Bill Cosby Rape Accusations

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Ra, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Its unbelieveable.

    This forum has turned into a race baiting one or racial vicitimization.
  2. christine dubois

    christine dubois Well-Known Member

    It is fascinating to see that those who defended Cosby so passionately, suddenly became so quiet.
    It is also alarming to see (once again) that some like to believe that women either have to be sluts or gold diggers.
    That a woman is telling the truth and this truth reappears decades later , is apparently hard to believe. But times are changing, fortunately. Women get more rights, equality and at least more power. A little actress/girl against an Enterteinment King? Too short skirt and she was with a man at night, at a party wanted to have fun? What else did she expect? Or does she even deserve? Even today, women still have to defend themselves for what they wear,when they have been in a bar, what they've said, how they've looked, whether they have been drinking, for their credibility.

    To make a woman submissive has nothing to do with opportunities. It is the acting out of power. And if he wanted her asleep ... anyone can imagine what's the reason for. He did not want a fan, not a woman who wanted him.
    Too bad the way, also I have often seen his show and found it really cool. Today I feel ripped off.
    To judge Cosby before proof is of course wrong, but immediatly to accuse the "victims" of lying and insult them either. Sometimes it would be just smart to be patient and listen.

    And speaking of rape, it is not an issue of race, the desire for rape can be found everywhere in the world, as we know unfortunatly.
  3. hellified

    hellified Active Member

  4. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    A million reps to u. I so agree

  5. z

    z Well-Known Member

    It's a big Shame Cos has to go down like this in history. As much as it would pain me to see him as criminal, things are pointing in that direction. It seems he probably led much different life than the one we saw in show biz.

    It just disturbing to me that he needed to do this, he was very popular and part of the in crowd during sexual revolution, civil right movement era and the whole shaft thing, he could have had several good looking freaky white chicks get with him with out any issue, just sad he had to resort to drugging them. For fuck sake Janet Dickerson was willfully fucking everyone in studio 54 so no need to drug her.

    For those bringing up Polaski and Allen, it does not make sense. By your logic just cause a WM got away with crime Cos should as well? That is a ridiculous thought process. Besides Allen was creepy but not a criminal. Oh Polaski was a criminal and can't even step on US soil, so there goes your logic.....

    For those who say Cos is completely innocent, I am not buying it... if he was, he would be fighting to death to clear his name. The guy is 77 yo and his name is being dragged in mud everywhere, losing financial opportunities, his legacy being tarnished and he just sitting back and watching, don't think so. The least he could do is sue these folks for slandering his name, alas there must be something to their claim......

    Also yes Cos portrayed to be a gentleman in show biz, donated lots to black schools and causes, has opened some door for blacks in Entertainment but still if he is guilty of these crimes that he has been accused of then he is a slime ball and dart bag, no excuse cause of some good deeds
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2015
  6. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    So in your mind it has nothing to do with race at all?
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This is a very good point but then you have to wonder why come forward now
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    Cause rape was mostly viewed as their (womans) fault.

    He threatened them saying he would ruined their lives.

    The stigma of rape.

    I had a thread that by accident talked about this and alot of women here talked about it.

    Of course i took it down cause it was painful to read guess what? Not one dude commented in it.
  10. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    Bill Cosby being vilified in the media over the last several months has zero to do with his skin color and everything to do with the fact that he's a SERIAL RAPIST that has been apparently getting away with it for decades.

    Being a rapist has zero to do with a person's skin color. Zero.
  11. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    In regard to if it was a wm versus a bm too much speculation. I doubt that.

    As far as women getting naked and changing their minds....that happened to me.

    Note to women if u have any doubt at any time then dont take your clothes off. your drink.

  12. Since1980

    Since1980 Well-Known Member

    Especially in this case. Hell, if anything Cosby has spent much of his career immune to the kind of visible racism and race-based criticism that a lot of other famous black people face. Even now, he still has a ton of defenders both male and female. The man has spent decades made of Teflon.
  13. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    And drawing crowds at his stage performances this year during the outing of his behavior.
  14. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Just saying there are probably hundreds if not thousands of women from the 1960-'70s who went through the exact same scenario that Bill Cosby did with all these women, except the celeb was famous and a WM.

    So far I don't recall of another A-list male celeb from that era being accused of rape, although commons sense says there sure were others.
    Naw, if Cosby was White, I think there's a greater than 50/50 chance no woman from decades ago is going to say he raped her.

