App Ideas

Discussion in 'Science, Technology, and Green Energy' started by nardolaflare, Aug 4, 2015.

  1. nardolaflare

    nardolaflare New Member

    As none of you know I'm a programmer thats also dabbled in some web design. I've been practicing for the past couple of years while in college and now I want to put something together on my own. I plan on building an app in both android and iOS and I just need some app ideas. Does anybody have anything unique and creative that they want to see done? I'm more into the realm of real world applications that can help people or even social apps like say Tinder, pof, etc... than say a game application but I'm pretty much open to anything. This will be my first time putting together something useful but I am 100% positive that I've gathered the tools to make it happen. I have the hammer, and I have the nails, but I need to know what I'm building. Any ideas guys? :rolleyes:
  2. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Just curious, what kind of programming are you familiar with?

    I've recently taken up a class with basic C programming and I'm curious about App development as well. My class was based on using a Windows version of the compiler known as Code::Blocks.
  3. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    If i had a great idea, u think i will tell u?
  4. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    You probably would make a good partner in a joint venture with the right people.

    As of now most of my knowledge is on the hardware side. I have plenty of app ideas but I'm not ready to share them until I expand on my programming knowledge. Just want to have a good grasp on the language and practicality of the ideas before I have programmers build the apps that I have in mind.

    Sharing information/knowledge and sharing ideas are two different things, but I can understand his enthusiasm.
  5. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  6. nardolaflare

    nardolaflare New Member

    I started off teaching myself C++ by reading and doing the exercises in C++ for Dummies followed by C++ Primer (Best and most complete programming book I have ever read) before I even started college a few years ago and so when I took my first C class and then a C++ class when I started my current university I could have practically taught both of them. C/C++ is too broad to be taught in a college classroom, believe me when I say if you don't teach yourself you will be highly inadequate at doing anything useful at all. With that said, C/C++ have for the most part become languages for very specialized applications. For app development you want Java (For Android) and Swift (for iOS). Learn the syntactics of those languages first and then order a book or two about app development using those languages. Its a very steep learning curve and requires a lot of work outside of the classroom but it is a very rewarding experience, IMO.
  7. nardolaflare

    nardolaflare New Member

    Haha you guys are sharp.
  8. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    The issue I'm having right now is writing programs on Code::Blocks for Windows and then they don't run on XCode nor Code::Blocks for Mac.

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