor/hospital to get checked out. And the fact that she never pressed charges, again because of what her conservative family would think AND because she doesn't want him to go to jail, but is now suing him for an unspecified amount of money? It just doesn't add up for me.
Guess all three wanted to leave their condoms on the bed as a souvenir. I'm no rapist, but who the phuck would leave the condoms at the scene of the crime(the whole crew on top of that)? Waiting for the "the was blood, spit and ass everywhere" line.
Right? It's like, hey, here's my DNA all nicely "wrapped up" for the police report. To be fair to the woman, I will say that I'm disgusted by Derrick Rose's sexual proclivities. The dude thinks he's either living in a rock video or a porn movie or both. And that's WAY more information than I ever wanted to know about Derrick Rose. But, even with his sexual deviant nature, I don't think he did this. He was in a non-inclusive relationship with this woman, and I'm sure there were plenty of women at his disposal that would be more than willing to engage in a gang bang with him.
Reserving my judgment on this until l know more on it, having no idea on the behavior patterns of Derreck Rose and the two other men accused. I only know the sports side of him. However there is a need to address the general misconceptions on rape pertaining to condoms. (Remember, Date Rape was not considered rape until recently, nor was drugging a woman to rape her until the mid 1970's) Yes, rapists do and have deliberately left condoms as a ruse, or arrogance, or as a way to avoid (Impregnating), and catching disease, particularly in gang rapes. (from the victim or each other), and even as denial that they raped the victim. This applies to female and male rape victims.
You are skeptical about the rape charge but believe everything else she is saying? This looks more and more like character assassination from a chick who did not get chosen. She wants to embarrass him. If this were about justice she'd press criminal charges. Who are any of us to judge Rose's so-called "sexual proclivities" in the first place? Tell us what goes on your bedroom so we can evaluate whether we should be disgusted with you.
If someone filed a suit against me claiming sexual assault, only then may you scrutinize my sexual "proclivities". Until such time (which will be never), what goes on behind my closed doors is between myself and my boyfriend/husband. Thanks and have a nice day. :smt023
You kind of are throwing rose under the bus. I mean if some kid filed statutory rape charges against you. I wouldn't go to be fair to the kid blah blah blah. It isn't fair to you or derrick rose. Just because someone files a suit doesn't mean someone did it. It also doesn't mean it is fair to blast someone's private confirmed or not confirmed information out there. It is a case of innocent until proven guilty. These rape cases are becoming too one sided. No one should be able to hide unless they are the defendant. There isn't anything to lose in some of these cases for someone who falsely brings charges. Also, I don't know what world some people are in. Guys(most of them) would love to have straight sex with as many beautiful woman as possible. You go to the men's locker room. plastered full of women thread to thread. You look at playboy etc. The internet is probably half full of porn of guys having sex with women. I don't know how much information men have to put out there that they love to have sex. I thought we did a good job at it. :-D