    You don't think Janice Dickinson was given pills/coke/booze by dudes in the drug haze of Studio 54 and had sex she doesn't remember giving her consent about because she was too high at the time??

    Actually if Cosby gave her quaaludes that she willingly took, knowing her history and knowledge about the effect of that drug, she probably doesn't accuse him of rape.

    EDIT: Janice Dickinson said Cosby gave her a drink AND a pill before allegedly raping her. He never spiked her drink. Hm. Janis is no novice girl scout. She knew the move.
    Cosby flew her out to Lake Tahoe, took her up to his hotel room, he got undressed and put on a robe before giving her a drink and a pill. What the hell did she think was going on??

    This is a photo DIckinson took before he allegedly raped her in 1982.
    I'm gonna cross her off the list as one of his victims.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  15. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    He invited her to Lake Tahoe to discuss a project. Seriously AB.
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    That was a line though, nothing ever came of it. And Cosby used the same script with other women.

    Joan Tarshis, the woman who claimed Cosby raped her when she was 19, said that Cosby later on invited her to a show and afterwards raped her again.

    What rape victim goes back willingly to see the same man who already raped her??

    I'm just back and forth on this, to the point it's hard to comment on it.

    The more you read from some of these victims, the harder it is for me to form an opinion.

    In her memoir, Janice says that when she arrived in Tahoe, he greeted her at his hotel room door in nothing but a towel after just taking a shower. She describes his Black skin as 'glistening' before he kissed her full on the mouth and saying how much he missed her(did they already know each other previously??).

    Janice, Bill and Cobby's manager all went to dinner, attended a show, then back up in Cosby's hotel suite when the two of them were alone is when Janice Dickinsen says he raped her.

    The statute of limitations is both good and bad.

    In some cases it can shield criminals when law enforcement doesn't have enough evidence at the time to convict, and it can defend people from false allegations when alleged victims decide to falsely accuse someone.

    Cosby fits somewhere in that grey area I think.

    I don't think he's totally innocent, but I do think he's being victimized too by some of these women.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I hate to be mean and disregard when someone says they have been raped but this woman's history is clouded. If I were on a jury, I would have a hard time believing her given what I know about her. I never at any time put her on the list(That isn't a stab to say I am better than you for not putting her on the list but that you are probably better than me because putting her on the list means you at least gave a her chance)
  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Janice did say that Cosby's lawyers asked her to delete a part from that night when she initially wrote the book. I'll have to look it up to find out exactly what that was about..

    AB..its so hard to express what it's like to be a woman in a man's world... you have an idea as a black man what it's like to live in a white man's world... sometimes you just put up with shit that you never would normally. I understand how a man can do something very bad to a woman and she will suppress it and make excuses even for that person...

    Rape is such a gross violation of such intimate nature, that I can understand why these women chose to deflect from that memory. Imagine If you were raped, how do you think you would react going forth in your life. It's not something you would shout about.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  19. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Generally I give women the benefit of the doubt when it comes to rape.
    I'd say 99% of women don't lie about it happening.

    But myself like most men envision rape as a maniac breaking into a women's apartment late at night, holding a knife to her throat and raping her the dark before beating her senseless.

    Most rapes in reality don't happen that way and many are committed against women by acquaintances, not strangers.

    But I get the feeling Janice and Bill Cosby had some kind of intimate history before the Lake Tahoe incident, and the way she seemed to be giving out false signals and encouraging his advances is bizarre to me.

    At least with the women I know, if I buy them a ticket to see me at a hotel and I show up at the door in nothing but a towel and start kissing them, if sex isn't on the menu later on tonight, that message is sent loud and clear from the jump.

    In fact most women wouldn't even accept the invite because it assumes something more intimate might occur.

    Personally I do believe Cosby raped some women.
    But what some of these women described just seems fuzzy to me.

    That's why I'm not going to comment on it anymore.

    The more I read, calling him a serial rapist might not be accurate.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2015
  20. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I also think we're seeing a picture painted that may not necessarily match what actually happened but it feeds the misconceptions of others based on personal experience. Personally I think events might be closer to what you said where he was famous during the heavy drug era partying scene of the 60s and 70s (which helps me with race part of it) and it carried over into the fame of the 80s where he started probably feeling entitled to women.

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