Sorry, l misunderstood. Now that l understand your point, l actually consider that a selfish act by the parents. Knowing full well they can be deported and separated from their children at any moment... l would never do that. If l chose to have kids anyway and DHS deported me, l'd take my children with me.
It begs the question: what is the nation's responsibility toward its own minor citizens if their parents are non-citizens?
Detention and deportation may be seen as harsh and inhumane. But letting them stay is rewarding them for breaking the law. After all, that's what they came for! Imprisonment and deportation may seem "harsh", but it's also the best deterrent. Along with fines or even jail time for the people who hire them. And the "pain of separated families" stuff would take care of itself if we'd only enforce the law. That problem would evaporate if we'd enforce the law. Regarding imprisonment being harsh -- how are you going to deport them if you don't detain them first? Are these illegal border crossers going to show up for their appointments to be deported after you release them? And for the record, I'm AGAINST increasing even *legal* immigration. As more and more jobs are lost to automation, I think we should manage immigration more tightly than ever. Highly educated, thinking people with skills we need? Let them in (maybe). They might even be good for the political system. Lumpen unskilled laborers? Cab drivers? Janitors? We have enough, thanks.
Simple, don't make the kids citizens just because they're born here. Change the law. Citizenship should be for children of citizens and immigrants who earn legal citizenship. If the parents came illegally to make a life here, the kids will just have to make a life in mexico when they're deported with their parents. I don't think that's harsh at all. Make sure there's nothing to gain by breaking the law.
as a guy whose parents got here legally but were not citizen when he was born much like the current president's father!!!! over my cold body will this happen. I will not be losing my citizenship because some of you bigots want to discriminate against those who got here legally but are not yet citizens.
Hmm... You may disagree, but how does that make me a "bigot"? And yes, I hadn't thought about children of immigrants with legal status who aren't yet citizens. Maybe the law can make special consideration for permanent residents and such. But for people who are illegal and then have children here... Or people who come here on tourist visas to give birth so their kids are citizens... Change the law so that there's no gaming the system that way! Obviously, the law would have to be nuanced. But if it were up to me, it would definitely be changed.
What does the President have to do with this? His mother is American. And stop talking LEGAL and making this about LEGAL immigration. You pulled this crap before in the other thread. Everyone is talking about ILLEGALS , so you can put your rocks down and calm down.
Good points. I think that denying them access to regularization of status would be a good deterrent. The prospect of a lifetime of work in the shadows and no possibility for social security might help. I am generally loathe to adapt "us" versus "them" mindsets because I feel that much of the "American" public is hostile to the interests of black people no matter how hard we have tried to integrate into the US mainstream. I hesitate to categorize unskilled labor as lumpen, but I agree with what you said about targeting immigration policy at potentially beneficial individuals, but that contrasts with the US' stated mission of bringing the "wretched...yearning to breathe free".
The law is fine as it is. Every time we have this immigration conversation on the forum ... It usually comes down to those whose great great etc grand pappy immigrated here vs those of who just recently immigrated here. They at first split hares on the well I am just against illegal and then it slowly starts to become anti immigrant. There is an ignorance by those who have relatives that immigrated a long time ago. The same kind you may see by folks who live in a one race city towards other races. I don't think people who spend little time with immigrants should be crafting laws because of their lack of experience. There are going to be situations that they have never encountered much like in the previous post and by then it will be too late because it is all of a sudden a law that has to be enforced. It will come down to people not wanting other people because they aren't like them. In one quick swoop, you proposed a law that would take my citizenship away because I'm not in the my great great pappy immigrated here and yours didn't club. Keep in mind the president's dad was not a citizen of the united states. You would have disqualified him from the presidency. sure you could point to his mom but would republicans agree with that in a republican congress...... where they have constituents that believe he was born in Kenya Concerning the children of illegals: It is not their choice as to where they were born. I don't see why the child is punished for it. The country that you send them to may not accept the child because .... they only recognize citizens that were born there.... If the parents are here illegally then they can take the child back or leave the child in the care of person who is here legally. We have had this happen in my family once. My cousin is a flake... She eventually did get her the ability to stay legally. She had to leave. One of her sons stayed here with my aunt and was taken care of and the other son stayed with her. Everyone else was here legally and had kids born here. Her kids spent most of their lives in the USA. I don't see why you would take away their citizenship given that they pretty much grew up in the USA.
Is the president's father a citizen of the USA? and no not everyone is talking about illegal. medullaslashin is talking about who should or shouldn't be a citizen by birth. He further provided a correction. I got tired of you constantly doing a spin on what you want a conversation to be. You do this constantly and I got tired of it in the other thread. You need to go kick rocks because this was another subject.
I agree. Besides, the Constitution is pretty clear on this point. You're born here, you're a citizen whether your parents are or are not, period.
Don't play ignorant with me. He doesn't know the law but you do. Your parents were lawful legal aliens when you were born, and you know damn well that is not the discussion here, so drop the over your dead body dramatics.
That is the whole point on why I gave him my experience. so that he could understand that it is not that simple. You need to butt out of this with your kick rocks and dead body dramatics.
True. (that constitution was created for the protection of children of slaves, as we all know). You cannot deny the existence of anchor babies though.
Who gives a shit if he was or wasn't - it's IRRELEVANT. Why? Because his mother was AMERICAN, so his father's status is moot in regard to your exclamation on the matter.
This this a thousand times this. All you simple minded bleeding heart types are too soft for your own good. You really don't get how letting in a shit ton of illegals come in hurts you? We literally don't have enough resources like clean water and food to support millions of people who bring in with them more criminals and people who come with their own set of xenophobic ideologies. They refuse to assimilate which is why a lot will come here, live here for years and make no attempt to learn the language. Why can't the game plan be to help make their country better instead of destroying the one we have
People have died over their citizenship because of the rights that come from that citizenship if a couple of words is too dramatic for you then I don't know what to say. If Charles Heston can say From my cold, dead hands about one right then I think it is fair to say that about ALL of my rights that come from that citizenship. Thank you very much good day, madam and all of the other funny 70's/80's comments
The point of me asking that question was to point out that he was not a citizen. I am pretty sure that Bliss knows this which is why she talked about his mother to avoid it. I say this as I am unclear if you understood why I asked bliss or if you were giving more supportive information.